Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:
We Do What We Want To

~ POV: Sydney~

I was sitting in the Creamery, just drinking my coffee. I saw a man staring at me from across the room. I blushed and looked down at my book.

I heard somebody sit across from me. I looked up to see the guy. I recognized him.

Valentino Arteaga from Of Mice and Men. I was dying.

"Hi." He smiled at me.

"Hello." I smiled back. "You're Tino from Of Mice and Men, right?"

"Yep! That'd be me." He grinned. "You're Sydney, right?"

I was surprised he knew my name. "Uh. Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Well, I met Taryn, Mariah, Alexis and Jaiden the other night. They told me about you, and I looked up Insert Tittle Here last night. You are amazing on Guitar!" He complimented. I blushed.

"Thanks! You're an amazing drummer!" He blushed then.

"Thank you. So, you come here a lot?" He asked, using the old pick up line.

I laughed. "Sometimes." I shrugged. We talk for hours. When I went home, I leaned against the door and sighed. So much fun.


~POV: Jaiden~

I heard the door knock. I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I yawned and ran up the couple stairs to the door. I unlocked it and opened it to see a smiling Aaron.

"Aaron! I squealed. I hugged him tightly, and he hugged me back.

"Told you." He whispered in my ear. I looked over his shoulder to see the guys behind him.

"Hey guys." I greeted them after Aaron and I let go of each other.

They said hey and each of them hugged me. Aaron stood beside me. We all walked back to the basement. The guys all took the five open spots.

"Humph." I muttered. I walked over to Aaron who sat where I normally did and sat on his lap.

He laughed lightly in my ear. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me back against his chest. I had to admit, I was extremely comfortable! Tino got up and stood at the door where Taryn was getting dressed. I on the other hand was still in yesterday's clothes with my glasses on.

Taryn walked out, got tackled by Tino, cozied up with Austin, then left with Austin. I laid my head back in the crook of Aaron's neck. He kissed my cheek gently. Then, mom walked in.

"Okay, kids! What are you all doing today?" She asked.

"Nothing, yet... Why?" Alan asked.

"Get up, losers! We're going shopping!" She said. "Jaiden, go get dressed. You're a mess." She told me. I scoffed and got up.

"Fine! Fine, Mama! Fiiinnneee!" I said getting up off Aaron. I ran up the stairs, put in my contacts, showered, and got dressed.

I ran out to the open area that had the kitchen, dining room, and living room in one general area. Mom sat at her normal spot, Aaron and Alan beside her, Phil across from her, Tino stood behind Alan. They were all laughing.

"Mom! What did you do?" I asked, walking up behind Aaron.

"Nothing, nothing. Just telling a story." She said innocently. "Now let's go." We all got in my car and Mom's. Mom, Tino, Phil, and Alan rode in Mom's car. Myself and Aaron in my car. I turned on Linkin Park's Living Things. We jammed out all the way to Wal-Mart. We parked beside my mom and the guys and got out.

"Okay. I have my list. I am a woman on a mission!" Mom declared. We all walked in together, Mom at the head, Aaron and I at the end. Mom got a cart and so did Tino.

"What's the cart for?" Aaron asked. Tino looked directly at me.

"Jaiden, get in the cart." He demanded. I shrugged and got in.

"Woah, woah wait." Aaron started. "If anyone is pushing Jaiden, it'll be me. Tino, move it." Tino did as Aaron told him, and he started to run, pushing me in the cart. I cheered as he ran. The laughter of the guys and Mom behind us. He stopped abruptly. The others caught up with us.

The event was insane. Jokes, laughter, free samples, stuff being thrown, others being pushed in the cart, and me getting attacked by Aaron. At one point, I was just on his back. But the best part hadn't come yet.

We were in the chocolate isle. My mom sighed and picked up the Hershey Chocolate Chip box.

"Ugh! No Milk Chocolate Chips!" She complained. I walked over to her, and took the box from her. I took it and football kicked it to the other side of the isle. The guys and Mom started cheering. I picked back up the box and threw it down.

We all quickly left the isle laughing. I leaned on Aaron when we got to the next isle. I was laughing so hard that I almost fell over. Luckily Aaron's arm around my waist kept me up.

We finally checked out and got everything loaded. I smiled and got in the car with Aaron. He leaned over and kissed my neck.

"I had fun. You're funnier than you seem." He joked.

I laughed. "You're cute. That's good. That's what you've got going for you. The rip on my humor was not." I started driving behind my mom. We finally got to the house and we quickly got out of the car. We got everything put in the house, I got a text from Taryn.

'Staying with Austin. See you tomorrow.' It read. Aaron walked up behind me, and put his arms around my waist, and his head on my shoulder.

"So, she's at the apartment?" He asked. I nodded. "Maybe, do you need another houseguest?" He smirked.

"Nah. My mom has a rule about guys staying over. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled and turned to him. He started to lean in. The tease once again just kissed my cheek. I smiled at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful." He smiled back, and kissed my forehead. Aaron and the guys left soon after. Mom and I settled down to watch Eliza's favorite movie- Mean Girls.

"You like Aaron, don't you?"
Mom asked me.

"I do, Mom. I really do." I said, leaning back. She rubbed my leg gently.

"I approve." She smiled. I hugged her tightly.

"That's all I needed."


Chapter Title Credit-
Sleeping With Sirens;
Do It Now, Remember It Later

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