Chapter Twenty Seven*

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Chapter Twenty Seven:
To Misery

Four months later

~POV: Shayley~

"Good morning, baby." I heard. I opened my eyes to see my beautiful girlfriend- Berlin.

Jaiden and I called off the engagement a month later. She said she was too young and confused. We are still best friends. If we were teenage girls- it wouldn't make a difference.

"Hey. It's time for you to get up. You've got to go meet the others. It's your day!" Berlin said. Berlin and I had met after Jaiden and I called it off. She was so much like Jaiden- you would think they're sisters!

"Oh! Yeah! Jaiden and the guys and girls!" I said. I got out of bed, softly kissed Berlin and went to get dressed. I kissed Berlin one last time before leaving. I drove to the buses. Jaiden was half asleep against Abby- who was half asleep on Aaron. The others were leaning on each other- except Jordan. Jordan was on the ground. I walked over to Jaiden and pulled her from Abby, hugging her. She leaned on me.

"Hello, Shayley Dayshell."
She greeted me. She took out her phone and started playing Misery by Green Day. We started to do a slow polka. She had taught me when we had been together. I let her go and she did a polka step around me. The other took out their phones and started recording is. We got back together and did another slightly more complicated polka step. I spun her out and she did a polka step back. We continued to dance until the song ended. We laughed and hugged.

"How are you, Jai?" I asked her.

"Excited for tour. This is gonna be epic!" Then her phone started to play Besitos. Everybody yelled along as we all did stupid dances. Little did we know- a certain famous photographer was filming us. We all laughed and boarded our buses.

Well, Dayshell and Of Mice were on their buses, Jaiden, Abby and their crew on the Insert bus. And Aaron. Aaron was on the Insert bus because of problems with everyone wanting to be with their significant other. I laid in my bunk and sighed. What a day already.


~POV: Jaiden~

I finished putting my brown sheets on my bunk in my normal corner. Aaron was beside me, Abby above me. Across from me was where Abby and I kept our stuff. Yep. Few crew- few others.

"Jaiden!!!" My assistant- Debby yelled.

"Beeeeen!" I yelled back.

"Aaron took where I like to be!" He whined.

"What? The bunk? Deb, deal." I said sternly.

"No! Up your butt!" He said. "Though, TBH, I'd like Shayley up mine..." Ben smirked. Ben had had a crush on Shay since they met. Ben claimed that Shay was the only man he'd do. That's why he has Herpes.

"Hey, Jai." Aaron said. I felt something I hadn't in months- butterflies in my stomach and my heart do this weird thing- skipping a beat.

"Y-yeah?" I asked.

"Wanna watch a movie with me and Abby?" He asked.

"Oh, she'd love to!" Ben exclaimed, shoving me into Aaron's chest. I almost fell backwards as the bus lurched. Aaron caught me just before I hit the floor.

"You okay?" He asked. I gulped and nodded. He helped me up and we walked out, Debby behind us. We all sat down on the couch and Aaron put in Titanic. He sat down beside me and put his arm on the back of the couch. I held Abby's hand and cried with her through the movie. By the time it was over, Abby had fallen asleep on me and Ben was on his phone.

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