Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five:
Say Hello

Two months later.

~POV: Jaiden~

"Aaron! C'mon! We're gonna be late!" I heard Shay yell to Aaron. Aaron slipped on his shirt before leaning down and kissing me deeply, grabbing my waist and pulling my hips to his.

"I'll see you later, babe. Be good. Watch Daisy as if she is your own dog!" Aaron said before petting his Boston Terrier and going out with Shayley. I looked at the dog lying on Aaron's bed.

"Just me and you, huh, Daisy?" I asked her, sitting down on the bed. I affectionately rubbed her head before standing up and start leaving the room. "You coming, puppy?" I asked the dog. She hopped off the bed and followed me in response. We walked out to the kitchen. I picked up Daisy's bowls and put them on the couch before getting the pizza I had Shay pick up for me. I got some coke and sat on the couch. Daisy sat beside me on the couch as I turned on Once Upon A Time.

I stroked the top of Daisy's head as we watched the show together. It had been about two hours. I heard a knock on the door. I got up and whistled for Daisy to follow. I opened the door to see Amanda. Daisy ran right to her. Amanda got down and picked her dog up.

"Hi, baby." Amanda greeted her beloved dog as she scratched behind the dog's ear. "Tell Aaron thanks for watching her. You, too, Jaiden. Hey, how is everything with Aaron?"

"Amazing! Still heels over head." I smiled. "How's Dan?" Dan was who Amanda cheated on Aaron with. Both times. They were heels over head like Aaron and I were for each other.

"Great. He's been acting odd recently. I don't know what it is... So, where is Aaron tonight, anyways?" She asked.

"He and Shay went to a music festival." I said.

"So, you're here all alone, tonight?" She asked, scratching her behind dog's ear.

"Yep. Daisy was keeping me company. I'm just gonna lock up and go home. I'm supposed to pick Jack up at the airport in an hour." I informed with a shrug.

"You and Aaron live separate?" Her eyebrows furrowed together.

"Yep. We decided that it would be best." I confirmed.

"That's sweet! Honestly it is." Amanda smiled at me. "Well, I gotta get my baby puppy home. I'll see you later, Jaiden."

"You, too, Amanda." She walked down the hall holding her dog to her side.

I shut the door and cleaned up, leaving the left over pizza for Aaron in his fridge on a plate. I put on my shoes and grabbed my denim jacket. I slipped out the door, locking it behind me. I put my key in my top pocket before walking over to my apartment across the street. I unlocked my door and walked in. I took my jacket off before going back to my bedroom. I got my phone to see a post notification from Shayley and Aaron both and a comment.

"Having a great time with my girlfriend's ex-fiancé!" Then Aaron tagged both Shay and I. I liked both pictures. I grinned and took a selfie.

"Hooome! Can't wait to see my son!" Then tagged Jack. I posted the photo only to be bombarded with likes and comments. Even with one album out, ITH had an amazing fanbase. I smiled. I grabbed my keys before going down to the garage. I drove to the airport while listening to My Chemical Romance. I pulled up outside to see Jack on his phone. I rolled down the passenger side window.

"Hey, sexy! Wanna ride?" I called to him. He looked up from his phone. He laughed.

"Oh, yeah!" He put his suitcase in the back of my Honda and got up front. "Pimp Mobil away!" I hit the gas and we started driving. "I'm staying with you, right?" I nodded. "And we're recording the single tomorrow?" I nodded again. He leaned against my arm. I kissed the top of his head.

"Go to sleep, Jacky. I'll wake you when we're home." I told him. We drove for half an hour until we pulled into my parking space. We walked the stairs to my apartment, Jack leaning on me the entire time. I unlocked my door and we walked in. Jack mumbled a good night before going back to his room. I put my jacket over the back of the couch again before going and getting a shower. I got out and got in bed. I sighed and rolled over. I was almost asleep when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered groggily.

"Hey. Mind letting me in? I accidently forgot my apartment key, so mind if I stay with you tonight?" Aaron asked. I grumbled a response before walking out in my pajama shorts and tank top. I opened the door to see Aaron leaning against the frame. He held me by the waist as he stepped in. He placed his lips on mine. "Thanks, babe." He mumbled against my lips before kissing me. I kissed back briefly before pulling away.

"Go get showered. I'm going back to bed." I told him before stumbling back to bed. I laid there for a half hour by myself until Aaron laid beside me. His bare legs intertwined with mine as he pulled me close to him. I laid my heat over his heart. He kissed my forehead softly as I drifted off to sleep. I put my hands on his bare stomach. "I love you, Aaron." I told him.

"I love you, too. Forever, Jaiden." He whispered softly.


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