Chapter XXXV

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Warning: SMUT‼️

(Soojins POV)

It was finally time for my parents hearing in court. I was asked to be a witness on the stand and I was pretty nervous.

All the evidence was collected, they were guilty. I was only there to decide their sentence.

As I got out of the car, there were paparazzi everywhere. I was guarded by Felix who was my own personal bodyguard until I was guaranteed to be safe.

"No more questions." He pushed people, keeping his arms around me.

When we walked through the doors, he patted my shoulders, leading me back to the court room.

I watched as everyone sat down and took their spots. "This will be a court hearing of Tak Najeon and Tak Saram." I took the stand. "Mrs. Tak." I nodded. "Tell us about your parents."

My hands were shaking. I clenched my fists. "All my life, my parents were never there. I was always stuck with a nanny until I was old enough, as they said, to watch myself. They started leaving me home alone with my younger brother, Seunghan, at the age of 6." The entire court room was filled with whispers. "They would leave during the day and come back after we had went to bed. I do not know of their whereabouts to this day, but all I cared about was Seunghan. When I was 7, my parents had left for the day and my brother had suffered heart failure and died. They constantly blamed me for the entire thing until they completely shut me out for good."

"Thank you." He shuffled his papers. "Now, is there anything you want to say to them?" I nodded. "Profanity is allowed in this case."

My parents walked in, in handcuffs. "I always dreamed of the day where I could call you guys mom and dad, but it never came. You weren't even my caretakers. At a young age, I labeled you both as roommates, considering we shared a house." I choked up. "Both of you deserve a special place to rot in hell for what you did and what you put me through!" I screamed. "Fuck both of you for treating me like an animal for years! I was your daughter! You should've loved me the way I loved you." The tears rolled down my face. "You are a sorry excuse for a mom and you are a sorry excuse of a man. I hope both of you enjoy where you're going. You will not rot in this prison. You will suffer until death." I sat back down.

"You now may determine their sentence, Mrs.Tak." The judge looked at me.

"I want them to suffer. They never deserve to walk the streets again." My tone was stern. "Execution."

"Alright, the decision has been made." He looked up. "Mrs.Tak and Mr.Tak, you will be sentenced to death."

"That's not fair! She killed my son." My mom yelled.

"Quiet!" The judge screamed, as they were dragged out.

Later that day, I got to watch my parents execution. It was my choice, I wanted to see them feel the pain they put me through.

They were sentenced to death by electric chair. They suffered until the very end of their life and they will forever suffer even in death.

When I got home, Minho was waiting for me with flowers and my favorite dinner on the table.

"I knew you'd be torn up about this." He grabbed me. "So let's relax." He smiled as he walked me to the table.

"You know what we haven't done in a while?" He looked up at me as I walked towards him. "This." I sat on his lap, kissing him.

"Are you sure?" He smirked at me.

Instead of an answer, I kissed him again, leaving a trail down his neck and jawline. His hands were around my waist as they slid up my shirt. I took it off, throwing it over my head. He pulled me back in, unlatching my bra. I took off his shirt, throwing it next to mine as we continued to kiss in between the separation. "Let's go to the room." I said under my breath. He picked me up, carrying me as he laid me gently on the bed. He left marks on me that ran from my waistline up to my neck.

"I just can't keep my hands off of you." He said as he undid my belt. He took his time, slowly taking my pants off and laying them on the floor as he kissed between my thighs, leaving marks. I whimpered as he got closer, but never touched me.

"Just touch me." I moaned under my breath. He smirked as he came back up, kissing me.

"In a second." He undid the buttons on his pants, taking them off to reveal his member that was already waiting for an entrance. He entered me slowly, moaning every step of the way as he threw his head back.

"Oh my god." My eyes rolled back as he picked up the pace. This time he went harder. He did not let me adjust, he just kept going. We both whimpered as we reached our limit and finished.

He laid next to me, kissing my forehead. "My sweet girl." He whispered in my ear as I laid on his chest.

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