Chapter 28

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Zixun rares back with his fist when the door explodes inward and a livid Yibo storms in grabbing Zixun's fist with one hand and his neck with the other. 

Zixun tries to fight back but Yibo pulls his face close and using his alpha voice, commands him to stop.

Zixun stops immediately then looks at Yibo in horror as he realizes who Yibo is, he's not just an alpha he's an enigma. Zixun face pales at the realization and he begins to hyperventilate.

"You DARE to touch my mate?" Yibo without another word snaps his neck and throws him away from him like trash.

As Yibo is dealing with Zixun, Hai, Bowen Li and He Peng move to release Zhan who is nearly out of his mind with terror, he is shaking uncontrollably.

Once Yibo disposes of the other alpha he walks over to his mate and releases calming pheromones with his scent so that his mate will recognize him. 

Upon smelling Yibo, Zhan completely breaks down crying hysterically, Yibo puts him in his lap and holds him while continuing to release calming pheromones in his scent. 

He whispers soothing words into his mate's ear, petting and hugging him, Zhan is wholly wrapped around Yibo, his face buried in the crook of his neck, and Yibo's shirt is soaked with Zhan's tears. 

While trying to calm his husband, Yibo takes several deep breaths to release his fury so that he can tend to his mate. 

It takes a while for Zhan to calm down, and he eventually passes out in Yibo's arms. 

Looking at his brother he nods "Thank you Hai, I don't know what I would have done if..." he can't finish that statement.

Hai understands what his didi is trying to say "Take him home, I will finish up here, I'll call Nurse Pang and have her meet you at the mansion, she can look him over and make sure he's ok. Go take care of him, I've got this."

Yibo nods "Thank you ge."

Yibo walks out of the gallery with Zhan still passed out in his arms the security guards walk with them, gets them in the car, and drive away. 

They pull up to the mansion and Yibo goes straight to their room, Nurse Pang is waiting outside the door and follows him in. 

Yibo lays Zhan down gently trying not to wake him but Zhan has a firm grip on him refusing to let go even in his sleep.

Yibo whispers to his husband "Baobei, I need you to release me so that we can check your injuries."

Zhan whimpers and tightens his grip, Yibo continues to murmur in his ear until he releases him but it takes a lot of coaxing. 

Nurse Pang begins to examine him, once she's completed her examination she steps away from Zhan motioning Yibo to follow her.

"Sir he has a bruised cheek, his cheek is cut on the inside and it's swelling, other than that he's physically fine but I recommend that he see a psychologist or psychiatrist and work on his trauma." 

"He will most likely have PTSD from all of this and the sooner he begins to take care of his mental health the better."

"There is one more thing, I'm surprised that you are not aware of it but Master Zhan is pregnant, It's still quite early but his scent has an added nuance to it that indicates pregnancy."

Yibo has been listening to the nurse and agrees with everything she has said, he has already spoken to the Wang Holdings corporate psychologist about Zhan coming in to see her. 

Zhan's physical, mental and emotional health is of the utmost importance right now. 

When she says Zhan is pregnant Yibo freezes, his mind spinning trying to go back and see when his mate's scent changed. 

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