Chapter VI

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(Minhos POV)

I rushed upstairs and saw his hands wrapped around Soojins neck. My whole body filled with anger. I told him not to touch her.

I grabbed him, yanking him off of her as she laid there. I wanted to go to her and get her to somewhere safe.

But all I could see was red. I wanted him dead for laying his hands on her.

"Don't you ever touch her again!" I got on top of him and hooked him in the face. "I'll kill you if you ever touch her again!" I couldn't stop. He could've killed her.

He laid there unconscious, yet still alive. I knew I didn't have much time to get her out.

"Soojin!" I kneeled down, grabbing her head and resting it on my lap. "Can you hear me?" I caressed her face. "We're going to get you home, okay? Stay with me." I picked her up and ran down the stairs, putting her in the backseat of my car.

I saw Ari waving me down. "Is she okay?" She got in the front seat.

"He could've killed her." I sped up. "He'll pay for what he did to her." I gripped the steering wheel, my knuckles were bloody.

"I thought you said you didn't care about her?"

"I don't!" Do I? I don't think so. "He went too far involving someone innocent. That's not what I do. I don't prey on people who've done nothing." I kept driving.

The car was silent as we pulled into the hospital parking lot. I grabbed her out of the backseat and rushed inside.

"She needs help! Please!" I desperately yelled.

"Just come with me, sir." A nurse took me back as I laid her on the bed. "What happened?"

I was hesitant on telling her so I lied. "I found her unconscious on the sidewalk while driving by."

"We're going to do everything we can. Please wait outside." They pushed me out the door as I saw her being hooked to machines.

I felt sick to my stomach. If there's a chance she doesn't make it, I'll never be able to live with myself.

(Soojins POV)

I could barely keep my eyes open. My breathing felt blocked off and everything was blurry.

I couldn't move an inch. I looked down at my hands and noticed I had an IV running up to a monitor. I tried to sit up, but instantly failed.

"Ari." I was able to form the words, but it was silent. My finger dangled over the call button, I was able to push it once.

"She's awake!" I heard someone yell. My door flew open, I turned.

"Ari?" But it wasn't her. It was Minho. "Min?" I couldn't finish the rest. I was too weak.

"Soojin." He sat next to me. He picked up my hand. "I'm so sorry. Ari is fine. She's resting at home."

I just looked at him. I was breathing heavily.

"The doctor said you should be able to talk more tomorrow. Your vocal cords are temporarily damaged." I interlocked our fingers as a way of giving him a response that I understood.

"Ari." I said again. "Need." I stopped trying. I couldn't get anything to come out.

"Want me to call her in?" I squeezed his hand as a yes. He got up and left the room.

Moments later, Ari arrived all teary eyed. "Soojin!" She hugged me, gently. "I thought I lost you." She looked at me. "I promise I will explain everything, okay?"

~The Next Day~

(Soojins POV)

Ari stayed with me all night, but Minho left the moment she showed up.

He wasn't answering his phone and no one had seen him. He saved my life.

"Ari?" I sat up. "What's going on?"

"I think Minho might have explained some of this to you already." She adjusted her seat.

"Not much, but I know the basics."

"Well, my dad is a mafia boss so he basically does illegal things for money and I kind of help him out sometimes." I was all confused.

"So that's your job?"

"Not exactly. I only help him out when he screws himself over. He may be an asshole, but he's still my dad." She laughed.

"What about Minho? Is he a bad guy?" I was upset.

"I don't think he is. He saved your life." She lifted my head. "And he never laid a finger on me. Minho doesn't hurt people, he's just doing his job."

"Why did he save me? He said he didn't care about me." I looked away.

"Because Minho has a big heart. He's cold on the outside, but he cares so much. He has his own morals that he lives by." She put her hand on mine. "And that is, to never hurt the innocent."

"I'm sorry for coming back for you and getting mixed up in all of this."

"I'm not mad. You're a really good friend to risk your life for me." She smiled and hugged me.

(Minhos POV)

She's better off not knowing me. Every time she's with me, she gets hurt. I can't let it happen again.

I watched my phone ring as I read Soojins name, but I didn't answer.

I walked out on the balcony and lit a cigarette. Occasionally blowing the smoke into the wind as I kept replaying last night.

She means nothing to me, but I was so angry when he touched her. The thought of it made me infuriated.

With him still out there, she needed to be protected. He was coming for her and if I wasn't going to do it, he'd get someone else.

Some asshole with no remorse or respect. I tightened my grip on the railing and threw my cigarette.

I can't let him have her. She did nothing wrong. I will make sure he never touches her again.

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