Chapter XXVII

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(Minhos POV)

She fell helplessly into my arms, shaking, crying, and hyperventilating. I caressed her back to reassure her that everything was okay.

Although my words were not enough to make her stop. She turned back and looked at the grave. "I'm so sorry." Her eyes were red and puffy. "I don't hate you."

I managed to calm her down as we sat on the grass. I kept her close to me as I rubbed her back. "You did so well."

She sniffed, looking over at me. "I want nothing more than his forgiveness. I feel as if he despises me."

"I don't think he does. You are his sister, I'm sure you're his favorite person." I side hugged her for comfort. "There's nothing you can do to make him hate you."

"Can we go now?" She looked at the ground. "I want to be alone." I helped her up from the ground and took her back to the hotel.

When we got there, she laid in the bed. She never bothered to change. She curled up and cried herself to sleep.

I watched over her as I saw the tears fall in her sleep, occasionally wiping them away. I covered her with a blanket before sitting down in a chair to read.

A few hours had passed and she was still asleep. I decided to run to a corner store and pick up some snacks.

I grabbed everything I needed and headed back. When I got back she was still in bed. I cooked some food in hopes the smell would wake her up.

After a while, it was nearly dark outside, I was getting worried. "Soojin." I shook her, no response. "You need to eat." She was still limp.

On the third time that I shook her, I noticed something in her purse on the nightstand. It was a pill bottle.

I picked them up, turning them over to read the label. I quickly realized that Soojin has never took these before. I realized she had took them all at once without me noticing.

I panicked, lifting her up to see she was barely breathing and her pulse was near gone. "Soojin!" I sat her on my lap as I stuck my fingers down her throat in hopes they would come back up.

"Come on." I stuck them further this time as I saw her eyes start to move. "I can't lose you." I kissed her head, repeatedly. I did it one more time until she opened her eyes fully, spitting them all up. "There we go." Her body was cold, her skin was pale.

"Minho." She looked at me with weak eyes.

I grabbed her, pulling her towards me. "You're okay. I got you." I rubbed her back. "Everything's okay."

(Soojins POV)

I started to cry at his words. "I'm so sorry." I sobbed quietly into his shoulder. "I didn't mean to."

"You don't owe me an apology. You're okay now." He cradled me. He looked at me. "I promised I would protect you and take care of you."

"I just wanted to see Seunghan." I cried. "I didn't take the whole bottle." I paused some more. "I've been taking sleeping pills every night for the last few years to see Seunghan. Today I wanted to have more time with him so I took four."

"I understand you're pain. Seunghan is always with you." He smiled, pulling me back in. "I understand you want to see him, but someday you will."

"I don't want to wait that long. He's the only brother I have." I cried harder.

"I will be with you, everyday until then. Wait it out with me." I pulled away.

"With you?"

"I'm not going anywhere. It's you and me, forever." He smiled. In that moment, I saw Seunghan in his eyes.

In that moment, it felt as if Seunghan had sent me Minho to comfort me. I kissed him as he held me. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too, Soojin." He smiled. "Let's eat something okay?" He wiped my tears, handing me some food.

As I sat and ate with him, everything felt peaceful. I no longer felt sad or angry. He brought me a sort of comfort that I had been looking for, for years.

"Do you think we're together in every life?" I blurted out.

He giggled. "Most definitely." He kissed my cheek. "I would fall for you in every life."

"And I would chase you in every life." I laughed.

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