Chapter II

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(Soojins POV)

The next morning, all I could think about was that mysterious boy. I wondered if he was my age, if he was one of those boys in a mafia gang or something.

All these thoughts ran through my head until I checked the time. "Shit! I'm going to be late again!" I grabbed my things and ran.

I didn't even bother changing anything except my shoes. I quickly ran my fingers through my hair as I ran down the street.

I walked through the door of the lecture. "Miss Soojin. You're late, again." The professor scoffed.

"I'm so sorry, sir! It won't happen again." I apologized.

"For your sake, it better not." He went back to his lecture as I took my seat.

"He's going to kick you out!" Ari whispered. "If you're late again, he'll drop you."

"I know, I know. I'm trying." I frantically looked for my books.

"What were you even doing all morning?"

"I was lost in thought. I didn't check the time until late." I whispered.

(Minhos POV)

I heard my phone ring as I rolled over. "Fuck." I whispered, grabbing the phone. "What do you want?"

"Don't be rude. I just want to see how much longer I need to wait." I went out onto the balcony.

"I'll have her to you by tonight and this time, I better be paid in full." I lit a cigarette. "I'm getting sick of doing all your dirty work for you."

"You'll get your money. If you're late, you only get half." He chuckled.

"Yeah yeah." I hung up.

I grabbed my things and headed out the door, feeding my cat on the way out. I patted his head and walked out.

I drove all the way to a building just right outside of town, looking both ways before I entered.

"The only time you come here is when you're in trouble." The bartender laughed.

"Not this time. I'm looking for someone." I looked around.

"You're always looking for someone. Who is it this time?"

I held up a picture. "Have you seen her?"

"She's at that table over there." I walked over.

"Did you come to gamble with us?" One of the men said.

"Deal me in." I took a seat next to her.

I needed to get closer to her. I didn't like doing this, but I needed the money.

"You come here often?" I asked.

"Only sometimes." She smiled.

"Why don't we go back to my place after this?" I put my arm around her shoulder. She nodded her head. My plan was set.

(Soojins POV)

After class, I walked with Ari down the street to get some fresh air. "You got any classes after this?"

"No, I'm done for the day." I said.

"What are you going to do with your free day?"

"I may do some shopping. It's been a while since I've went." I laughed. "I'm going to go ahead and walk home."

"Be careful. I should get to class." We waved to each other before parting ways.

I walked down the street, admiring the flowers and trees. It was fall time. The leaves were starting to change colors and fall.

As I got closer to home, I spotted that boy from earlier, but this time he was with a girl.

I watched him as he walked with her, trying to see if there was anything going on between them.

"Do you bring many girls to your place?" She asked him.

"A new one everyday." My heart sunk at his words. I could tell he was a player.

(Minhos POV)

As I walked with her, we got closer to my car. We got inside while I drove to where I needed to take her.

"This is where you live?" She looked disgusted.

"It's just upstairs." We walked in as a group of men locked the door behind us.

"Minho! You're early!" The man stood up.

"What's going on?" The girl looked at me as I walked away.

"Now, where's my money?" He laughed.

"Bring this man his money." He asked one of the men.

He brought out a big case. "It's all in there. 10k right?"

"Let me count." I sat the case down on the table as I counted everything. "I'll get going."

"You can't leave me here." She screamed.

"It's just business, babe." I smiled as I shut the door behind me.

(Soojins POV)

I don't know why I'm so jealous. I don't even know who he is. Maybe I need to calm down.

When I got home, I sat on the couch watching my favorite shows and ate popcorn on the side until I heard my phone ring.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Who is this?" I turned the TV off.

"Uhm, Soojin. Who is this?" It was a mans voice.

"Shit. I think I dialed the wrong number." He hung up.

That was weird, he almost sounded like the guy from the store. I kept trying to remember his voice and they sounded so similar.

I was hesitant to dial the number back. I sat by my phone for hours, contemplating on whether or not I should.

I finally dialed it back. "Hello?" He answered.

"Hi, who is this?"

"Who's asking?" He scoffed.

"I think I met you at the store yesterday. The girl you bumped into." My voice was shaky.

"I do remember you. What do you want?"

"I was just wondering if I could get a name?" I knew this probably wouldn't work.

"Minho. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering. I'll leave you alone now." I hung up the phone. So, his names Minho.

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