~Harry~ (1)

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The sounds of the crowd radiated through the stadium; echoing as they chanted our name. The cheering and screaming voices rising as their posters flailed about. 5 years into this business and I still remained rather awestruck by the amount of attention our band receives. Maybe the critics were right, the only direction we seemed to be heading was up...

As we emerged from the limousine, I did my best to smile at the audience despite the exhaustion I felt. The jet lag had definitely set in, and we only had three hours to rest before a press conference and an after-party this evening. I staggered over to the hotel bed letting my body collapse completely against the mattress. Thank goodness it was a soft mattress; I hated firm ones. I set my alarm on my phone and knew I could get at least two hours of sleep before having to get ready for tonight.

"Rise and shine man," Niall called out to me shaking my shoulders a few times. "Just five more minutes," I mumbled while placing one of the pillows over my face.

"In five minutes, we have to be in the conference room."

I groaned and reluctantly rolled out of bed. I adjusted my hair before going downstairs to the press room that the hotel had set up for us. I sat in the chair behind my nameplate and rolled up the sleeves of my gray sweater before tying my long hair up into a low bun. I smiled through the exhaustion and hoped my protruding dark circles weren't noticeable to the interviewers. There were about ten of them in the room today and an audience of around fifty fans.
The first interviewer was a woman who appeared in her early 30s she had a nice smile with dark eyes and dark brown hair; she was just Liams type. I didn't have to be sitting next to him to observe the obvious flirtatious smile he held.
"Do you guys have another tour date planned?"
"Not at this time." Liam immediately replied, "We enjoyed our travels throughout Europe and we hope, now that we are in LA, to take another tour to the States soon."
The woman smiled with confidence before taking another seat.
Another woman stood up, tall and blonde with a more prominent chest. Exactly, Louis type.
"Do you guys enjoy time together outside of the tours and recording studios? Or do you prefer to take the time for your hobbies and endeavors?"
Louis smiled casually, "The best part about our group is that we genuinely enjoy each other company. We are good friends. I think of these guys as my brothers. Of course, time to ourselves or to visit family is nice but we have fun together."
Niall smiled and nodded at Louis's response.
"Harry." A woman with short black hair called out my name as she stood up in the crowd,
"Be honest with us, is it true that you guys are all actually single? I find it so hard to believe such attractive young men as yourselves are still single."
I analyzed her face and could tell she was the type of reporter who loves the dirt. She wanted the drama and every gritty detail. Lucky for me I had nothing to tell her. Our lifestyle made it impossible for any kind of permanent relationship to exist and not all of us supported the idea of casual hookups either. Despite the reputation everyone naturally assumed I had; I wasn't into relationships.

"What's your name?'' I asked her casually.

"Amanda,'' she replied with a small nod.

"Well, Amanda I wish I could answer your question because, I mean, we got some real lookers up here but there is not really much to say."

"Yeah, so if any of you got single daughters you can meet with us after this." The crowd all laughed at Zayn's humor except for the woman who asked the question. I could tell she wasn't satisfied but I didn't have anything else to give her. I planned on staying single and it wasn't my place to speak on any of the other guy's one-night stands or other encounters. The questioning went on for another two hours. It was a little more relaxing when some of the fans got to ask questions.

"Harry, do you have a favorite tattoo that you have gotten?" One petite blonde girl asked me. She couldn't have been any older than 15.

"Um, that's obviously a hard question as I have so many. There are a lot that I really like because I guess the ones with the most meaning to me are dedicated to my family."

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