37) Romanticize, the private life

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"Yes, that's correct sir. I need at least two weeks off before I can go back to press meetings. What? No fucking way. You have got to be kidding me. I trusted you and your team. Okay, I'll deal with this mess you created. What? No, I don't wish to do the "26 wishes" press at the hospital are you crazy? My son was just born less than a day ago and my fiance is recovering. I'll call my manager. It's all your fault that you leaked my private life to the public press, ugh god damn it! I have a love hate relationship working in the entertainment industry," I hear my fiance say too loud from outside my hospital room door a bit too loudly, waking me up from my long and deep slumber.

I watch Matt walk down another hallway that must lead to the exit doors. He didn't even notice that I woke up yet. I wonder what's going on with him?

I don't know what day it is. There's an IV in my arm and gauze on my other arm that must be from another injection. Leo is not in the room and Adrian and Sof sleeping in a chair together.

What happened? Where's Leo? Did Matt's siblings come to visit yet? Did I lose Leo during birth?

"Adrian wake up! Adrian. Adrian, Sof wake up. Sofia Wylie," I call their names but it is no use their dead asleep.

I look over at the clock on the wall and notice it is 8:30 am.

How long was I asleep?

"Adrian wake up," I throw one of the tissues left on my bed at him and miss.

Damn it. I'm weaker and feel like shit now. I notice that I don't have as big of a bump anymore.

Where's Leo?

"Sof! I need help! I fell." I exclaim since this is an emergency I don't know where my fiance or baby is.

I would press the hospital bed button but that calls the nurses and I don't need nurses to examine me. I need my friends to give me answers. 

I watch my friend untangle herself from my other friend that she is leaning on. Sof fixes her hair a bit before she notices me in bed. I haven't fallen and I'm in one piece at least my top half.

"What? Oh my gosh. Josh, you are awake, finally. Don't you dare scare me like that again, dude? Are you okay? Do you need something? Are you in pain? I can get the" Sof goes over to my bed to examine the upper half of my body that is not covered by a blanket.

"I'm fine. Just tired and sore. Where's Matt? Where my son?" I ramble to her cutting her off.

"Oh, I haven't told you yet since you were in and out of consciousness from the anesthesia and blood transfusion. Adrian was supposed to tell you but he fell asleep during visiting hours and Matt forced the nurses to let us stay overnight. We are taking shifts since Juls forced Matt to go home and shower. Matt went home to shower and get some things he forgot and the paparazzi must have found him on the way back to the hospital. He's been making calls all morning to who I assume are people he works with and managers so that your parents can get in the building safely without being bombarded by paparazzi. I'm sorry the media found out which hospital you were in," Sof rambles to me the events of the last 12 hours but all I can think about is Leo and if he's alive.

"Okay, now I know what happened to Matt. Where's my son? Sof, please don't tell me that we lost him in delivery. The doctor assured me that he and I would be okay after the c-section," I grasp onto her hand and don't realize that there are tears in my eyes.

If anything happened to Leo, I would never forgive myself.

"Matt told me that he's in the NICU with a care team. He should be okay to come up to your room in the next 12 hours once doctors have done final testing on his breathing and temperature regulation. Oh my gosh. I should've told you that first. No wonder why you are in tears," Sof runs her hand through her curls.

"I Just Gotta Get Out of L.A": a Jatt MpregficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora