Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen: Haven't You Heard?
I'm Not Yours Anymore!

*Two Week Time Skip*

~POV: Jaiden~

I sighed as I walked into the building. My final year. My final few months. Abby immediately ran to me.

"Jaiden!!! It's odd not seeing you and Shay joined at the hip!" She joked. I hugged my best friend.

"Good to see you, too, Abby." I joked with her. I put my arm around her waist and she put hers around my shoulder. We walked through the hall together to our lockers. "Only five months." I said, shutting my locker. "And we'll be out and recording and touring!" I grinned. Abby nodded. The bell rang and off to class we ran.


*Five Month Time Skip Because of Lazy Author*

Abby and I cheered as we left the gymnasium for early graduation. Shay ran up to me and hugged me, spinning me around and kissing me.

"IT IS FINISHED!" He yelled. I laughed. Abby was over with her family. My band, Of Mice, Dayshell, Jack, Alex, and my family stood with me. Mariah and her family walked over. She had graduated early too. It was perfect.

"INSERT TITTLE HERE IS READY! WE HAVE GRADUATED! WE HAVE MUSIC! WE ARE RELEASING AN ALBUM! WE ARE GOING ON TOUR! COME AND GET US WORLD!" I screamed. We were all cheering. We went to my house, where we were having a party. My house was normally the meeting place. We walked in to find pizza and chips and party stuff.

The girls and I took off our caps and gowns so we were in our dresses. Mariah's was short and blue. Abby's went to her mid-calf with lace capped sleeves, and was a beautiful shade of red. Mine was a knee length flair dress that was tighter at the top, strapless, and a midnight purple.

Everybody was talking, mingling, and eating. I got my laptop and projector and brought it out. I set it up on the end of the table. I had set out a slide show of us three girls. It had pictures from Warped, our first concert, our friendships over the years, baby pictures, you name it, it was in there. I finished setting it up when Aaron approached me.

"Congratulations!" He said.

"Thanks! How have you been?"

"Good. You look amazing!" He complimented. "I always knew you were beautiful, but oh my gosh. You look just, I can't even describe it." He said.

"Thank you! How's Amanda?"

"Good. We're working on plans for the wedding."

"Oh good." I said, not much enthusiasm in my voice, more disappointment.

"Yeah. I'm excited." He shrugged.

"Good." I said, disappointment was obvious in my voice now.

"Jaiden? What's wrong?" Aaron put his hand on my shoulder. I flinched.

"Please take your hand off my shoulder." I said. Fear quaked in my voice. Jack ran over. He grabbed me from Aaron and drug me back the hallways to my bedroom. Jack shut the door quietly. He turned to me and put his hands on my upper arms.

"Jaiden?" He asked. He was looking me dead in the eyes. "Jai? Come on, Jaid. Come back to me." He begged. I just stood scared. He pulled me to him, hugging me. "Come on. Come back to me." He kissed above my ear. He rubbed my back. "Come on." Jack was the only one who knew what happened.

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