Chapter XVIII

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(Soojins POV)

When I woke up, I couldn't hold my eyes open. My neck was slumped down, facing my legs. I tried to hold my head up, but I was so tired.

My vision was blurry and tainted. I faintly saw that my hands were tied to a chair and I couldn't move my legs either.

I didn't even try to put up a fight. I was too weak to do anything. I could hear people whispering, but I couldn't make out the words being said. I slowly slipped back asleep.

I woke up again, but this time I was alert. I jumped up, my heart was pounding. I was no longer weak. The room was dark, but there was a bright light shining on me.

I couldn't see anything else in this room. "Hello!" I screamed, but there was no answer. I was panicking. Wiggling around, trying to get myself out.

It was all hopeless, until the door opened. I couldn't see who it was at first and then they stepped into the light.

"We meet again." He smiled.

"You're Aris' dad." My eyes widened.

"You must be her friend, Soojin." He paced in front of me. "You're probably wondering why you're here."

"I didn't do anything this time." I struggled to get out.

"We're looking for Minho." He smirked. "Perhaps, you know where he is."

"I seriously don't. He left without saying anything to me." I looked down. The tears falling on my legs.

"We know you have him!" He slammed his hand down on the table beside him. "Where is he?"

"I don't know!" I screamed back. "He left! I haven't heard from him in weeks!"

"You lie to protect your friends, how can we trust you?"

"I swear on Aris life! I don't know where he is." He began to go into a raging fit. Knocking things off the table next to him, kicking my chair.

"Minho has 24 hours to contact us, otherwise you're dead." He leaned in closer to me. "You will rot in this chair." He walked out slamming the door.

~2 Hours Later~

I don't know how long I have been in here. I was unconscious for most of the time. Where is Minho? I was going to die in here without him.

I looked around the room, trying to see if I could make out the things in here with me. My eyes were slowly adjusting to the dark.

I noticed some scissors on the floor from where that man knocked things off the table. I tried to scoot my chair closer to slide it to me.

I quickly realized that my hands were tied to the chair. I needed to be closer to the floor. I rocked the chair until I knocked myself over. "Shit." I hit my head.

I slowly rocked closer to the scissors until they were in my hand. I maneuvered them until they were able to glide across the rope.

I sawed until my wrists were bloody and red from the friction of the rope. My hand was free. I quickly did the other and then my legs.

I stood up off the ground, stumbling sideways and falling again from the medicine they injected me with.

I pushed myself up and this time, came up slowly. I crawled across the floor as I adjusted, I found a switch.

The room seemed familiar, almost as if I had been here. It finally clicked. This was the room where I escaped from the window.

I ran to the window and noticed it was locked shut with an alarm system on it. I needed a way out.

I dug through every drawer and cabinet, but I found nothing. My only option was to leave this room and sneak out.

I slowly opened the door and checked the hallways, it was clear. I walked out, closing the door. I needed a way to get out without them seeing me.

While I thought of a plan, I hid in a storage closet, grabbing anything that could be used at my defense.

The only way that wasn't guarded was through the exit door on the roof. I walked out of the room and slowly to the stairwell.

On my way up, my head suddenly felt dizzy. I collapsed, causing a loud thump. "Go check on the girl, now!" I heard from a distance.

I tried to stand, but my legs felt paralyzed. I used all of my arm strength to crawl up the stairs until they found me. "She's over here!" I kicked.

I finally was able to stand, I ran out of the door. I was now on the roof, trying to find a way down. I looked over the edge and I panicked.

It was a five story building. I couldn't survive that fall. I heard the door open as I turned around. "You have no where to run! Just give up!" The man screamed.

I carefully backed to the edge and stood up on the ledge. "You come any closer and I'll fall."

"What about Minho? Huh!" He yelled. "I'll tell him you killed yourself because of him." He laughed.

"You won't be telling him anything. I'll make it out of this alive." I leaned back, allowing myself to freefall. I was scared.

All I could do was close my eyes and think about Minho. I will make it out alive. I will see him again.

There was a big thud as I hit the pavement below.

(Minhos POV)

It felt nice to live normally for once. Not once in my entire life have I ever felt normal.

It had been 2 weeks since I left and it was the best decision. All I could think about was Soojin though.

I always worried about her. If she was safe, if she was eating well, and taking care of herself.

At some point, I had to drown the thoughts out. I was never coming back. I now knew that, I just needed to be alone.

I didn't want to hurt her the way I have hurt others. She deserved to live in peace even if it meant I could never see her again.

As soon as I began walking out the door, my phone rang. It was Ari? I almost didn't pick up, but she only calls me when something is wrong.

"Minho!" She was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Ari? Are you okay?"

"Soojin, she." She could barely take a breath. "Soojin's dead!" My heart dropped at those words. "Where have you been?"

"I'm sorry, I've been out of the country." I looked for my keys, packing my things as quickly as possible.

"She's in an ambulance right now. They're doing everything they can." She sniffed. "You need to come to her, she needs you."

At that point, I knew what Soojin was to me. I was in love with her. She needed me and I needed her. "I'm on my way." I hung up.

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