Chapter 16

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The soft beeping of the vitals monitoring system begins to slowly pull Yibo out of his exhaustion-induced sleep. 

He opens his eyes and for a second he forgets where he is but only a second before he frantically hops out of bed and rushes to his mate's bedside. 

He takes Zhan's hand and looks over his still unconscious body, ensuring his condition hasn't changed while he sleeps. 

Taking a deep calming breath, he works to calm his racing heart and looks at the exquisite features of his husband's face softened in sleep. 

He glances at the clock on the wall which says it's nearly seven p.m. Zhan's parents should be here with Ma soon, come on baobei open those sexy dark eyes for me, look at me, and give that shy little smile that's only for me. 

Yibo leans in, kisses Zhan's lips softly, and sits down, taking his hand in both of his. He rests his cheek on their joined hands and gazes at his mate's gorgeous elfin face, committing each tiny nuance to memory. 

He is brought out of his stupor by the sound of the door clicking open. He turns and sees Zhan's mom and dad come in with his mother following closely behind. "Hello Aunty, Uncle." He bows to his in-laws.

Jing Tong walks over to Yibo and gathers him into a tight hug "Nonsense sweetheart we are mom and dad or mama and ba or baba. We are your parents same as your mother." 

She lets go of him and puts her hands on his cheeks she looks at him raising her eyebrows and nods "Hm?" 

He smiles and nods back "Mama, Ba I'm glad you're here." Zhan's father wraps his arm around Yibo's shoulder and gives him a comforting side hug. 

He takes them over to Zhan's bedside. "I'll leave you with him since only two people are allowed at a time, please excuse us." They nod and He walks out of the room with his mother.

Carmen looks over her son "You still look tired, you need to sleep more."

He smiles half-heartedly at his mother "I'm fine Ma, I just woke up right before you got here."

Carmen nods "Alright darling I won't fuss but while Jing Jing and Juan Min are with Zhan why don't we go grab a bite to eat ok? Your brother came with us and I had him go ahead and grab us something from the canteen, let's go join him hmm?"

She leads him to the canteen and they spot Hai quickly, they pull out chairs and have a seat, preparing to eat their meals.

Hai looks at his brother "How is he? Is there any change?"

Yibo shakes his head "So far nothing has changed, he hasn't moved."

Hai just nods and points his chopsticks to Yibo's bowl indicating he should eat. 

Carmen looks at the solemnness of her boys, she really hates to see them like this. "Jing Jing and I have begun the preparations for the wedding and we have already spoken to Zhuocheng, Lulu Xuan, and her husband Yuchen." 

"They are all on their way to Beijing for the wedding, Hai I need you to please pick up Cheng from the airport at six p.m. tomorrow." 

"Jing Jing and I will have our hands full with Lulu, Yuchen, baby Jin Ling and wedding details. Oh, that reminds me can he stay at your house?" 

"Zhan's penthouse is going to be running over with his mother, father, sister, and her family. There simply isn't enough room for anyone else." 

"I've spoken to him and he said that was fine as long as you agreed, otherwise he will just get a hotel room."

Carmen smiles expectantly at her eldest son, Hai swallows his food "Uh yeah, yes that's fine with me, there's no need for him to go to a hotel when I have plenty of room." He smiles and clears his throat.

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