~Leslie~ (46)

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"Ladies and Gentlemen our special guest of the evening, Leslie Hill."

I smiled brightly as I came onto the stage and sat on the sofa across from James,

"Hello darling how are you?"

"Doing well thank you."

"Wonderful and I immediately want to ask our audience I don't know if you all heard that noise but listen. Do you hear it?" He held his hand up to his ear,

"That's the sounds of angels harmonizing."

I blushed lightly covering my mouth with my hands, "Your too sweet."

"Every time this lovely lady goes anywhere it's just like the sound of harp strings follows her."

"Your too sweet."

"Now it's been a minute since we have chatted and we all have seen the announcement that you and a certain renowned bachelor are...."

I smiled brightly, "We are doing well."

"Are you happy? Does he make you happy?"

I smiled warmly, "Very much so."

"Adorable. Now when we did Harry on here he mentioned that he was the one pursuing you? Is that true. I'm so curious."

"Yes, he was. I definitely made it difficult for him."

"Played a little hard to get."

"Like most girls I have my fair share of trust issues so I'm always skeptical with anybody taking interest in me."

"So how did he win you over? Is he the more mysterious lover type or the hopeless romantic?"

Scrunches nose, "I don't know if he would want me to answer this but whatever fuck it."

"This is why I love you." He leaned in closer to me placing his head in his hands.

Laughs lightly, "He has both sides but I definitely think the one he leads to the most is the hopeless romantic type."

"So that tough rock and roll guy is really all gushy in the middle?"

"Very much so."

"I love it. The tea is pouring ladies and gentlemen."

"Can I ask you what was one of the most romantic things he did while pursuing you?"

"He did a lot if I am honest. Many of which had me very anxious because im not used to that kind of treatment. He took me to the live art museum in England with the VR show."

"The live Van Gogh display."

"Yes, Van gogh is definitely my favorite artist and that was one of the first things he did for me. It was very hard not to just melt completely."

"Sounds so romantic."

"Yes, he's bought me lots of flowers. Sang to me. Written me poetry."

"Harold. He reads poetry."

I blushed lightly,
"Yes he does."

"He's never written me a poem."

I gasped lightly, "I will make sure he does. He is very good at it."

"What else has he done? I'm so intrigued."

"Um many walks and picnics on the beach. Nights of star gazing. He's very detailed. He obviously calls me everyday. Multiple times if we aren't together.

"He's filming Dunkirk right now isnt he?"

"Yes he is and I am finishing up somethings in Japan."

"I mean with the way you describe it how can you not fall incredibly in love him."

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