Chapter 9

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Yibo contacts Hai to let him know they are on their way so he can prepare. Yibo smiles to himself, as bad as he gets it Hai is even worse. 

He's not engaged and isn't dating anyone, so their mother is constantly trying to fix him up with someone. Poor gege, hopefully, he finds someone soon so he can get mother off his back. 

Carmen walks into Hai's office with her normal flare and smiles at Hai "Here is my other gorgeous son, I must be the luckiest mother ever." 

"Look at my boys, all are beautiful, powerful, talented, and as for now available apparently." She quirks her mouth in disapproval.

Hai stands up and comes around the desk to hug his mother "Months and this is all you can do, complain? For shame Mother, it's a happy occasion Yibo found his true mate, behave and be happy."

Carmen scoffs "I am being affable, I'm just cautious, and annoyed. Who let Anke make decisions about anything much less how your brother should dress for his first date with Zhan?" She clucks her tongue in irritation.

Hai laughs "Mother, did you expect me to do it? She's a fashion model so she knows about this stuff. She also knows some designers that will have what we need last minute since the festival is in two days."

She rolls her eyes "Next time just contact me, I could have brought everything from Hong Kong in just a few hours without that clingy girl hanging all over your brother."

Hai laughs "Mother, Anke is one of Yibo's best friends, she was even there when Yibo made the date with Zhan, she encouraged him to go over to Zhan while we were at the restaurant." 

"Stop worrying about Anke, they have been friends since we were little kids, she's fine."

Carmen huffs "Hmm, if you say so, anyway Hai we are going to get the outfits for the masquerade tomorrow and I need you to encourage your brother to be a bit less conservative with his suit choice." 

"You know how he is, if we let him, he would just wear a black tuxedo and a black mask and be completely boring yet dashing, obviously." 

"He needs to dress to impress my son-in-law, Zhan has a flair for fashion and always dresses impeccably when he attends these events." 

"I want him to not be able to take his eyes off Yibo so we must intervene and sway your brother to be more audacious." 

"He is trying to woo him but it's better to be a peacock than a crow when dressing to impress at these soirées." She cocks her eyebrow at her oldest son.

Hai grins softly at his mother "Mn."

Carmen picks up her bag and kisses Hai on the cheek "All right darling I'm heading home, I will see you tomorrow." 

"Why don't you stop by the house with Bobo and you both have breakfast with your mother hm?"

Hai nods "Sounds good."

Carmen air blows Hai several kisses and walks out the door.

Hai walks back over to his office chair, sits down, places his hands on his desk, and laughs softly to himself. 

**Seven O'Clock A Few Blocks Away**

Ji Li and Jiyang both are let into Zhan's penthouse by security "Zhan we're here, where are you?"

Zhan yells "In the kitchen come on in."

Ji Li and Jiyang walk into the kitchen and see Zhan in an apron moving around the kitchen with the ease of someone who cooks regularly.

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