Chapter Twenty Six ~

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Chapter Twenty Six:
And You Are Mine

~POV: Shayley~

I sat beside Jaiden as she paced. She had taken a pregnancy test. I was terrified and she was petrified.

"What if I am? Oh my gosh. I'll be dead if I am. I don't want to be!" She said. I had the rest beside me.

"Thirty seconds."

"But how would I tell Aaron?! Would he want to be involved- what would we tell the baby?! We tell it that your its real dad? What about tour?!" She continued.

"Fifteen seconds."

"My career, my family. Everything. I just can't!" She had tears streaming down her face. I got up and hugged her. She cried into my chest as I held her.

"You'll always have me. I know that Jack would be more than willing to help. And your mom would stay by your side. I know her." I told her. She nodded and I pulled away a little. "It's time." I told her. I didn't look, I just handed it to her. She looked. She nodded. Her eyes spilled over with tears. Sobs wracked her body. I held onto her tightly. I knew what it was. "It's all going to be alright." I told her.

"No. This are happy tears! I'm good! I'm negative!" She reported. I grinned and hugged her, picking her up and spinning her around. I kissed her quickly. "Thank God!" She hugged me back.

"I'm so relieved." I told her. She nodded. There was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I left the bathroom and walked out to the door. The door opened to reveal a panicking Aaron.

"Where is she? Jaiden!" He yelled. Jaiden stepped out of the bathroom.

"A-Aaron!" She stuttered.

"Jaiden! So, are we having a baby?" He asked her, his face worried.

"Are we having a baby?! We?! No, Aaron. We aren't! I'm not pregnant, and if I was- may be blood, but I wouldn't want it to call you dad." She said.

"W-Why?" He asked.

"Aaron," she sighed. "Shay and I are in love. You and I are a light switch- on and off constantly. That's not what I need." I said.

"Do you really know what you need?" He asked her. He then turned and left. I shut the door. Jaiden leaned against the wall, looking stressed. I went to her. My place was beside her. Forever and always.


Jaiden sat beside me gently rubbing my shoulder.

"Hey, baby." She said. She started to kiss my neck. "Hey, baby." She said again.

"Yes, my love?" Her arms wrapped around my neck, gently rubbing my collar and down my chest.

"I loooove you." She whisper in my ear before kissing behind it.

"I love you, too." I said back. I grabbed her waist and pulled her from behind me. She squealed and landed in my lap. She giggled as I tickled her stomach and peppered her neck with light kissed. I stopped and stared into her eyes. I gently touched her cheek.

"What day is it?" She asked softly.

"Saturday." I said, leaning in.

"What time?" She asked with a sexy smirk.

"Three fifty nine." I also smirked. Jaiden flew off my lap and ran straight out to the living room. I walked out to see my girlfriend curled up on the couch with BBC. "Doctor Who night?" She nodded.

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