What you thought when you saw him for the first time

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You and The Avengers were on a mission in Eastern Europe country of Sokovia. You and Clint had team up. Once you saw the HYRDA soldiers up in the trees, Clint told you,

" Burn the trees." You nodded. You used your powers and started to touch the trees and the trees started to burn and the HYDRA soldiers started to fall and Clint shot them with his arrows. " Great job Stark."

" Not quite yourself Barton." You smiled and ran. When Clint caught up with you, you with blue and silverish blur. " Im going to check it out, and find out what it is."

" Don't you dare, Y/n, your father will kill me." You smiled and ran. " Damn it kid." When a solider was in front of you, you pretty much burned him. Then a blue and silver blur came at you. It picked you up bridal style. When you got a closer look you saw this, cute, white haired, handsome looking man. But then you remembered, Agent Hill said that there's a guy who had white hair and had super speed, and also has a twin sister. You grabbed his shoulders and 'accidentally' burned him.

" Wait your not Wanda." he said in this sexiest accent. Then you saw Clint behind a bush, Then the guy ran towards him and flipped him.

" You didn't see that coming?" And ran to you.

" Back away." you said. You really didn't want him to go away. Then a HYDRA solider was behind you

" Stark, behind you!" Natasha said. and you snapped his neck. For a (your age) that was pretty violent. Then he gave this look like he knows you and he smiled at you and ran away. You looked back and he wasn't there.

" Clint's hurt." you said.

" Are you okay?" Your dad, Tony said.

" Yeah. Until that boy left." you really didn't say that last part you you wanted to.

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