Chapter 37

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The next few days are hectic with getting the house ready for the wedding and letting the family know about the twins. 

Yibo called Lulu and they came up with a plan for helping Zhan through the wedding, Yibo will wear Zhan's shirt and jacket for a while every day before the wedding saturating it with his scent and both he and Lulu will stay close to him throughout the ceremony and reception. 

Since Lulu still has a four-month-old baby she can emit a "mothering" scent that she uses when Jin Ling is fussy. 

It may help Zhan stay in a deeper state of calm which will help greatly, keeping him from hysterics. 

The day before the wedding while Yibo is out running a few errands he receives a call telling him Zhan is crying and won't let anyone near him, he just keeps calling for his husband. 

Yibo chuckles "I'll be right there, tell him I'm on my way."

Yibo walks into the bedroom twenty minutes later and sees a sobbing Zhan sitting in the middle of the bed hugging a plushie, one of his scent blankets pooled around his crossed legs and tissues scattered around him. 

He looks absolutely adorable and Yibo can't help but smile looking at his little bunny.

As he walks towards Zhan he says in a deep soothing voice "Baobei what's wrong?"

Zhan looks up and lets out a strangled cry he flies off the bed and launches himself into Yibo's arms. 

He staggers back a few steps as he catches his mate and starts cooing to him. 

He walks over to the bed and sits down with his little monkey tightly wrapped around him. "Baobei tell me what's wrong hmm? What's got you so upset?"

Zhan still crying shakes his head and leans back, he takes Yibo's hand and runs it slowly over his stomach, Yibo's eyes widen, and he can feel a small bump protruding. 

He rubs it in awe and smiles at his mate. "Our babies." He says with a slight quiver in his voice.

Zhan just nods and tightens his hold on his husband burying his face in his neck and sniffling loudly. 

Yibo laughs "That's incredible, I'm sorry I didn't notice it sooner tuzi, with the wedding plans and you being exhausted the last few days we haven't really done much to be intimate, I'm a bad husband for neglecting my little bunny."

Zhan shakes his head and kisses Yibo's neck over his scent gland then he does something unexpected, he bites down causing a deep moan to come from Yibo's lips. "Bite me all you want my beautiful mate, whatever makes you feel better and more connected to me do it."

Yibo moves his head to the side and lays back on the bed giving his mate total access to him.

Zhan bites the other side of his neck causing him to groan, never uttering a word Zhan unbuttons his shirt and bites and marks his mate all over his chest and neck, Yibo lays there letting him do anything he wants. 

Zhan straddling Yibo's hips lays his head over his heart and listens to it beating strong and steady, he takes a deep breath and melts on top of his husband.

"I don't know what came over me wo de shizi, I felt my baby bump and even though there has been a slight bump there I didn't realize it was the babies, I get those when I eat as well so I didn't notice it." 

"Then today when I woke up I felt it and I hadn't eaten anything yet, it just knocked me over and all I wanted was you." He says still lying on Yibo lazily running his fingers over his chest beside his face.

He giggles "I'm sorry I marked you all up, you are covered in love bites, but I needed to mark you."

Yibo tightens his arms around him "Never apologize for marking me as yours, because I am yours." 

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