Chapter XX

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(Minhos POV)

It has been a week since the accident and I was with Soojin everyday. I took care of all of her needs. Making sure she was safe and protected. That's all I have ever wanted for her.

Some days were harder than others, of course. Some days her levels and heart rate were low and she required extra attention, but she powered through it.

Today, she was doing just fine. She was starting to heal slowly. The cuts had turn into scars and her broken arm was healing. beautifully.

For the first time in years, I prayed. I prayed for her health. I wanted her to see me again someday. In a physical form like this one, I wanted to touch her.

My hands on her, tracing every feature down to her hands. To feel her warmth and to see that beautiful smile that twinkled like stars.

I didn't want us to meet again after death took us. I wanted her here with me until we died together. Hand in hand, never apart.

One evening, I received a call from an unknown number. I've learned not to answer, but it always felt odd to me how Soojin died.

They said she jumped from a building, but did she jump? Was she pushed? Everyone had been after her for a while, something didn't add up.

I finally answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Now you answer." I recognized the voice. "Where have you been?"

"Away. It's none of your business." I said in a stern tone.

"It is my business. You work for me."

"I don't work for anyone. I do what I want." I stepped outside Soojins door.

"I heard about your girlfriend. It's your fault she killed herself." He laughed.

"I don't think it is." I clenched my fist. "Did she jump? Or did you push her?"

"I never laid a hand on her. She jumped on her own." He yelled.

"Soojin would never kill herself. There has to be a reason as to why she jumped." He became silent.

"We told you not to run away from us. You brought this on yourself."

"What did you do to Soojin?" I screamed.

"That bitch escaped before we could do anything to her!" My blood ran cold.

"I told you not to touch her. She's mine." I growled.

"And I'm supposed to listen to you? For fucks sake give me a break! She is a risk."

"Stop calling her that." My tone was stern. "I'll kill all of you myself."

"I thought you didn't kill? That's right, you'll do anything for that girl." He chuckled.

"I'd kill just for her." I hung up the phone, going back inside to calm down.

Even though I was angry, after seeing Soojin laying there, I felt at ease. She was my sense of peace. I just wanted her to be okay.

She may hate me forever, but as soon as she opens her eyes, the first words are "I love you." I would spend my entire life chasing her in circles.

It was worth it if it meant I got to see her doing well and taking care of herself. For her, I'd die. To trade places with her right now would be a gift. I'd give her my life.

The more I sat and thought about the phone call, the angrier I got. I wanted to hurt them. I wanted to kill them for what they did to her.

I decided it was time to pay them a visit. I asked a nurse if they could watch Soojin, carefully. I got in my car and left.

When I pulled in, the place seemed empty. I walked inside and greeted the man at the desk. "You're lucky you're alive right now."

"Minho!" He laughed. "I could say the same to you."

"I told you to keep your hands off of her." I clinched my fist.

"Calm down, we're done with her." He opened his desk drawer. "Oh, and here's her phone."

I quickly snatched it from his hands. "What did you do to it?"

"Relax, it was locked. We can't get into it." He rolled his eyes. "From the looks of it, she loves you, deeply." Her background was a picture of me and her.

"When did she take this?" I asked myself. I noticed that in the picture I was asleep and she was cuddled up next to me. Tears swelled my eyes.

"Look, I'm being genuine when I say this, I want nothing to do with her." He put his hand on mine. "You no longer work for me, kid."

"You're setting us up." I backed away.

"Minho, look, me and Ari have a lot to catch up on. I'm getting too old for this." He stepped away, giving me space. "I can promise you that, you don't have to worry about me. I can't promise that I can protect you and Soojin from the others, but I'll do what I can." He smiled.

"If this ends up being a set up, I'll kill you." I laughed as the tears rolled down my face.

"There's the Minho I know." He chuckled. "If you ever need anything, you have my number. Be safe out there, kid." I watched as he packed his belongings up in a suitcase and some boxes.

For years, I had worked with him and even though we always felt like rivals, I looked up to him. I grew up without a dad and he quickly became my role model.

"Wait!" I stopped him before he got in his car. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you for taking care of me. I know here lately, we have been against each other but I owe you for the person I have become."

He patted my back and smiled. "You're like the son I've always wanted. Take care, Minho." I watched as he got in his car and left.

I squatted down and sobbed, silently. This was the end of an era for both of us. From this point on, my only purpose and job was to love Soojin.

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