Chapter 11

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Yibo and Haikuan stayed at their mother's house last night it's just easier if they are already there since they all have to prepare for the Spring Masquerade Festival. 

Both men come down to join their mother for breakfast at the same time.

Carmen looks up from her tablet "Good morning boys, I hope you slept well."

Hai slightly bows to his mother "Yes, my old bed has always been comfortable. I need to come  and spend the night more often." He grins.

Yibo bows his head and shoulders with his hands clasped together "Morning ma, I slept pretty good but my bed at home is better." He side smirks.

Carmen shakes her head and chuckles at her youngest son "I shall have your old bed replaced then oh picky one, breakfast should be served in a minute. Yibo what time are you supposed to pick up Zhan today?"

Yibo swallows his gulp of juice and puts his glass back on the table "We agreed on six-thirty." He slightly grins to himself.

Carmen smiles "Perfect, that will give us all time to get ready and be at the venue before you arrive, I can't wait to see your reaction when you see his reveal?"

Yibo cocks his head in confusion "What do you mean by reveal? I'll see him when I pick him up, how will you see my reaction?"

Carmen laughs "Oh darling I forget you never go to these things. Zhan will be covered, usually by a cloak or cape of some kind, and will reveal himself once he enters the Masquerade." 

"It's how it's done, you get to see how the crowd reacts to your "costume", trust me it's a whole thing." she makes a dismissive motion with her hand.

"You won't see anything but his masked face until you arrive so we will all get to witness his reveal and your reaction to it." 

"I can't wait to see the look on your face darling, it's going to be spectacular."

Yibo quirks a brow at his mother "You know what he's going to be wearing don't you?"

Breakfast is served and everyone begins adding items to their plates. Carmen just nods with a smug look on her face.

Yibo's eyes widen "Well show me, I want to see it!"

Carmen shakes her head giggling "Not a chance, there is no way I am going to miss watching you with him when you both enter."

Yibo huffs "Ma, come on just let me get a quick sneak peek, that's all."

Carmen flattens her lips and shakes her head then grins "Nope and don't try to be all nosey and attempt to find it either." 

"I've already deleted it and cleared my deleted folder, it's completely gone including the way I originally received the photo. I'm not taking any chances of you seeing his ensemble before it's time.

The remainder of the day is a flurry of activity as each member of the family receives a massage, manicure and pedicure, skin treatments, a bath, and hair treatments. 

Anke arrives at three and takes her shower before her manicure and pedicure, then she comes down for a snack while she waits for the makeup artist to be ready for her.

Yibo is sitting at the kitchen island having a snack, also waiting for the makeup artist. He sees Anke and smiles "Hey you, ready for tonight?"

She nods and sits in the seat next to him and opens her mouth asking him for a bite of his three plus two.

Yibo scoffs and nudges her away from him "No way get your own, you know I don't share food."

Anke huffs and pouts "I want some of yours, come on babes we have known each other forever, what's the big deal?"

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