Chapter 36

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Yibo and Zhan walk into the kitchen and speak to the chef "Chef Zhu what are we having for dinner?"

He looks up from his cooking "Good afternoon masters, we are having Dong'an chicken, seared vegetables and fried rice." 

"Extra spice for master Zhan has been added to a portion, it should be ready in about twenty minutes."

"Sounds wonderful thank you, chef, " Yibo says before walking off with Zhan in tow."

They sit at the dinner table and Yibo calls Mrs. Wu, she arrives a short time later and bows "Yes Master Yibo, Master Zhan what can I do for you?"

Yibo takes out his cell phone "Mrs. Wu I'm sure Mother has contacted you about Hai and Cheng's wedding this coming week, I would like an update please."

She smiles "Oh yes master, we will be ready for their ceremony on Thursday." 

"All of the preparations have been made and scheduled out, now that we have an in-house chef it will make things much easier."

 "Your mother has contacted the wedding planning company and set a time for them to come and set up. I will send you a full itinerary if you like so that you and Master Zhan can prepare for it."

Yibo nods "Great, with strangers here I want to know what the schedule looks like for the next week Mrs. Wu, I will contact my mother for the rest of the details, Thank you."

She bows and walks off, as she exits the dining room their dinner is being served.

Zhan's eyes widen and he smiles "Oh this looks amazing."

Yibo grins "Here baobei let me get you some." He picks out the best pieces of meat, the crispy bits of vegetables and spoons him a good helping of fried rice.

Zhan grabs a piece of chicken puts it in his mouth and moans, the sauce on it is amazing, he chews the bite savoring the flavor. 

Before he can swallow it though his tongue begins to feel thick and his mouth floods with saliva.

 His stomach churns and he stands up and runs to the bathroom, he throws up anything that is in his stomach. 

Yibo walks into the bathroom with a look of concern on his face as he sees his mate bending over the toilet throwing up his guts. 

He grabs a washcloth and wets it wiping Zhan's face and neck, he rubs his back soothingly "Baobei what's wrong love?"

Zhan gags and dry heaves for a few minutes before he can answer "I don't know all I had was a little piece of chicken. I feel better now, I'm ok love."

He wipes his face and rinses his mouth out and they go back to the table, Zhan looks at the Dong'an chicken and feels queasy again. 

He grimaces putting his hand over his mouth and pushes the bowl of chicken away.

He looks at Yibo "I can't eat it, it's making me nauseous just looking at it."

Yibo calls one of the staff to remove the dish immediately and bring some tea, he puts the fried rice and vegetables a little closer "Here tuzi try this and see if it will settle your stomach."

Zhan takes a breath and sips some water as his stomach settles down a bit he tries the fried rice, the first couple of bites are fine so he starts eating with gusto. 

Soon though he makes another face and runs back to the bathroom to empty his stomach again then dry heaves.

Yibo is there with him again and this time he calls his mother, as soon as she answers he says "Ma, Zhan is throwing up and I don't know what's wrong with him."

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