Chapter 10

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While Zhan's dinner party is going on his mother receives a phone call. "Jing Jing it's Carmen, how are you love?"

Jing Tong smiles "Cece I'm wonderful but then again how could I not be with such incredible news, our boys, true mates, it's a dream come true."

Carmen laughs happily "I know, I was ecstatic at the news and flew home immediately, don't worry love I will take care of everything and make sure no one interferes with our babies. They will have to answer to me if they dare try."

 Jing Tong sighs in relief "I'm relieved to know you are there quite frankly, with these horrid letters Zhanzhan has been receiving and now with the news of a true mate pairing, I was terrified for them." 

"I'm not close enough to be in the know about the happenings in Beijing any longer, we left all that behind when we moved back to Chongqing."

Carmen smirks "Don't worry love now that I'm back I will make sure our children get their happily ever after." 

"As for those disgusting letters, I'm already working on that, don't worry Jing Jing." 

Carmen grins "Oh love, I need to know what Zhanzhan is wearing to the masquerade Saturday, can you get me a photograph?" 

"I'm going with Yibo tomorrow to get ours and I want to be able to compliment Zhan's outfit for Yibo."

Jing Tong nods "Yes absolutely I'll message Zhan first thing in the morning and get it to you right after. He's had enough excitement for today, I won't disturb him tonight." 

"Thank you Cece for looking into those letters. I feel better knowing you are there to take care of everything."

Carmen smiles "How can I not ensure our children's happiness, worry no longer my friend. I miss you, I'll come see you after I secure our babies future. We have a wedding to plan after all."

Jing Tong giggles "Yes, very soon our boys will be married, I can't wait. Call me if you learn anything." She blows Carmen phone kisses and disconnects the call.

Carmen sits back with a sadistic smile Run little rats before I catch you in my trap, hiding in the dark will only serve you for so long. Even if you are not ready for the day, it cannot always be night.

 **The Next Morning**

Carmen is sitting at the table looking at Zhan's outfit for the masquerade that man has exquisite taste, this is absolutely stunning I cannot wait to see Bobo's face when he sees Zhan in this. 

She laughs almost maniacally to herself. She straightens her face and closes the photo, opening an article. 

She puts a serene look on her face as she hears her children coming into the house to join her for breakfast. 

She looks up as they both walk in and she smiles a genuinely happy smile as she looks at her handsome sons.

"Good morning boys, have a seat, breakfast will be served in a minute." She points to their chairs.

Hai smiles softly at his mother "Good morning mother, what's for breakfast?"

Yibo grins "Morning ma, in starving." He announces as he picks up a glass of juice and takes a large gulp of the sweet liquid. 

He nods "Mm good." He runs his tongue over his lips and licks off the excess liquid from them."

Carmen giggles at how different her sons are from each other but is very happy at how close they are. "I believe we are having steamed buns, pancakes with egg, and congee."

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