Chapter XXXI

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(TW: Blood, gore, guts!!)

(Soojins POV)

"I know all of this is scary for you, but my name is Felix. I won't let anything happen to you." He smiled, carrying my bag inside. "Come on." He motioned me inside.

I walked in, taking my shoes off at the door. "Is Minho going to be okay?"

"He will be just fine." He reassured me. "This is your room." He showed me around. "My room is down the hall. If you need anything, let me know." He smiled, finishing the rest of the tour. "Bathroom is here and the kitchen is here."

"I'm so sorry for being a burden." I settled into my room.

"You are not a burden." He said. "If I make you uncomfortable at any point, let me know. It's never my intention." He laughed. "You never have to talk to me if you do not want to."

"Well, obviously I'm going to talk to you." I laughed. "I don't want to be rude."

"You're not being rude. You're just setting boundaries." He nodded. "I'm going to go make dinner, okay?" I nodded.

I pulled out my phone, trying to call Ari, but she never picked up. I was starting to get worried something might have happened to her.

(Minhos POV)

Knowing Soojin was safe put my mind at ease as I drove to Ari. She needed help, whether she wanted it or not.

As I got out of the car, two men were waiting on me. "Where's your girlfriend?" They screamed.

"It's none of your damn business." My tone was stern.

"Don't be difficult. We don't want you, we want her." They came closer.

"You're not going to fucking touch her." I clenched my fists. "If either of you lay a finger on her, I'll fucking kill you."

"You say that every time and yet, you never fucking do anything." They laughed.

"This time, I mean it." I clenched my jaw. "I dare you to touch her." I smirked.

"Is that a threat?" They scoffed.

"That's a fucking promise, asshole."

They laughed some more. "You always act so tough, but you're fucking weak." My mind was spiraling. "You've gone soft!"

I ran towards them and plunged a knife into both of them. "Not soft enough." I laughed. They fell to the ground. "Say it again."

"You're weak and soft." They mumbled, as I twisted the blade.

"One more time. I don't think I heard you." I smirked at their pain.

"Is that the best you can do?" I pulled the knives out, stabbing elsewhere. They groaned in pain.

"Of course not." I smirked. "You haven't seen my best." I whispered. "Both of you will die here." I stood up from the ground.

"Don't move." I heard a gun click. I slowly turned. "Where's the girl?"

"You're the lady I spoke to months ago, right?" I laughed.

"You killed my best men! You're a murderer!" She cried.

"A murderer?" I smirked. "I was defending myself and Soojin!"

"They wanted nothing to do with you! They just wanted her!" She yelled.

"None of you are fucking touching her!" I screamed. "Fuck! How many times do I have to say it before you understand?"

"I thought you didn't like her?" She questioned, still holding the gun.

"I fucking love her and soon, we will be raising a family." Her eyes widened. "You ever touch her or my son, it'll be your last damn day alive." I growled.

"You aren't fit to be a dad. You're a murderer." She laughed.

"I'm far from it. I did what I had to do." I pulled out my gun. "You all made me this way." She stepped back.

"I am a very important person in this town. They'll know when I've gone missing." She smirked.

"They have to find me first." I clicked back the gun.

"Wait!" I heard someone yell. As I turned around I saw Soojins parents.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I kept the gun pointed for safety.

"You've ruined everything!" Her mother cried. "All you had to do was give her up."

"I'm not letting her go that easily." I smiled.

"She killed our son! She's a murderer!" She yelled.

"You are a sorry excuse for a mother! Blaming the death of your son on your daughter." I clenched my jaw. "It was your fault." I was trying to get inside of her head. "If you would've been there, he would still be alive. This is all your fault. Everything is your fault!"

"It's not my fault!" She screamed. "Soojin killed him!"

"You're all murderers. Wanting your daughter dead because of what you caused!" I yelled. "Pathetic." I spit.

"Don't talk to my wife like that!" Her dad chimed in.

"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed. "All of you! You're a dead beat. Sorry excuse of a fucking man."

"I should kill you!" He clenched his fist.

"Go ahead. I'll always come back!" I smirked.

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