~Harry~ (7)

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I had to leave...so that I wouldn't kiss her and strip her down bare right then and there. She had such a way of crawling under my skin and staying there. I never meant to antagonize her but she didn't understand what just her presence alone was doing to me let alone the continuous questioning.
"What the hell happened in their Harry?"
Liam began questioning me as I came down the hallway and into the studio room. Louis was trailing behind him.
"Nothing absolutely nothing happened."
"Thats not what it sounded out."
I clenched my jaw as I whipped around quickly to face him, "Is the equipment packed?
They nodded simultaneously.
"Good." I huffed slowly, "That means we can get the fuck out of here."
"Well up actually Harry." Louis began to speak the moment I turned around. I rolled my eyes,
"What now?"
"The director and you know James, manager guy, wants us to get a big group shot with the girls in the morning.
"Can't we get that shit over with tonight?"
"Nah, well you see, it's like the group photo plus some individual shots with some of the girls. A whole collaboration thing."
I shook my head back and forth a few times,
"I'm going back to the hotel. I can't handle all this right now."
When I got back to my room Niall was already there waiting.
"Hey man, it's about time you got here. How did things go with Leslie?"
"Why is that everyones question of the fucking day?"
"Woah." He held his hands up defensively, "What happened?"

"Nothing." Like I told Liam and Louis, "We got into a huge fight and." I paused for a moment reliving the moment in my mind, "Absolutely nothing happened."

He tilted his head curiously, "Kind of feels like your leaving a certain detail out."

"So what if I am. So what if I don't want to mention the part of while the entire time we are arguing and she's screaming at me I was fighting off the urge to kiss her. As overwhelming and possessively as I could. The only way I could get it to stop was act like a total jackass to her."

"Wow. That's a lot of deep shit right there." He smiled at me, "So you do have yourself a little crush on her then?"

"Niall, didn't you not hear a word I just said. She told me about how basically she hates me and all I wanted to do is taken advantage of her."

"Nah I wouldn't call that taken advantage. It's obvious that being in the room that long with you got yourself all worked up. Let alone the arguing that'll work anyone up especially it being with a beautiful woman."

"I can't see her tomorrow."

"That's what you keep telling yourself."

"It's bad now though Niall. I actually can't see her. She really doesn't want me around anymore."

"Well then you won't have anything to worry about because she will know you are here and she will avoid you. She may not even be apart of the photo sessions."

"You know she will be."

"Maybe, but you will be fine. Once you get rest tonight."

"I don't know what seeing her tomorrow is going to do to me."

He placed his hand sympathetically on my shoulder, "If you keep thinking about it you're going to make yourself sick. Don't keep worrying. It only makes the time a worse experience."

"I guess your right." I mumbled slowly before brushing my hand back through my hair.

"Now lets get some rest we got a long flight tomorrow."

But I couldn't rest. The moment I closed my eyes it happened again. More intensely this time. I saw her smile and heard her laughter as we strolled along a white beach. Her hand and mine. Her skin glowing in the sunlight. The way her head rested against my shoulder as we watched the sunset. These images faded and flashed to my NYC city apartment as she danced around the room wearing one of my white tshirt. The way it hung loosely over her long figure. I heard her voice calling my name. I felt her breath against my neck. The way her fingers trailed up and down my abdomen. My body pressed gently against hers as I brushed light strands of her out of her face. God how I missed her scent and smile.
I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name,
"Harry. Harry." Niall called out. I immediately jolted awake. "Sorry man. I know your exhausted but we have to be ready in two hours for the shoot.
I drug my body downstairs unable to control its movements at first. I didn't wanna do this....

My gosh she was stunning and it hurt me how much we have fought now

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My gosh she was stunning and it hurt me how much we have fought now. I couldn't ever stay angry at her. She was took perfect. With every angle she positioned her body I couldn't help but feel at a loss of words but I tried reminding myself of what the boys said. I needed to find someone else. There were plenty of other models who had been looking at me since we first arrived here. Now I had the opportunity to get photos with one. Her name was Bella. Pretty I suppose and she wasn't shy when it came to physical touch. She put hers arms around my neck immediately as the camera came out. The flashing started and I found myself struggling to loosen up. I couldn't with her still in my sights. Suddenly Zayn came towards her and my body felt rigid. The way his arm gripped his way. The way she laughed at his comments. It was such a fake laugh.
"Come on guys let's loosen up." the photographers called out. Girls get in close. Bella immediately did which forced him into holding her waist. I could tell Leslie looked a little bit hesitant but nevertheless the less leaned closer into him.
"More flirty now girls. Let's make it good for these guys." And in one flash of the cameras I saw her suddenly glance at me a smug sort of smile on her lips as she leaned in closer to Zayn before ultimately caressing his face with her hand. Was she trying to make me jealous? After all of that we argued is she really going to be this petty. Well two can play at that thing. I pulled Bella closer towards me our foreheads touching making her giggle. I saw Zayn flash a smile towards my direction as he hugged Leslie from behind for the next photo. Though her smile said she was happy I could see beneath it all and I could tell she wasn't. The more see tried with Zayn the more I did with Bella to the point I was ready to take things to the next level. After all I needed to move on. Though the thoughts in my head were still clawing away. I pushed away any frustration or displeasure I saw in him touching her and focused solely on getting myself in the moment,
"We can continue this later." Bella whispered into my ear and I smiled in reply.
I saw Zayn kiss Leslies hand before walking away from her. She was smiling in a slightly awkward way. After the large group photo was done I took this as my opportunity to start knew. I asked Bella to come to my room with me and gave Niall a notice so that he wouldn't intrude on us. Things started well. She was obviously into it and I could tell immediately she was ready to go all the way but no matter how many times I kissed her or even in the way she touched me I couldn't do it. I couldn't do anything. Feel anything. Everything was numb and bland and I couldn't understand how or why I was so angry with myself and could see that Bella was obviously unamused. This was the worst night ever. The rest of the guys came home about three hours after I left and the questions immediately came in.

"So how was your big night?" Zayn smirked as he waltzed in the room with Niall.
"Don't even ask?" I immediately huffed.
"Awe don't tell me you couldn't go through with? You really are just being an idiot at this point."
I got up off the bed immediately and came towards him,
"Look I don't have to justify anything to you."
"What are you getting mad at me for? Not my fault you couldn't get it up."
"This was your idea."
"I was trying to help you."
"By having your hands all over Leslie."
"She's not yours you know. You don't own her."
"But I know her better than anyone and you shouldn't have been touching her like that."
"Your tripping man." He scoffed and turned his back towards me. I immediately took a lunge forward but Niall blocked me.
"Easy now Harry. Calm down."
"I am calm."
"He's a moron is what he is." Zayn left the room and I wanted nothing more than to storm after him."
"What was that all about man?"
Niall questioned me looking both puzzled and concerned.
"I don't want to talk about it."
With that I went into the bathroom to finally shower and prepare for the flight we had in the morning. I needed to forget this night ever happened.

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