26) Okay, can I just say something crazy?

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I need help planning a nice relaxing date for Josh.

He deserves one after everything he's worked hard for in the music industry and throughout the pregnancy.

We also haven't had a date to celebrate our engagement since Christmas.

"Juls, why are you calling me at 7:30 am? I'm headed to set. Right now, I'm making Josh breakfast. He's been skipping meals since he doesn't cook." I hold the phone to my ear while placing avocado spread on whole wheat toast.

"I need advice. I'm headed to work too." Juls says quietly as if she's trying to keep this a secret.

"Okay, you know I'm not the best person to give advice, right?" I put the butter knife down on the counter.

"I have to plan a date for someone who is not into New York Pride." I hear the deflation in her voice as if she is disappointed.

"Okay, and what advice can I give you? I'm trying to plan a relaxing engagement celebration date for Josh. He deserves it." I say quietly since he's still asleep in bed.

"What if she's homophobic? You know I go big during June for PRIDE month." I hear her say quietly.

"Are you asking me for advice on how to deal with homophobia? Because I just avoid social media and stares. That's all I can say. Is this about Adam? Juls, you dated Adam like a year ago. He was a asshole." I say quietly to make sure that I don't wake Josh up while I'm cutting his fruit.

"He was a homophobic asshole. I don't want to think about him. Do you think that I can come down to Atlanta for a while? I'll only stay for a few days. I need to get out of New York. This girl is driving me crazy. I work with her. Her name is Diana. Say is a waitress with her." I can tell that my cousin is biting her lip.

"Why don't you go visit your parents in L.A? Juls, I need my time with Josh. I need your advice on what we should do for a relaxing engagement celebration date." I try to steer her away from visiting Josh and I at this time.

"They are on a cruise. Okay, can I say something crazy? Frankie, Joe, Say and I made a bet that you would propose to Josh sooner rather than later." I listen to her blurt out.

"Ugh, of course you did. Now, can you help me out with this date? Please?" I whisper to her on the phone.

"Satisfy his cravings, Paint his nails for him, go to a record store, I don't know do something he wants do." I listen to Juls and suddenly hear Josh calling my name from the bedroom.

"I have to go. Text me how things go." I say quickly to her before running to the bedroom to find Josh still in bed.

"What do you need, babe?" I look over at him and see that he's fine in bed.

"Check my phone. I don't want to get up today.  I heard you in the kitchen. Go to set or something. I need to be alone." I watch him cover his face with his pregnancy pillow while sighing.

I pick up his phone and type in his password.

What the hell?!

There's several articles open on Google with similar headlines.

Joshua Bassett and Matt Cornett Break off Recent Engagement After Argument

It's the first headline on Entertainment Weekly.



What the hell?!

"I Just Gotta Get Out of L.A": a Jatt MpregficWhere stories live. Discover now