Chapter XXV

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(Minhos POV)

After everything she went through, after everything I did to cause her pain, she let me touch her. To me, that simple moment meant the world.

It was early as I watched her sleep. I had never been a morning person, but for her, I'd spend countless of hours watching over her.

I ran my fingers through her hair as she laid on my chest. Her body was warm, she snored softly.

I watched as she rolled over, stretching her arms out over her head as her alarm went off. "Hi hi." Her eyes batted at me as she smiled.

"Good morning, sweetheart." I pulled her closer to me. "What're you doing up this early?"

"I have school today." She held me.

"School? Stay home with me." I held her tightly so she couldn't wiggle away.

"I can't. I have to go today. I've stayed home the last month." She laughed, wiggling out and getting up.

"Wear my shirt today." I looked up.

"Why?" She giggled.

"So everyone knows you're mine." I smirked.

"I think they're going to know." She laughed, pulling her collar down to reveal the marks I gave her.

(Soojins POV)

He walked towards me, pushing me up against the wall. "How about I give you more before you go?" His lips hovered over my neck.

"Minho!" I laughed, gently pushing him away. "I'm going to be late."

He stepped away, kissing my cheek. "Okay okay." I grabbed my clothes. "Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom." I pointed.

"Just change in here. I've already seen everything." He laughed.

"I'm going to change in the bathroom." I giggled, walking out.

After I had changed, I saw Minho making breakfast in the kitchen. "Eat before you go."

"I'm running late. I'm sorry." I rushed to put my shoes on.

"Make sure you have a quick bite, please." He begged.

"Hand me something. I'll take it with me." I smiled, putting my hand out. He handed me a sandwich in a bag.

"You better get going." He kissed me. "You wouldn't want to be late."

I kissed him back. "I'll see you later."

As I took my seat in class, Ari was eyeing me all day. "So." She said, looking at me intensely.

"So what?" I turned.

"Was I right?" She smirked.

"What are you talking about?" I acted confused.

"Minho couldn't keep his hands off of you, huh?" She laughed.

"Actually, I may have been first to initiate it." Her eyes widened as her jaw dropped open.

"Soojin!" She yelled.

"Shh! Be quiet." I covered her mouth. "It was bound to happen anyways."

"You just got your cast off and you're already getting freaky?" She laughed. "You're going to break your arm again."

"I'm sure it'll be fine." I rolled my eyes and got back to work.

After class, we were off to her house. Her dad really wanted to make it up to me for everything he did. He invited me and Minho over for dinner.

When I got there, Minho was already waiting. He was talking with Mr.Lee. "Good to see you, Soojin." He smiled.

"Hello." I smiled, walking over to Minho.

"I thought it would be nice for us to sit down and talk things out." He smiled, leading us to the table. "I'm so sorry for everything. For the pain I have caused and the trauma I put you both through. I'm not here to beg for forgiveness. I'm here to make things right."

"Well, it will take me some time to let it go and forgive, but for now I will hear you out." I said.

"I don't want any harsh feelings between us. Ari is my only daughter and my only child. I missed out on most of her life because of my job." He looked over at her. "I figured it was time to bury the hatchet and spend more time with her."

"I am very grateful for all of this." Minho spoke up. "And I'm sure Soojin is too." He smiled.

Could I really forgive him? Act like it never happen? Like he isn't the reason I'm in this mess?

"Can you excuse me for a second? I need to step outside." I excused myself and walked out.

I leaned against the railing of the porch, smoking a cigarette I stole from Minho. I had never been one to smoke, but today I needed it.

"Where did you get that?" Minho stepped out.

"Oh my god! You scared me." I gasped.

"Give me that." He snatched the cigarette from my hand. "Where did you find this?"

"I took one this morning." I avoided eye contact.

"What's going on?"

"I kept having dreams about Seunghan." I looked down. "He said it was my fault he died and that he was never going to forgive me." I started to tear up. "After hearing Mr.Lee, I feel like I'm in Seunghan's shoes. Can I forgive?"

"You don't have to forgive anyone." He grabbed my shoulders. "You need to be more easy on yourself." He pulled me in. "Seunghan loves you and I'm sure those dreams were something you made up because it's what has been drilled into your brain."

"All my life, I have waited for Seunghan to come back. I acted as if he was just gone away for a while." I cried more. "I never really accepted he was gone until I was 16. When my mom started to blame me for everything." I looked up at Minho. "On that day, I should have been more careful."

"You were just a kid." He cradled me. "He does not blame you for what happened. It's not your fault." I cried into his arms.

"I want to show you Seunghan." I paused. "Please come with me to his grave. I've only been once and I regret not going more." He nodded, kissing my head.

"Take me there whenever you're ready." He fixed my hair and wiped my eyes. "Now, let's go back inside." He smiled.

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