~Harry~ (31)

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Well Louis got his wish. We did find a hotel room. Once the afterparty was over, I took her back to mine and we found ourselves making up for a lot of lost time. I can't stop looking at her now. How she's lay so elegantly, her head resting on my chest. How could I ever have let this go? I don't what I was thinking back then but she is the only thing I want now. I wasn't tired and I barely slept. All I felt was a mixture of anxiety and euphoria. Relief and joy came a that thoughts of finally having her but there was still that voice scratching and scraping in the back of my mind. The self doubt trying to naw at my mind and it was working. What if I lost this again? What if I lost her? Nothing else mattered to me. Not touring or anything in the band. I would drop it all for her though I knew she would never ask me. Slowly I tried moving myself out from underneath her careful not to disturb her to much. Was it odd that I loved watching her sleep? Especially in my bed? She looked so relaxed, comfortable and innocent. Just when I think I can't fall in anymore love with her, I find myself sinking more. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair contemplating how this was going to go. I have her now but how do I keep her? A part of me was still struggling with the idea she came back at all. At first I had to admit to myself I was trying to force things but then I just left up to her and some how she came. I can't let her go again I just can't. I suddenly felt her stir as I stood up. I turned around and observed to make sure she didn't wake up before going across the room to grab my jeans and white t-shirt out of the dresser. I slipped on the jeans and put on my shirt before looking in the closet for my shoes.
"Leaving so soon?" I heard her voice suddenly rise up from behind me. I turned around and saw her eyes slowly open a small smile forming on her lips as she exhaled.

 I turned around and saw her eyes slowly open a small smile forming on her lips as she exhaled

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"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." I said while coming back over to the bed. She sat up slowly pulling the blankets up with her covering her bare chest,
"Where are going?"
I leaned in closer to her placing my hands on the bed, "Well I was going to surprise with breakfast in bed but I guess that's out of the plan now." She smiled warmly as I kissed her forehead,
"And here I thought I thought I was about to be a one night stand." She smirked a little her nose scrunching up slightly.
I gave her an unamused look which made her giggle slightly, "Very funny." She giggled again as I leaned in cupping her face with my hand as I kissed her. She smiled as I pulled away,
"I can come with you if you want."
"No don't worry about it. Just rest. I won't be gone long."
She smirked lightly and leaned in closer to be, "You better not be." She kissed me lightly almost teasingly and I tried so hard not to fall into her. I could see the mischievous look in her eyes as I let out a frustrated sigh and she giggled again. I stood back up and made my way over to the door sticking my wallet securely in my pocket. I could hear her shifting under the covers,
"It is probably good that I stay behind. I'm feeling kind of sore." I could hear the suggestiveness in her tone. I stopped and turned to look back at her and she winked at me. I pointed at her warningly, "Don't start shit you aren't going to finish." She glanced me up and down before replying, "Oh I think you and I both now I am very good at finishing." My eyes widened as ran fingers through my hair. She laughed at my expression and I swiftly moved back towards the bed, "You drive me absolutely insane." I jerked back the covers exposing her completely before pulling her by her hips closer towards me. I kissed her forcibly my hand moving to the side of her neck deeping the kiss. Her hands became tangled in my hair before drifting down to my shirt collar. I felt her fingers tangle themselves up in the fabric as things began to intensify but she quickly pushed me backwards before we could get to far in,
"Now go hurry up. I'm starving." She pulled the covers back over herself comfortably before laying back down on her side. She shut her eyes tight. I ran my hand over before my smiling. Here was to praying things would stay like this?
"Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the boys you all know and love, One Direction."
The audience cheered as the guys and I all sat on the long couch across from James.
"How are you gents doing?"
"Good." Niall and Liam asked simultaneously.
"You all have had a short time off now that the tour is done right?"
"Barely but yeah." Louis chuckled.
James nodded with intrigue,
"Right because just three days ago was the show, right?"
"It was and it went really well." Louis nodded before looking at us."
"How has it been trying to do this duo thing. I mean you guys are all having solo careers but still getting together every so often?"
Liam nodded lightly, "I mean it's definitely been a challenge but we love our jobs. We love making music and seeing our fans."
I nodded my head in agreement, "I agree we wouldn't be anywhere without our fans."
"Yes and you guys have millions of them. I mean so many just dedicated to you all both collectively and independently. Now Harry you came up with the idea of this reunion tour right?"
I tilted my head to one, "Sort of. I mean we all had been talking about it for a while and it just felt like a good time since we all were getting far into our independent ventures."
"Yeah." Niall smiled as he interjected, "We all have been trying to plan a good time frame to do something like this."
"Thats great and it was such an amazing show. I've seen so many clips and everything circulating around about it, it really was a knock out. What did you guys do after the show?"
Liam and Louis both smiled.
Niall nodded lightly, "We had a nice afterparty." He said innocently.
Louis patted Nialls leg firmly,
"Yeah it was a good celebration with friends of ours and a nice way to end the night."
James smiled before leaning forward looking directly at me, "That sounds nice. Harry did you have fun at this afterparty."
"I mean yeah it was great. Concert was great it was all a fun time."
"Yeah I'm sure you did have fun especially after performing such a powerful and amazing concert. I mean the album is beautiful really."
"Thanks." I nodded lightly and smiled.
"Your welcome definitely I do have some questions though about the inspiration for it."
"I mean there isn't much to say."
"Oh I beg to differ." He held up a finger before bringing up a picture of my album cover and the tracklist on side it,
"Now after hearing the songs and looking at this cover. I mean this is obviously about somebody."
I could see the guys trying to hide their smiles and I began to feel anxious. They all knew Leslie and I agreed to keep our relationship out of the public eye for now. I especially didn't want anything putting more pressure on us....on her. I wasn't going to loose her again. I shifted in my seat slightly,
"I mean you can look at it that way."
James gestured towards the guys, "Boys help me out here."
All the guys remained quiet. Liam shrugged casually. Louis pointed to me, "It's his album we were busy writing our own stuff."
"Yeah." Niall nodded, "For all we know it could be about his cat."
I couldn't help but chuckle at his comment and James obvious frustration.
"Oh come of it Niall we all bloody know Harry doesn't have a cat." Niall laughed and so did I.
"Alright." James held his hands up in the air,
"You don't want to tell me anything, fine. I have all the evidence I need." I smirked at his comment stroking my jawline slightly as a picture of Leslie and I from the after party last night suddenly appeared.

I rested my hands on my mouth as he dropped his cards on his desk,"Boom

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I rested my hands on my mouth as he dropped his cards on his desk,
"Boom." James said with a satisfied expression. I drug my hand over my mouth as I chuckled lightly, "It's a photo."
"Yeah of."
I shrugged my shoulders.
"You really want me to keep going?" He witted back.
I shrugged my shoulders again. Another photo appeared this time just of Leslie but I recognized it immediately. It was one I took last night in the hotel room.

I looked at the guys for a moment before smirking and smiling as I looked away from James and towards the audience

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I looked at the guys for a moment before smirking and smiling as I looked away from James and towards the audience.
James pointed at me immediately, "And that look right there Harold is all I need to tell me that I'm right."
I looked down at my watch quickly before looking at the guys, "You know this interview is going longer than I expected." They all nodded in unison. James looked unamused as he pointed at me again this time with two fingers,
"I'm on to you Harold. Just remember that."
I smiled again before shrugging, "Glad you think I can balance touring and a dating life."
He shook his head, "Oh you can't say anything now you had your chance you will have to wait till our game starts."
I furrowed my brows together and looked puzzled as did the rest of the guys,
"Belly up boys." James called as he pulled out a variety of disgusting looking liquids,
"It's time to play truth or drink."
Niall immediately started plugging his nose.
James ran his hand over the array of odd liquids displayed in a variety of shot glasses,
"We have Vinegar, Clam Juice, Hot Sauce, Bird Saliva, Bug Juice and Soy Sauce."
"Can we legally drink this?" Liam said waving his hand of his face.
"Yes you can and you will. The rules of the game are simple we have some question cards. Person asks the question and if you don't answer then you drink. Sounds good."
I shook my head, "It sounds quite awful actually."
James smiled satisfactorily, "Not if you answer the questions. Liam we will start with you and work our way down."
Liam gave a slow exhale, "Alright."
"Do you stalk anyone on social media?" Liam chuckled lightly, "My girlfriend."
James rolled his eyes, "I mean that's rather obvious Liam. Is there anyone unexpected that you stalk?"
"I guess a few people. Some other singers and athletes."
"Name one."
"Okay, uh, Selena Gomez."
"Have you two ever met?"
"No we haven't but it definitely would be nice too."
"See boys not that hard."
I shook my head more and more into the game as the questions became more intense for each of us. The final round was called Double Shot because we had to take two shots of whatever James chose if we didn't answer.
"Alright Harold are you ready?"
I drug my hand over my face before shrugging, "As I will ever be?"
"Why did Leslie go to your hotel room last night?" I furrowed my brows lightly before smiling,
"Who is saying she did?"
"Alright I will rephrase the question then even though we already know. There's pictures all online."
"What do you want me to drink?" I nodded towards the selection.
"Oh yes I almost forgot you will be taking a shot of bird saliva and a shot of hot sauce if you don't answer."
That bird salvia shit was the absolute most putrid smelling substance ever and it tasted exactly as it smelled. I never understood where James got this shit from.
"Alright," I nodded taking a glance at the glasses and looking at James.
"I guess the answer to the first question would be Yes."
"Well of course it is like I said there's proof."
"And the second." I chuckled lightly running my hand over my mouth, "Would be." I could see the excitement in James eyes turn to horror as I quickly popped both shots. I did my best not to regurgitate either substance. I swallowed both firmly and sat back down on the couch. The audience cheered and clapped. James looked very disappointed as he pointed at me,
"I'm going to find out one of these days."

Love You Goodbye - Harry Styles (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now