2) No time now to be young

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Sofia left at 5:30 p.m. and filled me in on how urgent care went. All she told me was that, Josh got answers, and that he needs lots of rest.

When I got to our apartment at 5, he was dead asleep on our bed. I put the medicine and heating packs away.

Josh hasn't woken up yet and it's midnight.

I am getting ready for bed and making a late-night call to my cast mate to let him know about my absence tomorrow.

"Thank you for covering for me today and tomorrow, Anthony. You are the best fake best friend I've ever had." I whisper on the phone while I watch my boyfriend sleep in our king bed and take up all the space.

"I'm the only fake best friend you've ever had. See you tomorrow Matt. Tell Josh that I said I hope he feels better soon." I listened to my cast mate end our call.

It's quite a cute scene. However, I'm concerned about his health.

He's been sleeping, eating, and going to the bathroom a lot over the last month. I told my cousin, Julia, about his symptoms since she has some nursing training. She said that he might have type one diabetes. I don't know what's going on. Thankfully, he went to the urgent care doctor and finally tried to figure something out.

I hate seeing him so sick.

I feel like a useless boyfriend watching him sleep.

"Night, babe." I run my hand through his curls and feel his body tense up.

"Go back to sleep, love." I press a kiss onto his forehead to get him to relax again.

"I gotta pee." I watch him dash to our shared bathroom in just his boxers.


He wasn't like this last week.

Maybe Juls is right? Could my boyfriend have been diagnosed with type one diabetes and he didn't tell me?

"Josh, are you okay? You can tell me anything. I promise you that I won't judge you or leave you." I knock on our bathroom door after I hear the toilet flush and can tell that he's just standing there aimlessly as if he's sleepwalking.

"Can I come in babe?" I knocked a little louder in case he ignored my first soft knock.

I don't hear a sound from him but can tell that he's done using the toilet so I let myself in anyway in case he fell or needed something.

We've seen each other naked before.

"Do I look fat?" I walk into the bathroom and see him standing in front of the mirror holding his shirt up to show his stomach while tears stream down his face.

"Josh, babe. You look amazing just the way you are. You are beautiful inside and out. You know I'd never ask you to change. If perfect's what you're searchin' for, then just stay the same. So don't even bother askin' if you look okay. You know I'll say. When I see your face. There's not a thing that I would change 'cause you're amazing. Just the way you are, Joshua Taylor Bassett." I lean down to kiss his stomach and let him know that his body is beautiful.

"You quoted a Bruno Mars song and didn't answer my question." I hear him stifle a laugh and watch his fake smile.

"I answered your question. Your body is beautiful. You don't need to change. You are perfect just the way you are. What are you upset about? Is your label making you change your image again? Are you looking into modeling and trying to change? Are you sick? You can tell me anything. I promise I'll always be here to take care of you." I stand behind him and wrap my hands around his waist so that he can't poke and stare at it anymore.

"I Just Gotta Get Out of L.A": a Jatt MpregficWhere stories live. Discover now