Chapter 27

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Yibo gets up "Baobei I'm heading to the office do you want to stay here or come with me?" He asks his mate this every day.

Zhan sitting up with the covers pooled around his hips shakes his head. "No you go on ahead, I'm ok. I think I'll call Ziyi and get her to meet me with some of the gallery staff at the warehouse so that we can take inventory so I can see just how many paintings I have currently. It will do me good to get back to what I'm comfortable with and it will keep me busy." He gives his mate a small smile.

Yibo leans in and kisses his lips, not liking the sad look in his mate's eyes. "You do whatever makes you feel comfortable just please take all of your security team with you, it will make me feel better if I know you are protected."

Zhan nods "I will, don't worry wo de shizi I'll be careful."

Yibo smiles and goes to the bathroom to do his morning routine Zhan watches him walk away and grabs his cell phone beside the bed.

"Good morning Ziyi, How are you?"

Ziyi smiles "Good morning laoban, I'm good, a little nauseous but so far maintaining. How are you?"

Zhan sighs "I need to do something normal, I want to do a full inventory of the warehouse, can you get the inventory catalog ready along with a few of the staff?" 

"I think if we split up we can verify what we have and move some of the pieces to the gallery, with three pieces up in the Hong Kong collection we are going to need to know exactly what we have to sell since I can't paint for the next few months."

Ziyi nods "Yes, of course, I've already begun moving some of your more popular pieces to the gallery while you've been recovering." 

"I had a feeling we would need to do this with your injury and the Hong Kong collection going up." 

"There is already a lot of buzz about your pieces being displayed and we've received several communications requesting a list of available paintings over the last few weeks from some collectors who already have some of your works." 

"I'm guessing they are trying to get in before the feeding frenzy starts and everything you have gets sold."

Zhan smiles "That's great news, so my instincts are correct, Let's meet in a few hours, go ahead and verify what's in the gallery now within the catalog and how many pieces we can move into the gallery." 

"I want to put as many pieces up as we can so that we have a good display for collectors who want to see them in person before they purchase." 

"We also need to update the prices since I know that some of my older pieces are priced from a few years ago before my work really started getting noticed."

Ziyi is rapidly taking note "Alright I should have everything ready for when you get here, just call me when you head this way so I can meet you at the warehouse laoban, I'll see you soon."

Zhan nods "See you."

Yibo comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped low on his hips and he has another in his hand rubbing his head to dry his hair. "Did you get in touch with Ziyi?"

Zhan just sits there staring at Yibo's muscular body, his eyes roaming everywhere.

Yibo chuckles "You keep looking at me like that baobei and we won't leave this bedroom until I've bent you over every piece of furniture in here."

Zhan gulps, his eyes going wide and then he grins mischievously "How long would that take exactly?"

Yibo barks out a laugh "Zhan go get in the shower or you won't leave this room today."

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