Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen: Behind Those Eyes

~POV: Jaiden~

I stood outside the door to Dayshell's green room. I was nervous to see Shay. I was about to knock when the door flew open. Raul stood with the door wide open, Jordan behind him.

"Hey, guys!" I greeted them.

"Jaiden!" The exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

"Where's Tyler?" I asked. Raul looked down.

"He quit..." He said sadly.

"Who are you guys talking to?" Shay called.

"Jaiden's here!" Jordan yelled. The two boys waved goodbye to me and left me. I walked in the room to see Shayley sitting back on one of the couches. He stood up.

"You came..." He said in disbelief.

"I did." I said.

"What about Aaron?" He asked.

"He knows where I am. So do the rest of them. The girls say hello."

"Where do I stand?" He asked. Such a simple question, but such a complex answer.

"With me." With that answer, Shay came closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, he put his lips on mine. My eyes went shut and I started to kiss him back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying to bring him closer to me. He tapped my thigh, signaling for me to jump. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

He backed up, and sat on the couch, me straddling his lap. He ran his hands up and down my back as I ran my fingers through his hair. He started to tug at the flannel I wore over my black ITH t-shirt that said, "Outsider" across the front in white.

I let him take it off. I bit his lower lip gently, asking for entrance that he granted. We sat making out until the guys came back in.

"You shoulda seen his fa- oh my gosh! Jordan! Cover your eyes! You're too innocent for this sight." Raul yelled. Shay and I flew apart, and he pushed me off his lap so I was sitting beside him.

"What sight?" Jordan asked as he walked in. He saw my flannel on the floor. "Jaid took off her flannel? So what?"

"She didn't! Shay did!" Raul yelled.

"Raul, you're delusional." Shay said.

"No I'm not! Jaiden was on your lap, and you two were making out!" He yelled.

"We weren't making out!" I yelled. "My contact folded up in the corner of my eye and I couldn't see, so I was on Shay's lap so he could help me. Then you two walked in and I sat back beside him." I lied. Raul shook his head and moved closer.

"Both of your lips are swollen, Jaiden, your shirt is messed up in the back, Shay, your hair is a mess and before we left, you said you were about to put your lip ring in, and you still would've done that even with Jai here. It's still not in." Raul said.

"Impressive detective skills, Raul. Too bad that you're wrong." Shay said. I nodded. Raul let out a frustrated groan.

"Aren't you Aaron Pauley's girlfriend, anyways, Jai?" Jordan asked. I thought about it.

"I don't know." I answered truthfully. Jordan walked over and sat on the other couch.

"So how is Warped Tour?" I told them all about the pranks, the people I had met, the fun I'd been having, getting to scream on stage, singing with All Time Low, and then about Mariah and Phil (after Shay asked.).

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