~Harry~ (49)

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"Do you remember when everyone thought we were gay?" Louis chuckled lightly before taking a sip of his drink. Liam started laughing, "Well we all know what side Harry chose." I smirked lightly and put my arm over Leslies shoulders. She leaned into my touch and smiled. I nodded my head towards Liam, "I mean the choice was rather obvious. Look at the material."
Louis suddenly looked offended, "You saying I am not attractive?" I shook my head from side to side, "Of course not Lou you're stunning in your own way."
"I prefer the term ravishing."
Sabrina rolled her eyes, "Oh please don't encourage his narcissism."
"You act like you know me."
"I know your arrogant type. You think you're all that but it wouldn't shock anybody if they found out you prefer taking it from the south end."
Madisons mouth went agape as Liam began choking on his drink. Leslie turned her head towards me covering her mouth with her hand as a pour attempt to hide her smile.
"Alright you keep talking girlie but let me tell you this love. You only hate what you can't have."
Sabrina scoffed, "Your fucking dense in the head to think I would ever want to be with you."
"Alright alright." Madison suddenly interjected, "Enough of all the arguing."
Liam nodded his head, "That's right we all can agree you and Harry are both fruitcakes." I furrowed my brows as Leslie laughed. Liam smirked and nodded towards Leslie and I,
"Be honest, Bright Eyes, he has his little quirks don't he." She gave me a slight side eye before smiling, "I don't really know if I can say."
"You can say whatever you want ole Harold isn't going to do anything." I furrowed my brows again and gave Liam a slight glare, "Why are we even talking about me when Louis is the single one?"
Louis scoffed, "I am not single I am searching. Keeping my options open. I don't want to settle for anyone."
Madison scoffed, "So you're saying Leslie and I are just nobodies and that they could do better?"  Louis began rubbing the back of his neck nervously as all three girls were glaring at him. Liam smirked before taking a sip of his drink, "I would watch what you say Lou."
He raised his hands up defensively, "I don't know why this is being turned on me in the first place when you were talking about Harry." He gestured towards me and shrugged my shoulders, "Well we are talking about you now, mate."
"I'm not getting railroaded here."
"No you started the topic now finish." Madison added a bit roughly. Leslie nodded her head smirked, "Yeah Louis go ahead." I could see him starting to sweat. He wiped his forehead quickly and gestured towards Liam and I,
"You all need to control your women." Sabrina quickly elbowed him in the stomach and he grunted, "They don't need to be controlled especially by fruitcakes like you." He hunched over grabbing his abdomen, "Alright. Alright. I get it."
Leslie and Madison smiled confidently as Sabrina stood up, "I don't know about the rest of you guys but I am bored of sitting I am going to get another stiff and going to dance. You girls want to join me?" Leslie and Madison nodded and stood up as well.
"Going to abandon us now?" Liam nodded towards Madison. She smiled, "Yep." She kissed his cheek, "I am sure you boys can entertain yourselves somehow unless you want to join us?"
"Absolutely not." Louis answered confidently and took a slip of his drink. Liam nodded, "Yeah no these two are shitty dancers. It's nauseating." I furrowed my brows defensively and he smiled. Leslie chuckled before kissing my cheek lightly. Liam quickly pointed at Leslie, "I know she agrees with me."
She smirked lightly, "I mean what he lacks there he does makeup for in another departments." Her tone turning slightly suggestive as she placed her hands on my shoulders. Louis rolled his eyes, "Oh gag me."
She smiled, "Would you rather have me do it or Harry? I mean he has bigger hands after all but you know that already don't you?"
I raised my hands up immediately, "Woah woah. Hold up." Louis leaned over the table, "This is what I am talking about. Get your girl mate!"
She winked,
"He will later tonight." My eyes widened as her and Madison strolled away rather seductively hand in hand. Liam and I exchanged wide eyed looks before looking over at Louis who had his arms crossed over his chest, "You two are both whipped. Absolutely saps. It's disgusting."
I shrugged my shoulders,
"Yeah but we're happy."
Liam nodded,
"And we get some."
Louis shook his head before looking at us offended, "Yeah well so do I and I can get it from any girl I want because I am the Louis Tomlinson." With that he got up and walked towards the bar.
I looked over at Liam, "Think we were too rough on him?"
He scoffed, "Nah if anything we went easy. He'll get over it."
Leslie did keep her promise as soon as we got in the car the foreplay began. My hand running up her thigh as she kissed my jawline and neck. I desperately tried to maintain my control until we got back to my house. I tossed my jacket onto the kitchen counter and slowly began to loosen my tie as I kissed her. I pulled her body closer to mine as we stumbled up stairs and made it into my bedroom. My hands ran up under the hem of her dress and she suddenly backed away,
"Wait." She smiled brightly as I leaned back into kiss her, "Let me slip into something more comfortable."
"Why?" I smirked lightly, "You won't be wearing anything in a few minutes anyway." Her mouth went slightly agape and I smirked, "Im being serious." she protested, "It will be worth it I promise." I let out a small groan and she smiled before running over to the closet. I proceeded to undress myself the rest of the way and pulled some grey sweat pants over my shorts. Five minutes went by. Then ten. Once fifteen minutes went passed I felt my confusion growing and made my way to the closest door. I turned the knob and it was locked,
"Les." I called out her name before knocking on the door. I heard a slight rustling sound,
"Leslie." I called louder. This time I heard what sounded like sniffing.
"Leslie Lenora, open the door."
"It's nothing I'm fine." I heard a slight crack in her voice as the knob slowly turned. She tried whipping the tears away from her cheeks. I pushed the door open wide and immediately grabbed ahold of her shoulders, "What on earth is the matter?" She hung her head low and wouldn't look at me.
"Leslie what happened? You need to tell me." She sniffed and shook her head no it's fine. I'm sorry I just don't feel like doing anything tonight."
I observed she hadn't even changed clothes she managed to undress herself but it was clear she never made it into what she wanted to wear,
"I don't give a shit about that Leslie. I want to know why you are crying." She hung her head low again before slowly turning to look back at her phone that was sitting on the floor,
"It doesn't matter." She said again and let out a small sigh, "I know that it's not a big deal." She wiped her eyes again, "Lets just go." She forced a smile on her lips and moved past me but I blocked the doorway,
"No not until we talk about this." I bent down and picked up her phone, opened it, and began scrolling through,
"Harry." She scoffed lightly as I left the room the room and continued going through her previously opened apps. She came out behind me and tried to pull her out of my hand, her body now wrapped in a robe. I held it up over her head out of reach,
"Can you just stop?!"
"Can you stop being so stubborn?!" I jested back and scrolled more until it hit me. She suddenly froze. I glanced over at her and she shifted her gaze to the floor, "Is this it?" I turned the phone around to face her showing her the conversations of comments about her and I. Most of them were negative. She sighed,
"I know that they are just opinions but they hurt." I continued to read through the comments. Insults about her and I. The way she looked, spoke, her career and how she ended up with me. I felt my jawline hardening and she winced lightly while placing her hand on my arm.
"You know what, every one of these people can fuck off."
"Harry." She said my name softly. I ran my fingers through my hair before tossing her phone onto the bed,
"And If you tell them; I will."
"Harry stop this is why I didn't want to tell you because you get so upset."
"Im upset because people hurt you."
"A lot of people hurt me Harry. It's been that way for a while but it's just hard sometimes."
"And it shouldn't have to be."
She shrugged her shoulders lightly, "Fans can just be extra passionate."
"Any person that says something bad about you isn't a fan of me. They obviously know nothing about me and can go fuck themselves for all I care."
"Harry." She said in a scolding sort of tone.
"I am serious Leslie. I am not going to sit back and just let people attack you. I would leave my career and everything behind before I left you." I placed my hands on her hips and pressed my forehead against hers, "I refuse to loose you."
"You're not going to loose me. I am not going anywhere no matter what criticism or opinions are out there. It hurt me in the moment yes but honestly I am fine."
"I love you." I said with everything I could muster. I felt myself desperately wanting her to know it every minute of the day. She smiled back at me warmly her arms wrapping around my neck,
"I love you too. Now why don't we get back to what we started." I smirked at her suggestive smile before quickly capturing her lips with mine.

Love You Goodbye - Harry Styles (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now