Chapter XXXII

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(Minhos POV)

"You won't be coming back from this one." He pulled out a gun. As I braced myself, I heard the gun go off. I opened my eyes to find Ari in front of me.

She turned around. "You deserve to live. You deserve to live a peaceful life." She coughed up blood. "That was never in the cards for me. I was meant to die this way." She smiled, collapsing.

"Ari!" I kneeled down. She was completely unconscious, but still breathing. "I've had enough of this." I stood up. "Now we're all murderers."

"Minho, you don't have to do this." The lady spoke up.

"And neither did you!" I yelled. "But, look what you've done." I walked closer to her. "She never said a word about any of this and yet you still see her as a threat." I clenched my jaw. "The real threat is you." I spun around to her parents. "All of you."

In that moment, I heard police sirens. "You little brat! Who'd you call?" Her mother yelled.

"Someone who's on my side." I smiled as the police arrived.

"All three of you, drop your weapons!" The police yelled. "You!" They pointed at me. "To the car now!" I walked over. "We appreciate the call, kid." He said.

"No problem, Felix." I smiled. "Where's Soojin?"

"She's at the station, waiting for you." He walked up to the lady and Soojins parents. "You're all under arrest for murder, kidnapping, and theft."

"I did nothing!" The lady screamed. "He killed my best men."

"It was self defense, ma'am." He rolled his eyes putting her in the back of a vehicle. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law." He walked over to Soojins parents.

"My father is a lawyer!" She yelled.

"That's great, ma'am. You can hire him to plead yourself guilty for attempted murder and kidnapping." She scoffed.

"You won't get away with this." Her father said to me.

"Get away with what?" I laughed. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"Get in the car, sir." Felix put him in.

"Is Ari going to be okay?" I asked as I watched them put her in the back of an ambulance.

"She should be fine." He patted me on the back. "As for Mr.Lee, I'm sorry. He is not going to make it."

I put my head down. "Thank you."

"Ride with me. Let's go see Soojin." He smiled.

(Soojins POV)

Everything was so sudden. Felix was a cop? Minho was working with him? I was starting to think Minho had been good all along.

When I saw him walk through those doors, my heart sank. I ran to him, embracing him. "You're okay!" I cried.

"I'm okay." He kissed my head and cradled me.

"Where's Ari?" I asked.

"Let's sit down for a second." He sat me down. "Ari is going to be just fine. She took a bullet for me, but it is nothing to worry about." I sighed in relief.

"What about Mr.Lee?"

"Soojin, he didn't make it. I'm sorry." He hugged me.

"I won't be afraid this time. Not like I was with Seunghan. I will visit him every chance I get." I was at peace with myself.

"Thank you, Soojin for being so brave today." Felix smiled.

"I was a little shaken up." I chuckled.

"You did great." He kneeled down. "We're going to take you back for questioning, okay? You're not in trouble and neither is Minho. We just want some information." I nodded.

They took me back and asked me all sorts of questions.

Q1: Did you know any of the criminals personally?
R1: Yes. I knew my parents.
Q2: Have they ever hurt you in anyway, outside of this incident?
R2: My dad slapped me once, but they have never tried to kill me.
Q3: Did you have any suspicions that they would want to kill you?
R3: I did. They blamed me for my brothers death and shut me out from their lives.
Q4: Have you ever been hurt by any of the people involved in this incident?
R4: Yes. The two men stabbed me and I was locked in a room for a while.
Q5: Can you tell us about that night?
R5: Yes. I was staying with Ari and I went to shower. When I came out, I heard noises and Ari was nowhere to be found. They greeted me in the kitchen so I ran to the bedroom to climb out the window. One of the men met me there and stabbed the back of my thigh. I suffered many injuries and was in a coma for 3 weeks.

"Good job, Soojin. That's all we needed to know." They smiled as I left the room.

"You did so well." Minho hugged me. "Let's go see Ari." He smiled

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