Chapter V

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(Soojins POV)

Did that really happen? Is there more to my best friend that I don't know? How could she keep this from me? What else has she done?

All of these thoughts running through my mind, I just wanted to sleep. I tossed and turned all night.

I had nightmares. What were they going to do to Ari? Was she even safe? I had to know.

I jumped out of bed, sprinting to grab my coat. I needed to help Ari. I know that was her dad, but he seemed so angry.

I ran outside in the pouring rain, almost slipping with every step. I had memorized the road when Minho took me home.

I ran down the street, trying my best to remember where the building was. I looked around for street signs that I had recognized.

Until I found it. I was cautious. I didn't want to get caught again, but I needed to find Ari.

I climbed up the side of the building, using anything I could get my foot on to keep balance.

There was a window on the side the was cracked open. The room was empty, I knew I had to go in there for her sake.

I opened it carefully, climbing through. I eased out the door, looking back and forth to see if anyone was there. I heard whispering.

"You're screwed this time, Ari." A man chuckled.

"What're you going to do? Kill me?" She laughed. "I'd like to see you try. You're so cold hearted that you'd kill your own daughter."

"I won't lay a hand on you. I'm giving them what they want."

"Who? The people looking for you? I could lead them here." I got closer to hear more.

"They don't want me anymore. They want the girl that caused such a mess. Even if you lead them here, I already paid my debt." He laughed some more.

I heard the door open and shut. "So you've come back for more?"

"She had nothing to do with this. Leave her out of it. She's safe at home." It was Minho.

(Minhos POV)

"I can't have you being all soft on me."

"I've not gone soft. You've went too far." I growled.

"Normally, you don't give a shit what I do with the people you bring in. Why's this any different?" He laughed.

"Because I didn't bring her in." I said through my teeth. "She's done nothing wrong!" Anger coursed my body.

"Let me tell you something." He got closer. "She saw everything that goes on in here and she will turn us in. Get her for me."

"I'm not letting you near her." I got in his face. "If I find out you even laid a finger on her, I'll kill you."

He laughed hysterically. "As if you could. Just do your job!"

"Do it yourself! I don't work for you!" I slammed him into the table.

"You selfish brat!" He grabbed my shoulders, slamming me against the door. "Bring her to me now!"

"Get the fuck off of me!" I pushed him off, hitting him repeatedly. "You're going to stay away from her, you asshole."

As he stood up, there were footsteps coming from up stairs. Everyone was silent as we all looked up.

"Now you've done it!" He yelled, wiping the blood off his lip. "Go check upstairs."

I pushed him out of the way, as I went upstairs. I looked in every room and couldn't seem to find anything until I saw something sticking out of the cabinets.

I opened it to reveal Soojin who was holding a pocket knife. "I thought I told you to stay home!" I whispered.

"I needed to come back for Ari, she needs my help." I helped her out.

"She's going to be fine. She's been doing this for years. You, however, don't know a single thing about this. Go home." I begged.

"Not without Ari!" She pulled away from me.

"If you go down there, they'll kill you." I rolled my eyes. I grabbed her hand. "Let's just go."

"Get off of me!" She pulled away. "I'm bringing Ari home." Before I could say another word, she ran out the door.

(Soojins POV)

I stood at the top of the steps, waiting for my next move. I couldn't take on three men, not without help.

"I can't have you playing hero. It won't end well." He whispered.

"As long as she gets home safe, I don't care what happens to me." He grabbed my hand.

"But she does! Don't do this, just go home Soojin." I needed Ari to come home with me. Those men are going to sell her.

"I'm sorry, but I can't without her." I motioned to Ari whose eyes widened when she saw me.

She kept telling me to leave, but I can't leave her here.

I had to think of something and fast. Minho walked back downstairs.

"There's no one up there." He stood against the door.

"For your sake, there better not be." The man walked towards the stairs, I had no choice.

As soon as he spotted me, I stabbed him with the pocket knife and ran downstairs. "Ari!"

"Soojin, what are you doing?" Minho stepped in front of the body guards who were trying to grab me. "Get Ari out of here!"

I grabbed her, untying the ropes. "Let's go!" We ran upstairs and out the window I came through. "It's going to be okay! Just climb down!"

As she climbed down, I felt someone grab my shoulder. "You bitch!" He hit me. As he pulled the knife out of his shoulder. "You know too much." He put pressure on my throat.

I couldn't catch my breath. I tried desperately to get his hands off of me. As I went in and out of consciousness, I heard a voice. "I told you, don't touch her!" His hands were released.

I gasped for air as I crawled towards the window. I collapsed as my vision went completely black.

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