Chapter XI

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(Soojins POV)

When I woke up, the room was pitch black. I had no idea where I was or if I was even safe.

I tried to feel my surroundings. My hands slid across the floor, slowly. There was nothing within my reach.

I began reaching my hands over my head, feeling the wall behind me. There has to be a way.

But there was nothing. My feet and hands were tied, my mouth was covered.

I moved my jaw up and down, desperately trying to remove the cover on my mouth. I tried everything, I was stuck.

I began to move forward, flinching every time my leg hit the ground. I could tell the wound was still open. I couldn't see, but there was blood everywhere.

I crawled around the room, until I hit a wall. My hands slid up, there was a light switch. I flicked it on.

It was a small room with nothing in it. My blood stretched out on the floor. I could finally see the door.

Right as I went for it, the door opened. "You're a very smart girl." He kneeled down. "Come with me." He drug me down the hallway, throwing me down.

"Uncover her mouth." The man untied it, letting it drop.

"Where's Ari?" I screamed.

"One more word out of you and I'll put it back on!" He yelled back. "Now, where was I?" There was a pause. "Oh, yeah! I need you to do something for me."

"I'll do anything you say, but I want you to let Ari go."

"Don't be so quick to agree. You haven't even heard what I need." He smirked.

"I'd kill for her. Let her go." My eyes narrowed.

"Is that so? Then I guess you wouldn't mind taking care of Minho for me." He laughed.


"You know, kill him? After the stunt he pulled the other night, I can't trust him anymore." He walked closer to me, caressing my face. "Kill him for me and I'll let you and your friend go."

I couldn't kill Minho. My heart couldn't do it. "I can't just do that."

"You just said you'd kill for her."

"I can't touch Minho." My eyes fell to the floor.

"You have both made it very clear that you don't care about one another so why is this any different?" I pondered for an answer, but honestly I didn't have one.

"I don't know. He saved my life once and I guess that's why." Everyone laughed.

"Once? Where is he now? Is he saving your life? No, he's not!" He screamed. "That should give you all the clarity you need."

"I don't care what you do to me. Don't hurt Ari and Minho, please." I begged.

"Whatever. Take her back." I was grabbed by the collar of my shirt before being thrown in that tiny room.

(Minhos POV)

I sat on the stairs of my apartment trying to clear my head. Was she safe? Should I check on her?

"You don't even care about her." I said to myself. I was constantly worried about her. I began to think it was because she was involved in all of this.

If she hadn't been involved, I wouldn't have given her another glance, right?

I reached into my pocket and grabbed a cigarette to take some of the edge off.

My phone rang as I reached back into my pocket. "Hello." I answered.

"It's Ari. Look, I'm not sure where she is or what's going on, but I do know this. Soojin sacrificed herself to save us both." My heart dropped.

"Do you remember where they took her?"

"No, I don't. They took us both in bags. I was just dropped off and I'm not sure how far they took me." I reached inside and grabbed my car keys.

"Stay there, I'm coming to you. I need your location." I hopped in my car.

After a long drive, I finally found Ari. "They drove off that way!" She pointed straight ahead, getting in the car.

"Can you remember what the inside looked like?" I clenched my hands around the steering wheel.

"A little, they put us in these closets? And on my way out, I remember seeing a for sale sign on a car out front."

I sped up, looking around to see if I could find the building. "I think I know where it is, hold on." I was going faster. Soojins life was in danger.

I caught a glimpse of the same car Ari was talking about out of the corner of my eye. I slammed on the brakes.

"Stay in the car, I'm going to bring Soojin out." I said.

"No, let me come in! They have a bunch of men in there."

"I'm not going to get involved. I'll grab her and come back. Stay here." I ran to the side of the building, desperately finding a way to climb up.

Luckily, there was a stairwell that led to the top of the building. I climbed up and found a window. It was locked so I busted it, hoping no one heard me.

I climbed through, carefully walking to the door. I opened it, taking a look around.

I heard faint whispering down the corridor. "What are we going to do with her?"

"We aren't doing anything. You are getting rid of her." The whispers grew silent as they faded.

I walked out the door, being faced with a long hallway filled with doors. They almost looked like jail cells.

I could hear kicking, I followed the noise. There she was. I saw Soojin laying on the floor, her back against the door. She was bleeding out fast.

"Soojin, it's me." She slowly turned, her eyes widened. "Stay quiet, I'll get you out."

I looked for a way to break the door without causing noise. I needed a key.

One thing about me, pickpocketing is my secret skill. It was the only way.

I creeped around the corner and sat under a desk until someone arrived. I waited patiently until the keys were in my hands.

I ran out, instantly opening her door. "I'm going to carry you out of here, okay?" I picked her up and walked down the hall. I untied her legs. "Walk down the stairs and wait for me." She nodded.

I climed out after her, quickly carrying her to the car. "You didn't untie her?"

"That wastes time. We have to go." I stepped on the gas and fled the scene.

"Ari! You're okay!" I watched them hug from the front seat.

"We need to get you to a hospital, immediately. You're bleeding on my seats." I stared straight.

"Thank you for saving my life a second time." She smiled.

For a second, I wanted to smile back. I suddenly felt warm inside like I was actually grateful she was okay. Could I have fallen for her?

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