Chapter 7

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Yibo smiles and waves as he watches Anke tear off across the drive to hail a taxi.

Once in the taxi, she takes out her phone, and a sleepy voice answers the phone "While you were sleeping your prize is being snatched away from you."

The voice on the other end screams "WHAT? What are you talking about?"

Anke sneers "Your precious love just found his true mate which just so happens to be his mother fucking fiancé." 

"You better figure out a way to fix this, we still have a deal, you get what you want and I get what I want. Make it happen or so help me you will wish you'd never met me." 

She disconnects the call and dials another number "Xi Jin hello darling listen about those masquerade items we spoke about, for the green one we spoke of, I need you to only have a match for me." 

"When we get there everything else has been snatched up and the only thing left is the feminine match to the masculine green. Can you do that for me? Perfect, see you tomorrow, you are the best!"

She disconnects from the call and tosses her phone in her bag with a grin. 

Let's see who wins in the end, it will be me. I'm his perfect mate, I'm his everything, soon he will understand, once his precious Xiao Zhan is in the arms of another he will understand. She smiles to herself and tells the taxi driver a different address to take her to.

**Wang Holdings **

"Hai, what am I going to do? Ma has been on my case for years to marry Zhan, you know what's going to happen when she hears this." Yibo sighs and sits down on the sofa in his office.

Haikuan gives his little brother a sympathetic look "I know but if you wait to tell her and she finds out that you've known about it and said nothing..." he trails off.

Yibo hangs his head "You're right, I just have to get it over with, it's just ma can be a bit much and I really want to secure mine and Zhan's relationship first." 

"Ma will kill me if I do that before telling her. Shit!" He starts pulling on his hair in frustration.

He huffs "I'll just do it, you might want to leave so that you aren't dragged into the drama that will ensue via our mother."

Hai chuckles "Yep, I'm out, I'm sure I will get an ear full later but until then, see ya didi."

Yibo takes a deep breath and dials the very last number he wants to dial on Earth.

"Bobo my sweet baby how are you?" Carmen Lee gushes.

"Bobo my sweet baby how are you?" Carmen Lee gushes

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Carmen Lee

"Hi Mother, how are you?" Yibo starts off slowly.

"Oh darling I'm fine, you sound strange though what's going on hmm?" Carmen is a very intelligent and astute woman so she coaxes her youngest child.

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