~Leslie~ (56)

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Filming of Don't Worry Darling was finally finished. I watched from the distance as Harry and Florence hugged tightly after the final scene concluded. It was truly an amazing film and I was proud of Harry for how hard he worked. His eyes shifted over the room his smiling growing wider when he saw me. He extended his arm out towards me. I pressed my lips together tightly as he strutted me. He interlaced his fingers with mine and pulled me out onto set,
"Im so glad you were able to be here." Florence smiled tenderly and gave me a tight hug.
"I am glad that I got to see the process." I felt Harrys arms slink around my hips. He rested his chin on my shoulder.
"And we thank you for lending Harry to us."
"Yeah I guess I will take him back now." I added teasingly looking at Harry who immediately furrowed his brows in disapproval. He squeezed my hips firmly and I giggled.
"You will have to come to the red carpet premiere later in the month."
"I would love to come."
She smiled tenderly and quickly pointed a finger at Harry,
"Cherish her Harry. Don't fuck it up. She's special."
"Yeah Harry Im special." I smiled tenderly as he shot Florence a small glare,
"Very funny." He frowned, "I will happy to no longer have to deal with both of you. Florence and I scoffed in unison, "Rude!" I shouted.
"You're enough to handle without her influence." I turned around quickly raising my hand in the air. Harry quickly dodged my slap. My hand smacked his shoulder instead. I hit him two more times quickly,
"You're just proving my point." He said binding my wrists together with his hands.
"You're lucky she only smacked you. I would have decked you right in the jaw."
He rolled his eyes playfully.
"Interviews in ten minutes people." The producer suddenly called out.
"Coming." Florence called out and quickly followed him off set.
"I have to go. Will you wait for me in the trailer?"
"I guess so." I said reluctantly crossing my arms over my chest still upset at what he said. He smirked cupping my cheek with his hand. I waited for him to kiss me,
"I will be there soon." He smiled and quickly left jogging after Florence. I occupied myself by talking to Barbara on FaceTime for a few hours. We made plans to do a photo shoot together after Harry and got back to London. As the hours ticked by I got slightly bored. Scrolling through instagram I realized how long it had been since I made an official post. I took a quick selfie and added it acknowledging the conclusion of the filming and then idea popped in my head. I quickly grabbed some lingerie out of my bag and set up my phone using the timer and a few random filters I got a variety of rather sensual shots. I posted one decent one that was not controversial or overly revealing to instagram with the #Dontkeepmewaiting. The rest I sent to Harry. I waited eagerly for a response or for him simply to just burst through the trailer door. The hours ticked by and I found myself slowly dozing off.
A sudden rustling caused me to wake up. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Harry undressing in the middle of the trailer.
"Harry?" I said drowsy as I reached for my phone to check the time.
"Sorry I woke you. Go back to sleep it's alright."
It was 3am, "Are you just now getting home?"
"Yes." He said quickly tossing his tie and white button shirt to the side.
"What took so long?"
"We got helped up with a few things after the interviews." He traded the slim fit slacks for some loose sweatpants. I checked my phone again and noticed he hadn't reacted to the pictures at all,
"Are you sure nothing is wrong?"
He brushed his fingers through his hair quickly as he came over to the bed,
"No I am just tired." I starred at him blankly for a moment and he quickly kissed my forehead, "I am sorry I didn't call or text you. I figured you were asleep already."
"It's okay." I shrugged lightly. He smiled and got up to grab his phone. I watched him text rapidly for a few moments before coming back to lay down,
"Goodnight." He smiled casually and kissed my cheek. I furrowed my brows immediately in slight confusion but soon felt the fatigue consuming me.
I woke up the next morning and I was sure enough alone. I grabbed my phone immediately it was 9am and saw a message from Harry.
Adorable ❤️
He texted at 7 this morning. Adorable? Normally me just seeming to breathe had him turned on. Pictures like this would usually have in a full convulsion. 7am how could he come home at 3 and then be up again at 7am this didn't make any sense.
I saw some notifications from Instagram and immediately opened the app. A few hundred likes on my pictures and a story update from Florence. I clicked on it and it was a picture of her and Harry at breakfast. Today...
I blinked a few times and quickly closed the open to call Barbara.
"Hey lady. Good morning."
"Hi." I said hesitantly.
"What's wrong?"
"I need your help with something. I already know I am probably overthinking but need you to just hear me out."
"What's up?"
"It's about Harry."
"What about him?"
"He came home really late last night and left really early this morning."
"Isn't that normal for his work schedule?"
"It was but filming is done and they only had a little press left so I don't understand why he was out till 3am and then he left early this morning."
"When did he leave?"
"I don't know exactly but it was obviously early. Florence has a picture of her and him eating breakfast together on her instagram story."
"That could be an old photo."
"No I know it's today and there's something else."
"What is it?" I sighed slowly, "I sent him some pictures last night of myself and..."
"Since when did you start fucking sending nudes!"
"They weren't nudes! Not that but you know just like personal stuff."
"Like boudoir photos?"
"Okay and?"
"He didn't really react the way I expected him too."
"What did he say?"
"Nothing when he came home he hadn't opened my message because I checked and then this morning all I got was a red heart and him saying I looked adorable."
"Okay well that's sweet."
"Adorable Barb. Really? I am have naked and he calls me adorable like a bunny rabbit in a bow tie."
"I think you're overthinking this Leslie."
"I know I am it's just odd."
"You two sorted out your differences and from what you said before have enjoyed each other's company a lot. He is probably just eager to get everything out the way and then get home so you guys can have a whole sex marathon."
My eyes widened slightly and I covered part of my face feeling a mixture of laughter and embarrassment, "Sure Barb whatever you say."
She giggled mischievously, "You know I really hate you sometimes."
"You love me and you know it."
"Yeah when you're not being a pain in the ass."
"Im a pain in ass and Harry likes to eat your ass. You get the best of both worlds."
"Oh my fucking gosh can you not?!"
She laughed louder, "I swear to God Dylan better not be in the room with you Barbara that was private!"
"And speaking of privates I-"
"Shut the fuck up!"
She laughed again, "Okay fine I will stop."
"Thank god."
"Just relax okay. I am sure everything will be normal when you guys get home."
"I hope you're right. It's been so complicated lately."
"It will be fine. I know it."

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