Chapter IX

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(Soojins POV)

I hadn't seen or heard from Minho in days, but it was best this way.

Surprisingly, I wasn't that affected by it. I still saw Ari every day and it was like we had never met.

My injuries had healed. The bruises were no longer on my neck, but the outline never went away.

I caught myself looking in the mirror at it. I often covered it up. I still had nightmares about that night, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

I arrived to class on time and took a seat next to Ari. "How about we go get coffee after this?" She looked over.

"I'm dying for one." I laughed.

Class went well. I was more attentive than I had ever been. I didn't have to worry anymore. I felt at peace with myself.

(Minhos POV)

My injury wasn't fully healed, but it didn't keep me from doing my job.

I got out of my car and walked into the building to meet with someone.

"What do you want?" The man turned in his chair.

"You sent your men after me?"

"That girl knows too much!" He yelled. "You left me no choice." He looked at my injuries. "I see you lost the fight?"

"I didn't lose shit. They jumped me on the other side of town!" I was angry. "I'll fucking kill them."

"But you don't kill. That's right, you only kill when it benefits you."

"This has nothing to do with me. You're involving innocent people." I clenched my fist. "It's been a week and she hasn't said anything."

"I don't care!" He cleared his desk. "It's too risky. I want her gone!" He pinned me against the wall. "You listen to me. If you don't get rid of her, I will."

"Go ahead and touch her. You'll regret it." I smirked.

(Soojins POV)

After me and Ari got our coffees, we walked back to our classes, enjoying the outdoors.

"This is so nice. This is my favorite part about living a double life." She laughed. "I like being normal."

"You know, you don't have to live the way you do."

"But I do. My dad makes me. He sends his men after me if I even try to back out." She smiled. "But that's okay. I get to live like this most of the time. It's not all bad."

"Does he ever hurt you?" I questioned.

"He may be an asshole, but he loves me. He's never laid a finger on me." She looked down. "That includes hugs as well."

We walked in silence after that. I didn't know what to say. My parents lived pretty far away and I hardly kept in touch with them.

I could understand where she was coming from. Having parents who love you in silence.

My parents never spoke to me, in fact, they were never really home. Most of the time it was just me and my brother. But all that ended once he passed.

My parents started to hate me. They were harder on me and blamed me for what happened. It was never my fault, but it was how they dealt with the loss.

After me and Ari parted ways for the day, I decided to do some shopping. I hadn't went all week.

I looked around, nothing seemed appealing. Most people go for home cooked meals, but my parents never cooked for me.

I grabbed some easy meals and went to the counter to checkout.

"That'll be $76.49." I handed him the cash. He bagged my stuff and handed me my change.

As I walked out the door, I felt someone watching me. I looked around, but I couldn't see anyone.

As I walked up on the porch, a hand appeared around my mouth. I tried to scream, but I couldn't.

"Shhh. It's just me." I turned around to see Minho.

"Why'd you do that?" I screamed.

"You're not safe here."

"What?" I panted.

"You can't stay here." He kept looking around.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about. Leave me alone." As I turned around he grabbed my hand.

"Soojin, this isn't a joke. You've got some bad people after you." He grabbed my shoulders. "They want you gone."

"This is why I didn't want to be involved with you. I knew this was a bad idea." I went inside and slammed the door.

"Please consider moving somewhere else." I heard him through the door. My heart was pounding out of my chest.

"Why do you care?" I leaned against the door.

"I don't know." He paused. "Because you didn't do anything wrong. He's involving innocent people. It's not right." There was silence. "I'd do this for anyone else as well."

For a second, I thought he liked me, but he was only doing this because of his morals. If it were any other person, he'd do the same.

"Go away, Minho." I walked away from the door.

(Minhos POV)

She was in danger and I couldn't get her to see that. There was nothing else I could do. Why do I even care? This was none of my business.

I walked away from the door and got in my car. My phone rang as I answered. "What?"

"Did you get her yet?"

"This is none of my business. You do it." I sighed.

"Why the change of heart?" He laughed. "Have you finally gotten your edge back?"

"I guess you could say that. Do whatever you want with her. She is none of my concern." I hung up the phone.

I don't know why I cared so much in the first place. I barely knew her, but yet she was always on my mind.

I didn't care about her. It was only because she's innocent, right? It's just my morals, I think.

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