~Leslie~ (40)

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I didn't like this scene. I didn't like being here at all now. I didn't like the way everyone was touching him and the way he seemed to just so easily accept it and enjoy it. This had nothing to do with the song and I found myself becoming agitated and slightly nauseous.

 This had nothing to do with the song and I found myself becoming agitated and slightly nauseous

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"Cut." Vince the director called out and began talking to some extras. Harrys gaze fell on to mine and I forced a smile hoping he wouldn't be able to read my discomfort from across the room but I was wrong,
"What's the matter?" He said with concern in his eyes as he brow slightly furrowed together. I suddenly felt guilty for my feelings and tried brushing him off,
"Nothing." I smiled a bit more but his expression stayed the same,
"There is something wrong? Tell me."
I took a slow sigh, "I'm fine just getting a little tired."
He analyzed my expression, "Leslie."
"I said I am fine Harry." But my dry tone gave it away that I clearly wasn't.
"Well you can keep saying that but I know you better."
"Just go film your scenes okay."
"Why are you being cross?"
"I'm not."
"Did I do something to upset you?" There was that stupid genuine and innocent look of his again. I took a slow sigh,
"What do this have to do with the song?"
He tilted his head to the side, "What?"
"This scene Harry. With the people and the touching what does it have to do with the words on the song? I don't see the point."
He furrowed his brows for a moment before a large chershire cat like smile emerged on his lips,
"Well well."
"What?" I huffed out.
"Now look who is the jealous one."
"Jealous. Me! Not on your grandmothers tomb stone. I don't get jealous." I crossed my arms over my chest as he smirked,
"Oh really? Why does the scene bother you then?"
"It doesn't bother me. I just don't see the point."
He looked me up and down before smirking again; he took a few steps closer to me,
"You know you're rather sexy when your frustrated."
"Stop being cheeky Harry. I'm serious."
He chuckled lightly before resting his hands on my shoulders, "This is why I wanted you be apart of the music video."
"We can't though."
"Vince said he can make it to where your barely on camera in the final cut."
"Yeah will me being there doesn't change the thirty people touching you."
"No but I will happy knowing your one of them." And there was that devilish smile he was so good at making.
I let out a frustrated sigh before shoving him in the chest, "Fine." I will do it.
I switched into a black bodysuit and hand my hair and makeup touched up by the team on set. I came out to the set in and could immediately feel Harrys eyes trailing up and down my body,
"You look stunning." He said with a seductive smile before glancing around to see if anyone was watching.
I crossed my arms over my chest, "And your drooling. Can you make this anymore obvious?" I sighed and tossed my hair over my shoulder before taking my place on set. Vincent said action and the crowd began to move and sway in odd choreography. The guys and girls all turned and swayed against each other and I tried my best to follow the motions but an unfamiliar hand on my hip caused me to tense up lightly. I looked to right and saw a tall slender red haired man smiling as his hand continued to remain on my waist and move up my torso. I pulled away from him but not before his hand briefly groped over my breasts,
"Cut!" Vince called out, "Let's run it again." And so we did. We copied the same movements about seven more times and each time the guy got closer to me. His hands traveling down my legs. I tried to move forward but he grabbed my hips and pushed me back against him, "Cut." Vince called again and I immediately jumped away from the guy and watched as he winked at me and walked away like nothing happened. I glanced around and noticed everyone talking and smiling. No one saw a thing. I suddenly felt overwhelmed and insecure. I could feel my pulse racing as my eyes began to water. I quickly batted them away and went back to the dressing room. I took a deep breath once I got inside and looked at myself in the dresser mirror. My eyes began watering more,
"You're okay." I tried coaxing myself, "It's not the first time something like this has happened. You're fine." But I didn't feel fine. I still felt so anxious. Suddenly a knock came at the door and I jumped. The door slowly opened and there stood Harry. I forced a small smile on my lips.
He smiled, "I was wondering where you went." I shifted my gaze down to the floor, "Are you okay?"
He placed his hands on either side of my shoulders with a loving look in his eyes,
"Yeah I'm fine."
His eyes trailed over my face and I could feel my body tensing up, "What's wrong?"
"Don't worry about it." I smiled again and brushed past him.
"We have already been through this Leslie. You know I can tell when somethings off with you."
"I'm alright okay. I just don't think I should be in this."
"Why the sudden change?"
"It's not sudden Harry. I said no before you just didn't listen."
He came back over to me and closed the gap between us stroking his thumb over my cheek,
"Because I know you would be great for this and it would be something fun to do together."
"Yeah well it's not. It's not for me Im not an actress okay. I can't fake my way through things."
"Oh come on Les. It's not that bad."
"Can you just stop!" It wasn't my intention to burst but I did, "Why can't you just respect I don't want to do this okay. No is full sentence alright. I don't understand why people can't take it as an answer!" I ran my fingers through my hair in distress.
"What happened Leslie?"
I felt tears starting to form in my eyes as he lifted my chin up with his hand,
"I don't want you to worry about it."
"Well now I am because you won't tell me." He took my hands in his and pulled me closer to him as he sat down on top of the dresser,
"What is it?" He persisted.
I smiled softly wrapping my arms around his neck as he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me in between his legs,
"I don't want you to get."
He shrugged slightly, "I won't."
"Yes you will because I know you."
"Just tell me."
I shifted my gaze to the floor and let my arms slowly drag down his chest before crossing them over me shyly. I looked back up at him and his expression suddenly turned sour and I could see his jawline harden,
"Did someone touch you?" I didn't answer I didn't need to I knew my expression would reveal everything.
"Son of bitch." He stood up quickly but I quickly placed my hands on his chest.
"Who was it?"
"It doesn't matter." I shook my head from side to side.
He clenched his jaw, "Yes it does and I want to know who."
"Harry please I don't want to start anything."
"Your not. He did and I am going to finish it."
"Harry please I have dealt with things like this before it's not a big deal."
"And you shouldn't have to. It might not be a big deal to you but it is too me. I brought you here and I asked you to be apart of this." He suddenly turned away running his hand through his hair and over his face,
"Im supposed to keep you safe."
I reached out for his hand and he looked at me solemnly,
"Harry." I sympathized and he placed his hands on my hips and pressed his forehead against mine,
"I'm sorry."
"No. No. Don't apologize." I ran my fingers through his messy hair, "It's not your fault. I am just going to watch from the sidelines."
"Not until this guy leaves. I don't want him on my set and neither will Vince. You need to tell me who it was."
I sighed hesitantly, "If I tell you can't say anything. You can't react or be angry. Okay? Please." I saw his jawline clench slightly,
"Harry promise me please. That you won't get upset or make a scene."
"I promise." I could hear the reluctance in his voice. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He kissed my lips before glancing down my body,
"Where did he touch you?"
I shifted my gaze down before looking up at him again, "Harry."
"Just tell me Leslie." I sighed,
"It wasn't just once."
His eyes widened.
"You said you wouldn't get angry."
"That's when I confront him it doesn't mean I can't be angry now."
I glanced down again, "First it was subtle and kinda with the choreography.
"And then?"
"He touched me here." I gestured towards my breasts and forced me to lean in to him."
He let out a frustrated sigh. His nostrils flaring.
"But I am okay."
"Yeah well I am not."
With that he stormed out of the dressing room at a quick pace and I felt like the worst was about to happen.
I immediately jumped up and followed him outside but he was already down the corridor. My pulse began to race. I sprinted barefoot down the hallway and turned to see him standing to the side talking to Vincent. The veins in his neck highly visible and hands flailing about. I walked up him calmly as I noticed a few people beginning to look at them.
"I want every interviewed until we figure out who it was. If they don't confess fire them all."
"Harry." I said slightly scolding him,
"I told you I am alright."
Vince suddenly chimed in, "No Harry is right its not acceptable or appropriate and it won't be allowed on my set."
"I am not trying to start any drama here."
"Just me my dear. The same thing would happen if it was any one else. It's procedure. I want my actors and extras to feel comfortable."
I placed my face over my hands, "This is all getting blown way out of proportion."
"Leslie." Vince said in a calm voice and placed his hand on my shoulder before smiling warmly, "It would make the whole process easier if you just told us who it was. I will talk with them personally."
I shifted my gaze to the floor before looking at the small group of extras and there he was looking at me as if he was waiting for me to say something,
"It was him." I nodded lightly in the guys direction his gaze shifted to the ground when Harry and Vince looked at him. Harry took a step forward his fingers balling into to fists. I grabbed ahold of his arm instinctively, "Please don't, Harry."
"I just want to talk with him." He mumbled through slightly gritted teeth,
"No." I said firmly and he turned to look at me, "Please you promised."
"I will handle it Harry why don't worry. How about you take Leslie to the dressing room and she can decide there if she wants to keep filming us. I nodded my head and began to pull on Harry's arm lightly. He reluctantly followed me. Once we made it off set I let go of his arm and fast walked down to the corridor dropping my face into my hands once we got inside the dressing room,
"You just had to make a scene!" I huffed in frustration before running my fingers through my hair,
"Not as big of one as I could have!" He shouted back.
"Well, It was big enough Harry! Way to go! The media will have a field day with this news."
"Oh would you get off it already Les. I am so sick and tired of hearing about the media. Did it ever occur to you that I don't give a fuck what they think or feel?!"
"I need to go." I said quickly avoiding eye contact with him as I went to grab my regular clothes.
He grabbed ahold of my arm and turned me around to face him,
"Leslie please."
"I shouldve never come here Harry. I'm sorry." I turned around again but he turned me back to him once more,
"No. No. Now come on, I just got you back don't walk out on me now."
I sighed, "I told you I am not mad at you Harry. I just think it would be best if I went home." I shifted my gaze to the floor.
"Look Vince is going to put you up front where I can keep an eye on you alright. I promise I won't let you out of my sight, baby, please." He tilted my chin up to look at him.
I furrowed my brows together lightly with a playful smile on my face, "baby?"
"Yes baby, angel, darling, love; whatever I have to say to make you stay,  please."
He leaned in closer to me his lips brushing ever so slightly against mine as I pulled away from his kiss,
"You're being dramatic."
"Come on." He said again a bit more anxiously and kissed the top of my hand.
I smiled, "Are you begging me?"
"Maybe." He said with a slightly devious smile and slowly kissed my lips. My eyes fluttered shut and I could feel a small moan wanting to escape my lips but I held it back. There was no way I was letting him think that he had won me over completely. I rolled my eyes playfully, "You think you are just Mr. Seductive now don't you."
"Whatever works baby." He said with devious grin and began to pepper kisses along my neck and collar bone. I smiled for a moment before pushing him away, "Yeah well you're lucky I think you look pitiful when you beg otherwise I would say no."
"Pitiful?" He said while smirking as his hands over top my bare thighs.
"Yes." I said as seriously as I could and he smirked again before taking my hand into his and kissing the top of it slowly. He then proceeded to kneel down and kissed my leg just above the knee. His gaze holding onto my with intensity,
"No." I said firmly and pointed a finger at him. He smiled and let his mouth graze over my thigh as he traveled up it. Leaving two slow kisses on the inner part, "No. No. Bad." I said as he switched to my other leg,
"Harry I am serious."
"Say yes and I will stop."
I sighed in frustration, "I already did say yes you idiot now get off me." He chuckled as he stood up and kissed my lips again, "I love you." He said tenderly.
"I know."

Love You Goodbye - Harry Styles (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now