~Harry~ (55)

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I stroked my fingers lazily through her hair. She was gorgeous when she was asleep. The sunlight seemed to dance across her caramel and I found myself struggling to leave. I slid into my dress pants and put on my white tank top I wore as an undershirt beneath the cotton button up I had. The 50s were always about suits and sophistication and this way of dressing added to the fever dream that was aura of the movie. My eyes darted over her nude figure that was hidden underneath the sheets. I stroked my fingers through her hair again, a small smile emerging on her lips. I kissed the back of her shoulder twice my body hovering over hers. Continuing down the exposed area of her back I kissed her spine my breathing getting heavier the further I went down,
"Don't you have to leave?" Her voice was soft light.
I smiled kissing her shoulder again, "Not if you don't want me to." She rolled onto her back and smiled running her fingers through my loose and damp hair. I couldn't resist kissing her. My tongue stroked her bottom lip and I felt her palms pushing against my chest. I stopped,
"I don't want you be late."
"Kicking me out huh?"
She smiled again, "No, but the sooner you finish this film the sooner I get to keep you all to myself." Her eyes flickered with slight suggestion.
That was so hot. I smiled asI felt my pulse beginning to race and my skin becoming flush. I kissed her again, harder, this time. "God I love you." I mumbled into her mouth almost breathlessly my tongue slowly dragging across hers. I didn't want to stop but I felt her pushing me back again. She smiled warmly, "You better go." My eyes flashed up and down her body taking in one last glance of her,
"Are you going to be alright?"
She chuckled softly, "I think I will survive."
"Alright." I said with obvious disappointment, "Will I see you on set later?"
"Yes Harry. I will be there." I gazed over her figure and face again,
"Now go!" She persisted.
"Fine." I kissed her forehead and she turned back over on her stomach. I buttoned up my shirt and quickly threw on my jacket, "I love you."
I saw her smile faintly her eyes closed but she didn't respond, "I love you." I said again gazing at her still figure but still no answer. My eyes narrowed on her I quickly went towards the bed I jerked the sheet up exposing her lower body completely. I raised my hand up and smacked her ass firmly. She yelped lightly nearly jumping up,
"Ow! Was that necessary!"
My gaze narrowed at her, "I said I love you."
"I love you too asshole." She rubbed her hip and rear lightly. I smiled brightly as she flipped me off. I grabbed her face with my hand and kissed her neck before rushing out of the door and towards the hair and makeup trailer.
I was eager to make progress with the film so I could get back to Leslie but I was thoroughly enjoying the experiences of acting. Singing would always be my first passion but acting allowed me to escape myself. It gave me a deeper understanding of people through playing other characters. It's something I never pictured for myself and don't know where it would expand to but I loved cinema. It was truly an art.
Florence and I prepared ourselves for the next scene. The second love scene portrayed in the film. I admire the passion and fire the two characters had for each other. They loved being married. Despite the mirage that it would dissolve into at the end. It was beautiful for what it was. The passion Jack and Alice had reminded me of myself and Leslie. Kissing Florence I always pictured myself kissing Leslie. It was never quite the same as kissing her but if I didn't my performance held not authenticity. As we prepared the second take of the scene I saw Leslie appear on set. My eyes immediately met hers. She smiled and I smiled back. I had to try harder to focus not and not be drawn to her. Her presence was so alluring. Like a magnetic force I was inevitably drawn into her. I heard the call of ACTION and tried my hardest to switch into Jack. I was practicing hard the theories of method acting that infused the idea of embodying the character almost as if it was an alternate personality or version of oneself. I kissed her passionately in the bedroom of the house we were in. Setting her on top of the dresser running my hand up her dress but not inappropriately far. I mimicked the motions required and the director yelled cut. I immediately turned to look at Leslie and saw her face slightly twisted her gaze shifting down. Oh. I moved quickly towards her as the directors chatted amongst themselves. I quickly cupped her face, "I am happy you're here." She forced a small smile and I pressed my forehead against hers, "I know what you're thinking."
"Do you?" She said flatly.
"I love you and I only ever think of you." She looked at me skeptically before half smiling, "I better be what you're thinking about."
I smiled and quickly kissed her cheek my mouth brushing over her jaw as I whispered, "If it helps I can do the same to you later." She shoved my arm and began looking around the room frantically,
"That's sick."
"Is it?" I asked suggestively while kissing the top of her hand.
"I don't want to have any part of your weird movies erotic sex scenes."
"Why not I can show the difference between acting and reality?" Her eyes widened more and I couldn't help but laugh,
"Would you keep your voice down?!"
I chuckled softly and kissed her hand again before going back to the scene. We filmed it four more times before moving on to the next scene.
After filming the producers allowed all the cast to have a small after party. I couldn't be upset as Leslie did take my advice and wore a less bold dress. This one was longer and definitely covered more but the low and open back of her champagne toned satin gain was doing indescribable things to me. My hope was that I was the only man in the room that thought this way. I drank a glass bourbon as I watched her laughing with Florence and some of the camera crew. I was glad they were getting along well,
"She's a beautiful woman." I turned slightly to see Chris smiling with a martini in his hand,
"Yes she is."
"You're a lucky man Harry."
I looked him up and down skeptically, "I know."
"Don't want to loose someone like her."
I furrowed my brows together and gave him a hard look. He raised one hand up immediately, "I don't mean anything but a genuine statement."
"You are very lucky. I know you realize it. She is a beautiful woman and loves you greatly which is a gift."
I shifted my gaze back to Leslie. My eyes drifting up and down her figure as she laughed more vibrantly as she did when she was slightly intoxicated.
"When are you popping the question?" He asked curiously and I turned back to look at him,
He took a sip of his martini, "You are going to ask her to marry you aren't you?" I looked back at her again,
"Yes." I said almost instinctively. I knew I couldn't live without her. It was obvious but I actually hadn't thought about when or how I would ask the question.
"I don't know." He raised his brows in surprise, "Well if I were you I would do it tomorrow. You love her obviously and it's even more obvious how much you adore her. Why wait?"
I was surprised by Chris statement and the fact it all made sense. Why was I waiting? Before I was trying hard to just win her back but things have been great for the most part. We have hard our disagreements but why was I waiting? This was it. She was it. There wasn't going to be anyone else. If I couldn't have her then I didn't want to live at all.
At the end of the party I flagged down Florence and quickly pulled her aside,
"I need your help with something and you can't tell anyone about this."
"What is it?" She asked curiously her eyes full of curiosity and skepticism.
"I am going to propose to Leslie."
She gasped clapping her hands over her mouth to cover her scream,
"I want to do it back home after filming and I need help getting everything together. I don't want to tell any of her friends because I don't want to risk her finding out. Can you help me?"
"Of course!" She cheered again.
This was it. I was finally going to do it.

Love You Goodbye - Harry Styles (Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang