~Leslie~ (22)

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I lowered my sunglasses onto my face as my eyes made contact with a photographer positioned across the street from me. My heels clicked against the concrete and cobblestone that made up the streets of Manchester. I could see the camera flashing from my peripheral vision. I have seen them more often ever since the music video came out at the end of August. It seems no matter where I went now; someone was always there. I kept walking around the corner and further down the street. The leaves looked so gorgeous in the UK. I loved the feeling of the crisp fall breeze. I need this peace and reset. It was about time that I finally earned a vacation. Two weeks all to myself with nowhere to go and no one blowing up my phone. It was pure bliss. I spotted a little bookstore at the corner of the strip and decided to take a peek inside before continuing on to my apartment. I gazed at the tall oak shelves that went well above my head. Stacks of books piled onto the floor. It was a true paradise for anyone who was an adamant reader. I walked down each aisle and dragged my fingertips over the bindings before pulling out a few options. I glanced at the covers, ruffled through the stained pages, and inhaled the fresh sent old books always seemed to provide for me. A collection of works by Tennyson and Frost were two I decided to add to my small collection of classics. I enjoyed poetry and just the sort of old, vintage ideas of literature, language, and love. I flipped through the collection of works by Tennyson and found a familiar piece that I always enjoyed, "Dear as remembered kisses after death. And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feigned. On lips that are for others;"

A familiar voice suddenly spoke from behind me, "deep as love. Deep as the first love, and wild with all regret. O Death in Life the days that are no more." I turned around on my heels to look at him dressing in a large wool trench coat, a loose grey shirt, slender black jeans and beige boots. His hair was rolled back into a messy bun. I felt myself immediately smiling seeing him dressed so casually yet it came off sophisticated. He smiled lightly, "I didn't know you read Tennyson?"

"I didn't know you read at all."

"Very funny. What brings Miss Americana out to my neighborhood."

"Last I verified you weren't born in Manchester."

"It's close enough."

"I'm on vacation."

"Oh, they finally gave you one of those? "

I rolled my eyes. He smirked his mischievous smile,

"If you wanted to visit me you could just have asked."

I scoffed lightly, "In your dreams Styles." I brushed past him bumping my shoulder into his.

"Well while you are here how about I show you around?"

"I don't need a tour guide."

"Coffee then?" His eyes sparkled with interest.

I smiled slightly reluctant. My gaze shifted towards the floor before looking back up at him, "Are you buying?"

He smiled, "Obviously." and stuck out his arm for me to take hold off. I glanced at him skeptically for a moment before interlocking my arm with his.
It was a short walk to the coffee shops and not only had he paid for that but he paid for my books as well. We actually started nice conversation. Somethings from the past and some about work and our ideas for upcoming songs and jobs. I felt myself truly smiling and laughing more genuinely than I have in a while. It was nice to feel this way around him again.
"See this hasn't been so bad."
He nodded towards me after a minute or two of silence.
I nodded lightly, "I guess not."
"Just two acquaintances having a good conversation."
I tilted my head curiously and looked at him puzzled by the sudden sarcasm.
"I saw the interview you did shortly after the music video came out."
My brain suddenly made the connections, "Harry." I sighed slowly as I placed my cup down onto the table.
"You don't have to explain."
I could tell he was becoming disgruntled.
"Look I didn't want people to keep asking questions. I like my privacy. You have always known that. It was becoming too much for me. I needed to give them something bland so people would let it go."
He continued to look away from me.
"I need to go." I suddenly said and stood up.
"Don't. Please. He responded quickly but I kept walking. I could hear his footsteps trailing behind me.
"Leslie. Leslie wait."
"Look it was nice seeing you Harry. I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation."
"Would you wait please?!" He called after me as I walked away and he suddenly appeared in front of me.
"Look Harry I told you I was okay being friends but maybe we just need more space."
"No!" He quickly said taking my hands into his. My eyes widened. He looked down and then back up at me as he released my hands.
"That's the thing I want. I want to be friends and it's what I thought we were until I saw that interview."
"You should understand better than anyone about how you have to skew things for the media. Of how hard it is to keep things private and keep the gossiping at bay."
"Your right. I do."
"So why did it bother you so much?"
He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know."
I sighed lightly, "I have an idea of why and if it's because of what I think then we should just go back to the way things were. You have your life and I have mine."
"That's the thing Leslie. I don't have a life. I havent...I haven't had one. I don't. Not without you."
My eyes widened lightly as a slightly anxious feeling rose in my stomach.
"Just forget about everything I said. Let me show you around while your here. Just for one day."
"Harry." I shook my head from side to side.
"I promise that it won't mean anything. Alright, it doesn't but I am always going to care about you no matter what. You'll always mean the world to me."
My mouth fell slightly agape and I could feel my eyes beginning to water,
"Why do you have to be so sensitive?" I playfully shoved his arm before frowning lightly. He smiled and drug his hand over his mouth,
"So tomorrow? I can show you around some of my favorite places."
I nodded, "It's a plan. I will text you the address later."
"How about I walk you home?"
"I'm alright." I smiled.
"Are you sure?"
I gave him a small smirk,
"I'm a big girl Harry. I can handle myself."
I had so much anxiety about what Harry said to me. I couldn't help but text Sab and Madison when I got home.
I can't do this anymore guys
Sab: Girl just give him a damn chance
This isn't a date
Madison: It's close
Can you fucking not?!
Sab: You are freaking out over nothing
What do I do or say Sab?! He told me he doesn't have a life without me. He's lying to my face every time I see him. I know he still has feelings for me.
Madison: So what? He knows your not interested.
I don't want to be pressured into anything.
Sab: What's wrong with him showing you he is someone different now.
Because he's not. He acted the same a few months ago
Sab: You have to let this fear go Les. It's killing you.
Madison: You can't enjoy anything. I asked Liam. He even agrees that Harry isn't trying anything anymore.
Why are you telling my personal issues to Liam. I don't care what he thinks and do you actually believe him?!
Sab: Just go an enjoy your vacation. It's one damn day girl.
You guys are no help at all.

Love You Goodbye - Harry Styles (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now