Chapter 18

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Yibo checks in the door security before entering the room, a few of Zhan's family members have been by but only his mother is in there now.

Yibo opens the door and walks in shutting it behind him, he looks over and sees he looks better, a lot of the equipment he was attached to has been removed, his oxygen mask is gone and all he has now is an I.V. With a small bag attached. 

Zhan's mom sitting at his bedside wiping him down with a cloth. He walks over and greets them "Hey"

Jing Tong smiles "Hey, you brought him something to eat?"

He nods "Yes neither of us has eaten much of anything so I stopped at his favorite restaurant and got him some of the dishes he usually orders."

He looks at Zhan who is asleep but starting to stir, then looks at his mother-in-law. "I haven't had an opportunity to speak with you or ba, May I come by later this evening and speak to you both?"

She smiles "Of course you can nuxu, we can show you the wedding plans and what everything will look like."

Yibo blushes at the word his mother-in-law used for him then smiles, he notices that Zhan is waking up and begins to open the bag, pulling out the food. He is fully awake at the smell of the delicious scents wafting through the room.

"What smells so good?" He asks attempting to sit up. 

Yibo moves to the bed and helps him sit up a little straighter then pushes the tray with the different dishes closer to him, opens his chopsticks and rubs them together before handing them to Zhan who is looking at the food like a starving man that just got his hearts desire. 

Yibo chuckles "I got you poached fish in fiery sauce, cold noodles, and soup dumplings. I also got red braised beef with daikon, soup noodles with minced pork and cucumber salad. I figure we can just get a little of whatever looks good. Mama, please join us there is plenty."

(close enough for their meal 😅🤣)

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(close enough for their meal 😅🤣)

She smiles at him "I'm heading back to the penthouse to feed your ba, you and Zhanzhan eat and I'll see you later this evening alright nuxu?"

Yibo nods and Zhan's eyes bug out when his mother calls Yibo nuxu, they aren't married yet. She giggles at her son's facial expression and kisses the top of his head before taking her leave.

Yibo takes a small bowl and puts some of the items he knows Zhan likes and gives it to him. Zhan smiles and thanks him, they eat in silence, putting pieces of food into each other's bowls until they are both satisfied and full.

Zhan sighs contentedly "That was amazing, thank you for getting us food, I'm so full. Are you trying to fatten me up, Mr. Wang?"

Yibo chuckles at his little bunny "Maybe but you were unconscious for two days and didn't have any food, you lost a bit of weight, I want you to be healthy."

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