Chapter I

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(Soojins POV)

I rolled over to turn my alarm off as I heard the annoying buzzing sounds bouncing off the table.

I drug myself out of the bed, stretching my arms over my head as I stepped in the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower.

I live in a small apartment just down the street from my college. I always find a way to be late. Obviously, it's not on purpose.

I walked to the kitchen as I dried my hair with my towel. I was still in pajamas and my house slippers. I pulled the pots and pans out as I started to make a quick breakfast before rushing myself to get ready.

I threw on a pair of jeans and a low cropped shirt. Along with some tennis shoes and a jacket.

I rushed down the street, constantly checking the time. I was so late. I always said that it was better to walk, but maybe I should invest in a car this time.

As I ran through the doors, the class had started. I tried to be quiet as I took my seat. "You're late again." My friend Ari whispered to me.

"I know. I swear I have no perception of time." I desperately grabbed my books for the lecture.

"If you're not careful, the professor might drop you from this lecture." She whispered again.


"Yeah, I heard he's really strict." She rolled her eyes.

After the lecture ended, Ari and me decided to get some coffee before parting ways for our next one.

We arrived at a coffee shop just down the street. We grabbed our coffees and sat down at a table.

"You need to be more careful next time. He already dropped someone this morning for being late." She sipped her coffee.

"It's like I'm always taking my time no matter what time I wake up." I was frustrated. "I woke up at 6. The lecture doesn't even start until 8."

She laughed. "What'd you do for 2 hours?"

"Showered and made breakfast, but I was super slow today."

"Maybe you need to learn to utilize your time better." She laughed some more.

"Tell me about it. I really need that class." After our coffee break, we ran to the store for some quick snacks to eat throughout the lectures.

I was always too lazy to go have a meal after class so snacks helped hold me off until I got home for the night.

I looked around the chip isle, hoping to find something easy to bring in my bag. "There it is." I grabbed a bag.

On my way to checkout, I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry." I said, frantically.

He never looked at me. He kept walking in the opposite direction. I watched him as he grabbed a water and walked back to the counter. "Give me a pack of cigarettes too." His hands tapped the counter as he paid.

I watched him as he walked out the door, he was so mesmerizing. He was so mysterious.

(Minhos POV)

As I walked out the door, I kept thinking about the girl in the store. She was kind of pretty and looked very nice.

I shrugged off the thought, instantly getting in my car and driving off.

I pulled into an abandoned parking lot, before entering the building behind it, looking both ways to see if anyone saw me.

"Where have you been?" A man yelled.

"I've been busy." I scoffed while taking a seat.

"You're not avoiding us, are you?" He leaned forward. "We made a deal."

I pulled a cigarette out, lighting it. "I'm not avoiding anyone. I remember the deal." I blew the smoke out.

"Good. I'd hate for this to all go south for you." He smirked.

"So, where's my money?"

"You'll get your money when you bring me the girl." I put the cigarette out on the table.

"You said you'd pay me half of what you owe me for the last person I brought you!" I smacked the table.

"You'll get it in full once you bring me the girl." He laughed.

"Greedy asshole." I mumbled. "I'll get you what you want." I stood up, grabbing my things before walking out.

(Soojins POV)

As I walked back to class, I couldn't stop thinking about the boy at the store. He was mysterious and cold, something you only see in movies.

I've read a lot of books about the trope between the good girl and bad boy, the one that's only soft for her. It was something I craved.

I returned to class with an itch to know more about him. I didn't even know his name nor anything about him that could help me.

After class, I found myself lingering on the street near the store hoping he'd come back, but there was no luck.

As I walked home, I saw him leaning up against a car, smoking a cigarette.

I hid around a corner watching as he inhaled and blew out the smoke. His phone then began to ring. "Hello?" He was silent. "Stop fucking calling me. I said I'd get you what you wanted." I listened closer. "I told you I'd have her to you by tomorrow." Who was he talking about? "God damn it." He whispered as he hung up the phone.

I walked the other way, back to my house. My heart was racing in fear that he may have saw me spying on him.

I walked through the door, taking my shoes off. The adrenaline still pumping through my body. My face was blood red.

I laid down thinking about the strange boy. What could he have been talking about? Who was he talking to? And what girl is he bringing?

Soft For HerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz