~Harry~ (41)

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Vince kept his promise and had Leslie positioned right beside me but apart of me almost hated him for it. She looked amazing and I was trying so hard not to get distracted. I couldn't touch her or let my gaze linger on her too long or it would mess up the shots and make things painfully obvious. Through everyone's movements the only one I saw was her. The only touch I felt was hers and it made my skin boil. It was torturous looking at the way her body moved and not being able to touch her. I tried my best to focus on the lyrics of the song.
"Closer together folks." Vincent called out. I tried keeping my eyes on the camera as her back fell into my chest. Her body full against mine as her hands stroked my neck and jawline. My breathing began to get heavy.
"Cut." Vince called out, "Harry I wanted to talk with you about the next few shots."
I nodded and he gestured for me to step the side,
"Can I ask you an honest question Harry?"
"Why did you bring her here?" He nodded towards Leslie and I furrowed my brows in confusion,
"I thought she would have a nice time."
"Uh huh. And it's obvious you are having a nice time filming with her."
"I guess so."
He smirked slightly and crossed his arms over his chest, "Alright. I have another question then. Have you kissed her?"
My eyes widened in shock.
He held up a hand to my face, "That's all I need to know."
I shrugged casually, "Look Vince I don't know what you are implying but-"
"Harry, I may be old but I'm not ignorant or blind. I've seen the way you look at her. How you reacted earlier. Your very protective of her and she is of you."
I let out a slow sigh before running my fingers through my hair, "Shit." I mumbled under my breath.
"Hey." He said casually, "What you do in your free time is none of my business. Alright? I only ask because the chemistry between you two is brilliant on camera. I think it would be good to have her in more scenes if you are both comfortable."
"I don't mind it but I don't know what she will say. We've been trying to avoid....attention."
"Let me talk with her. I have a way with woman." He winked at me and patted my shoulder before going over to Leslie. Gosh I hope this wouldn't fuck everything up.
The first few scenes were simple. Not much action shots of her body mirroring mine as if my thoughts were constantly about her. The irony was that what was a simple idea was actually a reality. The more we filmed the more I felt like the shots were a display of what was actually happening between us. It wasn't hard to act through them because everything I felt was real. I couldn't make it look too easy though.

Otherwise watchers may get suspicious.
"All right everyone final shot." Vince called out as everyone came on set to take their places. He walked up to Leslie and I as a spotlight suddenly came on,
"Alright Harry so we are getting to get a few shots with the spotlight on you and everyone else being sort of hidden in the shadows at the end Leslie is going to come over. Your going to kiss her and boom. Master piece."
I started to feel anxious as I looked down at Leslie who was smiling and nodding in the polite way she always did.
"Great!" Vince clapped his hands together and walked back to his chair,
I quickly turned to Leslie, "Look we don't have to do this if you don't want to. I know how it will look."
She nodded her head slowly, "It's alright."
I furrowed my brows together, "Are you sure?"
"Yes." She smiled lightly before leaning closer to me, "It's not like we haven't before."
I smiled, "I know. I just."
"Harry. Don't worry about it. Just make it quick." She smiled again and got in her spot. I tried to make it quick. Speed wasn't the problem it was the whole thing in general. Every shot that occurred, I found myself pulling away from her. I started purposely ignoring the cues from Vince after a while and could see he was confused. So was Leslie. After about the 10th one Vince yelled, "Alright cut." And pulled me aside.
"Hey. What's wrong?"
"Well it's obviously something Harry. I know very well this isn't your first time kissing a woman let alone this one." I exhaled a bit frustratedly,
"I just don't want to force or coerce her into this."
"Your not. She said she was fine with it. To both of us."
"I just have a feeling this could end badly, okay."
"Well we already have everything else filmed so if we can this idea we will have to start scratch from tomorrow."
"Cant I just not kiss her?"
"If you don't it won't look like on film. We are building up this entire relationship sequence here. It just won't sit right with viewers if you don't."
"Well it's not sitting right with me if I do."
Suddenly Leslie appeared next to me, "Is something wrong?"
"Nothing." Vince replied and gestured towards me, "Mr. Styles just suddenly has cold feet and scratch this whole idea."
She looked at me confused and I could feel my body tense up, "That's not what I said Vince."
"Alright. Then you explain here to Ms. Hill why you don't want to kiss her in the scene."
She furrowed her brows together.
"It's not about wanting to. It's about how it will look."
"It will look fluid on camera."
"I'm talking about the people watching it."
"Rumors circulate all the time Harry."
"Yeah but now it's different and I'm not going to fuck something up because of scene."
"Harry." She said my name soothingly.
Vince shook his head from side to side, "Look Harry I know your concerns."
I took a step closer towards him, "I don't think you do."
"Listen I said I don't take part in drama. I was hired to produce a good video. YOU hired me to produce a good video. I am looking at this through an artistic lens."
I ran my hand over my mouth and huffed, "Fine. You want me to kiss her and see what I am talking about." I turned around abruptly placing my hand underneath her chin as I pulled her face into mine. I kissed her lips harshly my hands migrating to her hips. I could tell I caught her off guard because it took a moment before she kissed me back but when she did it was with the same intensity and I could feel my body temperature quickly rising. I forced myself to pull away leaving her slightly breathless. Her gaze immediately shifted to the floor as she tucked a piece of hair behind her here.
"Wow." Vincent replied with a slight awed expression, "You two really do have it bad for each other don't you. Next time wait till the cameras are rolling."
"Vincent I can't. Or people are going to know."
"Look it doesn't have be anything dramatic just something small."
I shook my head from side to side and Leslie looked up at me in surprise,
"No. I don't want any drama or anyone trying to butt in on my personal life. You know how I hate it."
Vince sighed slowly, "Alright then. I guess we will try to do without it." He walked away and I could see Leslie was still staring at me.
"It really wasn't a big deal Harry."
"Yes it was."
"Because I wanted you in this video so we could have fun. Not so it could destroy what we have."
She smiled warmly, "I knew there was a reason I liked you."
I smirked slightly, "You know I would do anything for."
"I do and that's what scares me sometimes." She smiled and playfully pulled on my collar,
"I hope Liam popped the question by now because I am exhausted."
She nodded her head lightly before sighing, "Me too. This was a lot." She suddenly smiled, "So when we get back are we crashing at my place or yours?" She tugged lightly and a large smile spread across my face as she winked at me. I wanted to kiss her desperately but I with held the desire until we got back to the house well past 10pm. It was eerily silent. Once we made it up stairs I quickly scooped her up in my arms, bridal style, and carried her down the hallway to my room where we could finally relieve some tension.

Love You Goodbye - Harry Styles (Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora