What side? Part 2

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"I'm so sorry"

The final battle with Steve was at the Airport. Everyone looked at Steves team. You looked and saw Pietro. His jaw clenched and you closed your eyes. Everyone ran towards each other and you ran towards Pietro. Fighting him made you weak, it made him weak. You both looked at each other.

"I. Still. Love. You!" You said as you began to fight him.

"I. Still. Love. You. As. Well." You gave up and surrendered and so did Pietro.

"But I still have to fight your side."

"What side?" There was a big sound coming from where Steve and your dad were. You both began to run towards them. You shot a fireball at Bucky.

"Buck! WHAT DID YOU DO!" Steve yelled. He threw his shield at you and making you fall.

"Y/n!" Tony screamed.

"Princezna!" Pietro ran towards you. "It's going to be okay!"

"You hurt my daughter!" All you heard was a reactor powering up and seeing Steve fly cross the room. You both stood up and saw Crossbones.

"Hello Stark." And a shot went off.

"NO! DAD!" You screamed. "YOU KILLED MY DAD! YOURE A MONSTER!" You cried. Pietro was holding you back.

"I had to. I mean I had to kill Cap. But your father, he just needed to go." He rose his gun at you.

"NO!" Pietro screamed and he took the bullet instead of you. Pietro fell down and you kneeled down.

"PIETRO! WAKE UP! Please!" You tried to wake him. But it didn't work. You heard footsteps coming to you. "KILL ME! EVERYONE I LOVE IS DEAD! SHOOT ME!" You had tears coming down. "SHOOT ME!"

"If you say so." Crossbones pointed the gun at you and shot you. You fell down and you shed your last tear. His footsteps walked away. You hold your hand with Pietro's.

"I love you so much. Till death do us apart. Pietro Maximoff I love you." You weakly smiled and cried. "I'll see you real soon." You closed your eyes and tightly hold his hand. All you knew was the time you open your eyes, Your dad, mom, Steve, Bucky, Grandma Maria, Grandpa Howard, Peggy Carter and Pietro were right there.


Crappy ending I know I'm sorry😫. If you want I'll be taking requests now. Just message me and tell me what you want:)

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