Chapter 14

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Feng Ming and He Peng are flanking Zhan who is walking back to a smiling Yibo, as they pass the edge of the dance floor someone angrily shouts Zhan's name. 

All three look to where the shout came from to the right. From the left, a waiter with tears in his eyes approaches Zhan and the bodyguards, Feng Ming snaps his head to the left and quickly moves to intercept the waiter. 

He takes him down but not before he has a chance to whisper "I'm sorry" and the sound of a gunshot echoes around the ballroom followed by the screams of panicking partygoers moving in every direction. 

He Peng reaches for Zhan as he collapses to the floor, he can see a gunshot wound to his left shoulder right below his collarbone. 

He applies pressure and sighs when he sees Yibo and the other men rushing to them. 

He Peng looks at Yibo as blood seeps through his fingers and yells "He's been shot just below his collarbone, we need an ambulance." 

Yibo with a horror-stricken gaze nods and calls for emergency medical help. He pulls his handkerchief out of his pocket as he kneels beside his mate and applies it to the wound trying to staunch the bleeding. 

He puts his phone away and uses both hands to put pressure on the wound, his hands becoming streaked with his mate's blood. He prays the emergency team gets here soon, Zhan's lost a lot of blood. 

Yibo yells "Hai, help Feng Ming and the other security, you know what to do." His eyes full of malice meets his brothers, Hai nods and walks quickly to Feng Ming.

Feng Ming is holding the waiter down, he's not struggling and keeps whispering over and over "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." Tears spilling down his face.

Within minutes the medical team arrives and assesses Zhan's injury, they dress the wound and place Zhan on a stretcher, and prepare for transport. "Who is his family?"

Multiple people speak at the same time "I am, me, I'm his mother, yes I am."

Yibo looks at the EMT and with a stern commanding voice says "I am his husband." The EMT nods at him, you can come with us and ride to the hospital with him, the rest of you can follow. We are taking him to Yunmeng Medical Center."

Zhan's family nods and everyone prepares to leave the venue the medical team wheels the stretcher out surrounded by a ring of security guards. 

The ambulance arrives at the emergency and Zhan is immediately rushed into a surgical bay. 

Yibo stands there helpless as his husband is taken into surgery, he's terrified for his mate's life which seems to be hanging in the balance. 

The rest of their group quickly enters the emergency center and sees Yibo standing there staring at the closed bay doors. 

Carmen shouts "Yibo, please what did they say?" She grabs him by the arms concern written on her face.

Yibo looks down at his mother with fear in his eyes "Nothing, they just wheeled him in and closed the doors. He has to pull through Ma, he has to. I will lose my shit and the world will burn if he doesn't."

Carmen hugs her son "He's strong son and he has you to live for, he will come back to us."

Yibo just nods "I need to call Hai and see what's happening, I need to do something before my anger explodes. I'm stepping outside for a minute."

She nods and scrunches her eyebrows in worry for her youngest child as she watches him walk away. 

He already watched his father die right in front of him, if his mate dies she is afraid she will lose him completely.

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