Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight:

~POV: Aaron~

I walked into the door of my apartment and sighed. I sat down on the couch, leaving my suitcase at the door. Jaiden was at her apartment and I was now lonely. I got my phone out of my jacket pocket and text Jaiden, "Come back, babe! I already miss my gorgeous fiancé!" I smiled. I still couldn't believe she said yes. I was head over heels in love for her.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone. "Then why don't you do like I am and go to sleep?" The text read. I smirked and sent back, "But I like sleeping with yoooou!" I smiled and put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my keys. I walked over to Jaiden's building and unlocked her door using my key.

I slipped in and locked the door behind me. I hung up my jacket on the jacket rack and took off my shoes before walking back to Jaiden's room. I took off my shirt and folded it over before taking off my pants, folding them too and putting them on top of the dresser. I laid down in the bed next to my sleeping fiancé. I would never get use to calling Jaiden Tasker my fiancé.

I softly kissed her neck and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her body closer to mine. She turned in her sleep and snuggled into my chest. I breathed in her scent. She always smelt like lavender. It was odd, but I loved it.

Jaiden's phone started playing Carry On My Wayward Son. I picked it up and answered it for her.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey! I was just calling to check on you!" A voice came through the speaker.

"We're okay. Who is this?" I asked.

"Mimi... Oh! This is Aaron! Okay!" The voice identified as Mimi said. Jaiden sat up a bit.

"Who is it?" She mouthed.

"Mimi." I mouthed back. She took the phone from me.

"Hi, Mimi!" She said. She smiled. "Yeah, that was him... Yes! I very well am... No. I was asleep. He came in and I didn't hear him... Yes he has a key! He has for awhile... Okay. Love you, too... Tell them I said hey... Okay. Bye!" And she hung up the phone. I raised an eyebrow. "Uncle Barry and Kyler are over. And she's also questioning our relationship. She thought it was Shayley at first!" Jaiden said. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist. I pulled her back on me. She grinned up at me, a loving look in her eyes. I looked deep into her sea green eyes. I leaned in and gently placed my lips to hers. She kissed back immediately. I pulled back slowly.

"I love you." I said to her.

"I love you, too." She said back. She kissed me one more time before laying on her side, facing away from me. "Now sleep!" She said. I chuckled, but still wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed behind her ear softly. Moments later, I knew she was asleep. I couldn't, though. I was  thinking too much. I had a plan, and I needed to start on it ASAP. I got up and slid back on my jeans before getting to work.

~POV: Jaiden~

I woke up alone. My door was shut and something hung on the back. I couldn't see it without my glasses. I picked them up from beside my bed and slid them on. I looked at it to see a black laced flair skirt that I knew almost came down to my knees and a white shirt with sleeves came down to below my elbows. A note hung on it. I got up and walked over to it. The note read "Get ready." That was it. I shook my head and got the outfit from the back of the door.

I got ready, even curling my hair and putting on eyeliner and mascara. I walked over to my bedside table where I had put my ring before I fell asleep and picked up the beautiful piece of jewelry. I slid it on my finger and grinned at the thought of my fiancé.  I opened the door to see a white sheet covering the wall with fairy lights all over the place. I saw a sticky note on the sheet. "I love..."  It read. Then I looked to see more.

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