~Leslie~ (36)

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"Oh come on Leslie!" Madison begged through the phone as she persisted in convincing me to come on vacation with her and Liam.
"I cant have a birthday without my best friend."
"It's a couples trip Mads. I don't want to be third wheeling."
"You won't be because I'm forcing Sabrina to come as well."
I rolled my eyes, "I know for a fact Liam doesn't want me there."
Suddenly I heard Liams voice chime through,
"It doesn't matter what I want it's her birthday." He suddenly grunted and I could easily visualize Madison jabbing him in the ribs.
"Please come. Just for a day or two. You have to be at the birthday dinner at least."
I sighed in reluctance, "Okay. Fine I will get my things packed but I am not staying the whole week."
"It's a deal just get your ass out here. Liam and I are heading out tomorrow morning."
I shook my head slightly before declining the call.
The taxi can pulled up to the large beachside house. I said thank you to the driver and slowly walked up to the gate trailing my suitcases behind me. Liam was definitely extravagant. Maybe event more than Madison. Being quite extra is something they have in common. I pushed the button on the intercom.
"Who is it?" A familiar voice asked but I couldn't quite place who it belonged to.
"Leslie who?"
Then it suddenly hit me,
"Let me in dumbass."
There was a slight chuckle and the gate opened as I dragged my luggage up the driveway I was greeted by Louis.
"Well well well." He said with a playful smile,
"Who the fuck invited you?" I witted a bit crossly as Liam came out.
"Glad to know you two are already getting along."
I rolled my eyes immediately, "Where is Madison?"
"Upstairs taking three hours on deciding what she is going to wear for dinner tonight ."
I pulled out my phone from my back pocket,
"It's only 11:30."
He sighed before dragging his hands through his hair,
"That's what I said but she wants all of her outfits planned out."
"We aren't even leaving for lunch we are just having stuff here. I already have it set up on the patio."
I shook my head before smiling, "Never fear I am here."
"Thank God. I thought Sabrina would be of help but she apparently hasn't been able to do much."
Sabrina suddenly appeared in the doorway with her hands on her hips,
"I could have helped her if your side kick hadn't come up and ruined everything." She brushed past them shoving Louis on the shoulder as she did,
"Thank God you showed up!" I gave her a tight hug, "I am glad I came."
"Believe me so am I and you gotta help me Mads is having a crisis."
I shrugged my shoulders, "I will do what I can." and she took me by the arm, "You boys can handle the luggage I'm sure." She made a prissy expression towards Louis before pulling me inside and upstairs into Madison and Liams rooms where she had dozens of articles of clothing scattered everywhere.
"Les!" Madison cheered in excitement as she darted over to excitement. She squeezed me tight but her excitement didn't last long.
"I need help." She whined.
"Obviously." I said while furrowing my brows together, this place is a wreck. We spent an hour talking and laughing as we gathered together all the ideas for each of us. Not just Madison. She filled us in on the plans Liam had. Lunch and a pool party at the house and then that evening dinner in one of the fine hotels by the beach. So we needed to have multiple outfits planned and we all decided on items that were relatively simple and fit out styles. Madison wore a white tank and denim shorts with her white bikini underneath. Sabrina had a pink high cut one piece swimsuit suit she wore with a white tennis skirt. I decided on this white floral dress with a sweet heart top and angled skirt. I had small white heels and a blank bandeau bikini underneath. It would definitely be a transition.
"Gosh you look so gorgeous Les." Mads complimented me with an adoring smile,
"Thanks." I smiled lightly as the sound of raised voices outside caught my attention. I furrowed my brows at the girls and we all made our way to the window. I couldn't believe it. I turned to look at Madison and she immediately bit her bottom lip,
"Surprise?" She winced awkwardly and I looked at Sabrina. She held her hands up, "I have nothing to do with this. It was all her and Liams idea." I saw Madisons eyes widen and I shook my head from side to side,
"Idea. To what invite both of us here in hopes we may get back together. How cute." I rolled my eyes as I saw him, Louis and Liam coming up the front steps his loose black button up shirt and flowing white pants moving fluidly as he walked,
"We haven't spoken in three months Madison."
"So nothing. I'm sick of people trying to force things. I don't understand why everyone wants to keep meddling in our lives. If something is supposed to happen it will."
She looked down at the ground and I sighed.
"I honestly am not that surprised he's here. It's obvious that Liam would invite him."
"I can ask him to leave."
"I don't need him to leave. We didn't end things on a bad note but everyone pushing us, him pushing us, is why it all fell apart." Madison looked at the ground again and I smiled trying to reassure her,
"Look lady it's your birthday week so please let's actually make it about you. I really don't want to think about anything else other than having fun right now."
She smiled back, "Okay fine."
"Now let's go party." I took her hand in mine and grabbed ahold of Sabs with the other one and we all headed downstairs.
"Well there they are." Liam called out gesturing towards us as we all descended the stairs. Harry turned around and took off his sunglasses placing them on top of his head. Madison gave Liam a kiss on the cheek and I could feel Harrys gaze shifting up and down and body. My heart began beating faster I could hear the sound echoing slightly in my ears,
"Hi." He said looking a little stunned.
"Hi." I smiled softly back.
"You look..."
"The same." I shrugged slightly and tilted my head to the side. His hair was so much shorter. I haven't seen it like this in ages.
"I was going to say beautiful."
I tried not to blush, "Thank you. What happened to your head?"
He chuckled running his hair over the slightly slicked parks of his hair,
"Decided to change things up a bit. Needed a fresh start."
I nodded lightly.
"Well now that everyone is here let's go party!" Liam called out. We all cheered and headed out on the back patio. We ate, laughed and exchanged a fair share of stories but most of the conversation was about the unlikely aspect of Madison and Liam being together at all. I did my best to focus on the conversation but every once and a while I found myself distracted by him looking at me in my peripheral vision. I could feel his green orbs shifting over me reading my expressions and reactions. I kept my composure and pretended not to see,
"Well I don't about you land lovers but I am taking a swim." Louis called out while standing up to stretch he stuck a hand toward Sabrina who was tanning in one of the beach chairs. She scoffed,
"As if dork." He shrugged and took off in a sprint before cannonballing dramatically into the pool splashing Sabrina. She gasped, "You jackass!"
He laughed and shot her a wink. She flew out of her chair and tossed her sunglasses glasses to the side.
Louis placed his hands on his cheeks in a fake shocked sort of expression, "Oh no! The munchkin is chasing me."
"Your one to fucking talk Oompa Loompa boy!" She dove in after and we all began laughing seeing the two splashing and dodging around.
Madison tilted her head curiously, "What do say Les? Shall we join them?"
I smiled, "I guess I could go cool down down." She smiled and quickly stood up stripping off her shirt and shorts and down to her bikini with a bit of flair. I stood up and slipped out of my heels before slipping the straps on my dress down.
"Woah woah!" Liam held his hands up this isn't a strip show ladies. I laughed as Madison rolled her eyes, "Like you don't love."
"Whether I enjoy it or not is irrelevant just don't be so seductive about it."
I shook my head from side to side before looking back over my shoulder at Harry, "Want to give a girl a hand?" I shifted my gaze downward to the zipper I couldn't quite reach. He smiled lightly as he stood up. His fingers brushing gently down my spin as he pulled the zipper down my back. The dress dropped to the ground and I stepped of it. Harry was still smiling.
"Enjoying yourself styles?" Liam nodded towards him with a smirk on his face,
"Can't think of anything to complain about." He shrugged lightly and I rolled my eyes before tossing my bundle up dress at him. He laughed and Madison placed both her arms around my waist hugging me tightly, "You've had your chance Styles. I'm claiming her now." I couldn't help but smile at his shocked expression. He placed a hand on his chest, "Your right Madison how will I ever compete with you."
Liam looked offended and confused as he stood up from his chair, "And what the fuck am I chopped liver?" She looked at his curiously for a moment, "Who are you again?" He frowned as Madison and I laughed and strode away.

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