Chapter 13

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Carmen and the others arrive at the masquerade, they are announced and each shows off their ensembles before descending the stairs to find their table. 

She spots Jiyang and Ji Li, Zhan's best friends, and Ji Li's older brother Yi Zhou. They own the Qinghe Nie Shipping Company which does most of Wang Holdings international shipping. 

She waves to them and finds that all of them are at the same table, this is not a surprise because she made sure they would all be seated together. 

She grins to herself and looks over at the younger generation and smiles "Hello my little darlings, I'm so happy we are all placed together." 

"Jiyang, sweetheart when are Yibo and Zhan set to arrive?" she cocks her brow.

Everyone greets their elder properly and Jiyang grins "They will be walking in any minute, I need to take our photographer and get in place so that we get the maximum amount of photos for Zhan's social media accounts. You can join me if you like, I have to go now though."

Carmen smiles with a dismissive wave of her hand "Go on ahead sweetheart, this is the perfect place to get every vantage point of their entrance."

Jiyang nods and walks away quickly. Carmen settles in for the fun that's about to ensue, she glances at Anke and sees that her spot at the table is opposite of where she, Yibo and Zhan are seated. 

She smiles triumphantly and turns back to look at the top of the stairs just in time to see her sons walk in. 

She stands up waiting for them to be announced, she sees Yibo whisper to the caller and her brows crinkle in confusion, then the call announces "Mr. Wang Yibo and Mr. Wang Xiao Zhan." 

She cackles with glee clapping happily as she glances over at Anke then looks back up in time to watch in awe when Zhan steps forward with pure confidence and does his reveal. Her eyes sparkle with pride for her beautiful son-in-law who looks incredible in his suit. 

She then sees her son absolutely lose his calm cool façade at seeing Zhan without his cloak. The best part of all was seeing Anke turn the same shade as her dress at their announcement and Zhan's reveal. 

Her clever little boy just announced to the world that they are married, even if they never have a wedding ceremony the public will believe that they are married from this point on. 

Such an intelligent child she raised, Yibo has firmly laid complete claim to Xiao Zhan, tonight becomes their wedding night. 

Zhan's friends are floored by how they were announced, it was a complete shock. The rest of the people in the room begin to whisper at the announcement and then gasps as Zhan removes his cloak. 

He is beautiful, absolutely stunning in his red and black attire, there is an excited buzz in the room as the couple descends the stairs. 

The men are greeted with congratulations and compliments on what a beautiful couple they are. 

The men graciously accept the compliments and congratulations as they make their way to their table. 

Upon reaching their destination Carmen is overjoyed and hugs them both enthusiastically. Everyone at the table shares congratulatory wishes and hugs for the couple. They all also have more than a few questions for them as well.

Zhan asks everyone to give them just a minute and turns to Yibo "Can I speak to you alone for a minute."

Yibo smirks "Absolutely, follow me." He places his hand on the small of his mate's back and guides him past the dance floor and steps behind the stage where the band will be performing.

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