Chapter XXVIII

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(Soojins POV)

After a long, restless night, I was up before dawn. It was unusual for me to get up this early.

I looked at the clock that read 4:30a.m. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, wiggling out of Minhos arms.

I sat on the bathroom floor, curled up against the wall. My head was pounding, I was nauseous.

I was too scared to leave the bathroom. I had felt sicker than normal. My stomach was twisting, my face was blood red.

As I got up from the floor, I instantly fell again, throwing up in the bin next to me. I heard a knock on the door.

"Are you okay?" Minho asked on the other side.

I couldn't respond, my entire meal came up in an instant. I finally found the words. "Come in." He opened the door to find me sitting on the floor.

He kneeled down beside of me, rubbing my back. "Are you sick?" I nodded. "Stay right here, let me make you something." He rushed out of the bathroom. When he came back, he was holding a bottle. "Take these. It'll help."

I popped two before looking over at him. "I've been nauseous all night." I pushed my back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Lets get you back in bed." He kissed the top of my head.

(Minhos POV)

I laid her down gently on the bed, covering her up. She looked pale and her cheeks were blood red. I handed her some water. "Drink slowly."

She barely took a sip before throwing up in the bin next to her. She laid back down, slowly falling back asleep.

The entire time, I watched over her. I took a warm washcloth and put it on her head. Every hour, I checked her temperature.

"No fever? That's weird." Her temperature had been completely normal. I brushed it off and kept taking care of her.

I saw her roll over. She stretched out and batted her eyes. "I'm hungry."

"Do you have an appetite?" I asked.

"Mhm. I want some of those baked chips with the white cheese and peppers." It was a weird combination. "Oh and orange juice."

"Want me to run and get it for you?" She nodded.

I walked to the corner store and picked up everything, along with an actual meal for myself.

I came back and handed her the bag as she took everything out. She was able to keep it down.

I made myself some food as she sat on the bed. "Minho, that smells awful." She covered her nose.

"It's just bacon and eggs?" I smelled them. "They smell fine. You like this."

"I'm going to be sick." She rushed to the bathroom. I ran after her. "I need to go outside. That smell is making me sick." She walked out.

I ran after her. "The smell made you sick?" I asked.

"It makes me nauseous." She gagged. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I reassured her. "I'll finish up and we can go on a walk until the smells gone." I smiled.

(Soojins POV)

He walked back inside while I sat on a bench. I suddenly had a huge appetite which was unusual for me. I wasn't prone to eat much.

My phone rang as I saw Ari's name. "Hi, Ari."

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm just sick. I'm so nauseous. Minho's making eggs and bacon and I can't stand the smell." I gagged at the thought.

"The smell?" She laughed. "Are you pregnant?" She joked.

"Of course not. Probably just a virus." I rolled my eyes.

"Did you use protection when you slept with Minho?" I thought about what she had asked.

"Actually, I don't think so." I began to panic.

"Just to make sure, go to the store and buy a test. Do not tell Minho." She said.

"I'm going right now." I hung up.

I called Minho who was still inside. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to run to the store for a second. I'll be back in a few minutes." I smiled.

"Okay." He hung up.

I ran to the store, picking up a test from the shelves. My hands were shaking. What if it comes back positive?

I paid at the counter. "Do you guys have a bathroom?"

"Yes, it's back there." The woman pointed.

I walked to the bathroom, immediately reading the instructions on the test before taking it.

The three minutes I had waited were the longest three minutes of my life. I hovered over the test, picking at my nails.

When I saw those two lines appear, I nearly fainted. "Positive?" I said. "Oh my god." How am I going to tell Minho?

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