Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve: Both Started Running

(POV: Aaron.)

We had arrived at the next venue, and everybody was up. Except Jaiden. We were all arguing over who was to wake her up.

"Taryn! You're her BFF! Go!" Alexis argued.

"But she trusts you the most!" Sydney said.

"But Mariah is her classmate." Austin said.

"But she'll yell and scream at me!" Mariah protested.

"She loves Aaron! And he's probably the safest out of all of us!" Alan said. I sighed and got up. I walked back and sat down on the floor beside her bunk. After deciding against sitting beside her, I climbed in her bunk and laid beside her. I gently kissed down her neck.

"Lazy lover, find a place for me again. Felt it once before I know you did. I could see it. Whiskey princess, drink me under, pull me in." I sang to her. She slowly started to wake up. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Morning." She groaned. "Hey, babe. Why does my head ache so badly?"

"Because you were piss drunk last night." I explain quietly. She groaned.

"Can you go get me some pills and water, please?" She asked. I nodded and kissed her forehead.

"She was that drunk last night?" Austin asked. I nodded and grabbed her a bottle of water and three aspirin. I brought it back to her and handed them over. She mumbled a thanks and down the pills dry, then drank the water.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked her.

"Uh, let's see," she started. "Jack drug me out on the floor as soon as we got there, he got me a drink, I told him it was my first time, he told me to drink it, I did. Things got fuzzy. I drank more and more through dancing until What's My Age Again came on, then that's all I remember." She finished.

"So, you don't remember coming back here?" He asked. Her eyes widened.

"We didn't have sex, did we?" She asked panicked.

"No, no, no. I stopped you." I assured her. She nodded.

"What did I say?" She asked.

"That you wanted me. You were making sense! Actual sense." I told her. I sat in her bunk with her. She put her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her. "I told you that I wanted you, too. But not drunk. I wanted to make sure you remembered it."

"Thank you." She said. I kissed the top of her head.

"For what?" I looked down at her.

"Confirming what I thought was reality, but seemed as a dream." She said. I shook my head.

"Jaiden Tasker, you will be the one to end the planet. Even worse, you'll look cute doing it." I told her. She smiled and kissed me. I kissed her back deeply. The kiss got deeper and deeper. I put my hand on Jaiden's lower back, while she ran her fingers through my hair.

I gently pushed her back so she was laying on the bed, me on top of her. Her legs wrapped around my waist, drawing me closer. Our lips moved at the same pace. I broke the kiss and started to kiss down her neck.

"A-Aaron. Bus rule. You know it. I know it. Mariah and Phil don't listen to it." She said, breathing heavily. I sighed and laid beside her, still holding her close. I kissed down her neck again. I sighed closed my eyes.

"Aaron! We've got a Bryan Stars interview soon! He said that he accidentally lost the one you guys did. He needs another." Austin called back. Jaiden groaned.

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